What you'll learn

  • πŸŽ‚ Master the art of baking irresistible butter cakes with a touch of liqueur for added flavor!
  • 🍰 Discover and match different liqueurs with cake flavors for the perfect pairing.
  • 🧁 Learn to bake small cakes using both a countertop electric oven and a microwave convection oven.
  • πŸ₯ Create delightful buttercream, frosting, and glazes that complement your cakes perfectly.
  • πŸŽ‰ Become skilled in baking small cakes using various pan sizes like 6", 7", and 8" in round, oval, or square shapes.
  • 🎁 Bake homemade cakes as thoughtful gift-giving treats for Christmas and other festive occasions.
  • 🎈 Present charming cakes as gifts for birthdays or any special celebration, spreading joy with your bakes.

Course Content

Bake Cointreau Marble Two Flavored Butter Cake

5 lectures
Cointreau Marble Two Flavored Butter Cake

This cake consist of two flavors. The basic flavor is cointreau orange flavoured liqueur batter.  The other

flavor is chocolate infused with orange zest. Both batters are alternately layered to create a marble effect.

The method used for this cake is the creaming method. A paddle attachment is used to cream the cake

with specific timing so that it is not over creamed or under creamed. Medium speed is used to cream the

cake to incorporate air into it to give it structure. Unsalted butter is mostly used so that the salt content

can be controlled to give enhancement to the flavor of the cake. A cointreau buttercream icing is spread

on the surface of this cake to compliment the taste of it. Icings spread on a cake should not distract it

from the flavor of the cake hence minimal is used

Variations of flavors with infusion of different liqueurs

Combine colors and flavors. Strawberry liqueur  with a pink color batter can be paired with a

chocolate or citrus batter.  Creme de cacao can be added to a chocolate batter and marbled with

a yellow cake batter. There can also be three colors with three different flavors marbled together

to  give a spectacular design to the interior of the cake. The list is endless.

How to make the cake

Use a stand mixer or a hand mixer. If it is a stand mixer, use the paddle attachment. Place butter, sugar and

vanilla extract into the mixing bowl and cream at medium speed for 3 mins. It is important to use medium

speed or speed no 3 so that the aeration of the cake is correct. Add in the eggs one by one and cream for

1/2 min per egg.

Fold in the flour and liquid

Flour mixture has to be folded in using speed no 1. When there is liquid to be added, it has to alternate

with the dry ingredients so that it is absorbed into the mixture. The last folding is always the dry ingredients.

Assembly of the cake

A marble effect can be divided into 2 or 3 colors. Just remove proportionate amount of batter and

mix it with the appropriate flavor. Spoon the different colors into the cake pan alternately to create this

marble effect. A skewer can also be used to draw lines in the cake to enhance the pattern of the cake.

Give a bang to the cake to release big air bubbles and to level the cake. Bake according to the oven

that its being used

Learn to bake Tia Maria Chocolate Cake

6 lectures
Tia Maria Chocolate Cake
Combination of tia maria chocolate cake with creme de menthe mint buttercream

Tia Maria is a coffee flavored liqueur and it pairs well with chocolate cake. Unsalted butter is used for

the cake. Honey is to keep the cake moist. Custard powder is to give a tender crumb to the chocolate

cake. In order to keep cake moist during baking, it is best to bake it in a few layers with fast baking.

If the cake is baked as a whole cake, it will take too long and the cake may dry out.  Coffee liqueur sugar

syrup is used to soak the cake to keep it moist. This step is optional if not desired. Creme de menthe

is a mint flavored liqueur and it is infused into the buttercream. This buttercream will compliment the

chocolate cake. Minimal icing should be spread onto cake so that the flavor of the chocolate cake will

together with buttercream be well balanced when you eat the cake at room temperature.

How to melt chocolate in a piping bag

Melting chocolate in a microwave oven is one of the easiest. No double boiler is required. Just place chocolate

in a piping bag. Place bag on the turntable and use a power level of 50% to melt it. It takes only seconds to melt

the chocolate so always check it halfway through. As chocolate always holds it shape even though melted until

pressed or stirred

How to make the sugar syrup

Place water and castor sugar into a bowl. Place the bowl onto the turntable and bring to a boil for 1 min

at 100% power. Once removed from the microwave oven, give a stir to make sure sugar is dissolved before

adding the liqueur. If the syrup is too thick just add a bit more water to dilute it before adding the liqueur

Creme De Menthe Buttercream

Chocolate goes well with mint hence creme de menthe is used. However a chocolate buttercream can

also be used for this cake if so desired. Just change the liqueur to Tia Maria , kahlua or creme de cacao.

Add a bit of chocolate paste to it for the color.

How to make chocolate shavings

Use a vegetable peeler to shave tempered chocolate for the chocolate shavings. White chocolate can also

be used if so desired. Chocolate chips or chocolate rice can be good options as well

Learn to bake Kirsch Cherry Coconut Cake

4 lectures
Kirsch Cherry Coconut Cake

Kirsch is a cherry flavored liqueur and is used in this coconut cake. Freshly grated coconut is baked in

the microwave oven just to dry it slightly only. Fresh coconut enhances the flavor of this cake. When

drying in  the microwave, keep watch as it browns quite fast due to the oil in the coconut. After it is dried

in the microwave, it is important to sieve it first to remove the fine particles. Only the coarse ones in the

sieve is added to the cake. Red cherry slices is added  to the cake to combine with the freshly grated

coconut to give it texture to the crumb. Red and green cherries slices is used for the external decor of

the cake with desiccated coconut for the toppings. This decoration gives a christmas touch to it.

The freshly grated coconut gives a moist texture to the crumb unlike desiccated coconut.  The kirsch

coconut frosting  has a touch of coconut milk and a pinch of salt to compliment the cake

How to toast freshly grated coconut in the microwave oven

Place freshly grated coconut onto a plate. Place plate directly onto the turntable of the microwave oven.

Toast for 1 min at 100% power just to dry the grated coconut. However if a toasted brown grated coconut

is required, just increase the time and give occasional stirs to it to distribute the coconut to prevent it from

burning. Cool the toasted coconut before using. Dessicated coconut can also be used if fresh ones are not

available. Sieve the toasted coconut before using. Discard the fine ones and use the coarse ones that is

left in the sieve. If the coconut is not sifted, the fine ones may affect the texture of the cake

Glazed cherries

A combination of red and green glazed cherries can be used for the inside of the cake. Wash the syrupy mixture

off it and dry with a paper towel before slicing it. Do not chop the cherries as it will be too fine. Sliced cherries can

be seen once the cake is cut.

Kirsch Coconut Frosting

This frosting has coconut milk and salt added to it for the ultimate flavor. Take note, if more coconut milk is used

more icing sugar has to be incorporated to stabilize the frosting. For the exterior of the cake decor, use a combination

of red and green glazed cherries either sliced or as whole to give a christmas look to it. Dessicated coconut is white in

color so it can be sprinkled on to resemble snow. 

Rum Ginger Cake

5 lectures
Rum Ginger Cake

Freshly squeezed ginger juice is used for this cake to give it the ultimate flavor in a ginger cake.

The combination of coffee, ginger juice, rum, vanilla and coffee extract adds on a very intense flavor

for this cake. Rum and ginger goes very well together. Candied fruits such as ginger and pineapple can

be chopped up and added to the flour to give the cake some texture. Demerara sugar is sprinkled on

top of the cake to give it that caramelized and crunchy taste when you bite into the cake. A rum ginger

glaze that is spooned over the cake compliments the cake

How to prepare the dry ingredients

Place flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add in the powdered ginger. For the dry fruits, candied

ginger and pineapple will be used. Chop it up and mix it in together with the flour. Toss it well so

that the chopped fruits are well coated with the flour. Hence when folding into the batter mixture,

the fruits will be suspended in the batter evenly

Great combination of the rum ginger coffee mixture

Coffee, ginger and rum goes very well together to enhance the flavor of any coffee, chocolate or ginger based

cakes. Instant coffee or espresso powder can be used. Vanilla and coffee extract adds on the flavor as well.

However, nothing beats the fresh ginger juice, not even ginger powder.

How to make rum ginger glaze

Combine all liquid first. Gradually add in the sifted icing sugar  with a spoon into the liquid mixture and stir till the desired

consistency is achieved. A flowing consistency is desired so that it can be dribbled over the cake with a spoon

How to release the cake from the pan

As the cake pan is not greased, use a plastic spatula to do the job. To release the side of the cake, press the

plastic spatula against the cake pan and go all round it. By pressing the spatula against the pan will not damage

the sides of the cake.  For the center of the  cake use a small knife and press against the center tube so as not

to cut into the center of the cake. Use the spatula to release the bottom of the cake pressing against the pan.

When it is done this way, all sides of the cake will be smooth without any cuts. This is also the same method

to release a chiffon cake as pans for chiffon must not be greased so that the cake won't drop out while it is

cooling upside down.

Bake a Amarreto Carrot Almond Cake

5 lectures
Amarreto Carrot Almond Cake

Amaretto is a almond flavored liqueur that goes very well with this cake. Semolina and ground almond

form the base of the cake with only a small percentage of flour. If a gluten free cake is desired, then the

semolina and flour can  be replaced with ground almond. Semolina is toasted in the microwave oven to

cook it so that the cake will not have a gritty texture. After toasting, it has a fragrant nutty smell which adds

to the flavor of the cake. While toasting one has to watch closely to make sure it does not burn. Ground

almond is also toasted in the microwave oven to contribute to the flavor of the cake. As there is oil in the

ground almond, it has to be stirred occasionally during toasting to prevent burning. Carrot has to be grated

coarsely and not too fine. Too fine a carrot exudes a lot of liquid and makes the cake doughy and dense.

The whisked egg white helps to lighten the cake and must be whipped to the soft peak stage. The cream

cheese buttercream infused with amaretto compliments the cake. This cake is best eaten at room

temperature for the ultimate tasting experience.

How to toast semolina with a microwave oven

Place semolina on a plate and spread it out with a spoon. Place plate onto turntable. Toast semolina

for 3 to 4 mins at 100% power. Give a few occasional stirs to distribute the semolina as certain parts will

brown first. During toasting a nutty smell can be detected whereby it is going to be ready. Do not over toast it or it will

burn. Always toast semolina and cool completely before use in any cakes to prevent a gritty taste. When

done this way, the semolina need not be soaked at all in any cake before baking.

How to toast ground almond with a microwave oven

To enhance the flavor of a cake, it is best to toast the grounded almond first. Place grounded almond onto

a plate and spread it out with a spoon. Place plate onto the turntable. Toast ground almond for 3 to 5 mins

at 100% power, stirring occasionally. As there is oil in the ground almond, it will brown quite fast so keep a

close watch as it is toasting. To stir occasionally is to prevent burning as certain hot spots may brown first.

Hot spots are quite common in microwave cooking so stirring the food help to redistribute the heat.

How to toast nuts with a microwave oven

Toasting nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, etc in a microwave oven is one of the easiest. For a small quantity

of nuts, place it on a plate. If for a large quantity place it a big plate with a bigger surface area so that the nuts do not

overlap each other. If the microwave oven comes with a metal turntable, place the nuts directly onto it to toast. Do not

combine a variety of nuts. The sizes differs and smaller ones may burn and the big ones not toasted enough. So try and

toast the same kind of nuts at one time.

How to grate the carrot for the cake

Use the coarse side of a box grater or any grater to grate the carrot for a coarse shred. Carrot shreds that are too

fine exudes liquid and may affect the texture of the cake.

Bake a Grand Manier Upside Down Pineapple Cake

4 lectures
Grand Manier Upside Down Pineapple Cake

Grand Manier is a orange flavored liqueur. Orange zest is added to give the cake a more intense

orange flavor. Upside down cakes are mostly butter based. The fruits are placed at the bottom of the

cake pan in a pattern form. Pineapple rings are used here with cherries placed in the center of the ring.

Red or green maraschino or glazed cherries can be used. Besides using pineapple, other fruits such as

apples, peaches, oranges etc can also be used.  Certain fruits has to be cooked first so that it does not

give out too much liquid. Sometimes the fruits are cooked first to enhance the flavor of the cake such

as apples. Cut apples into chunks or thick slices and cook it on high heat with butter and sugar to caramelize

it before using.  If using apples, perhaps creme de menthe liqueur can be added to the cake batter.

There are plenty of options for this particular cake.

How to prepare the cake pan

For upside down cakes, the bottom of the cake pan are lined with the fruits first. Hence when the cake

is turned out, the bottom of the cake becomes the top. Non stick pan can be used for this type of cakes

so that the pan need not have to be lined. Melted butter is first poured into the pan. Pineapple rings are

placed in a circular pattern and a red or green glazed cherries added into the center of the pineapple ring.

This is to give it an attractive appearance to the cake. Brown sugar are only sprinkled on later before the

batter is poured in to prevent the pineapples from sweating. Many kinds of fruits can be used to make

upside down cakes. Most fruits used has to be cooked first. To save work and time, use canned fruits.

How to melt butter

Place butter in a bowl and melt it on 100% for 30 seconds. In order to avoid spattering in the oven, cover

the bowl with a paper plate or paper towel. To make brown butter, just use a lower power level perhaps

40% or 50% and cook until the melted butter turns brown and gives a pleasant aroma. Give a occasional

check to prevent burns. A tablespoon or two of this brown butter in a cake enhances the flavor tremendously.

How to serve the cake

If desired, use a 9" round cake pan for a thinner cake. Once the cake is removed from the oven, let it cool

till warm. Slice it with a sharp knife to cut through the pineapple rings. Serve cake warm with a dollop of

cream at the side, If a wider cake pan is used, the baking time is faster so do test the cake with a skewer

after 3/4s of the baking time.

Creme De Menthe Poppy Seed Cake

4 lectures
Creme De Menthe Poppy Seed Cake

A mint flavor liqueur creme de menthe is used for this cake. It is incorporated into the cake to give

the mint flavor. Honey is added to give moisture to the cake. Blue poppy seeds is added to the flour

so that during the folding in the blue poppy seeds is well distributed. There is quite a substantial amount

of egg white whisked to the soft peak stage. This is to really lighten the cake. Folding in of the egg white

should be swift to ensure the lightness of the cake. For the glaze icing, creme de menthe and lemon juice

is added to the sifted icing sugar gradually to achieve a flowing consistency that can be piped easily.

This cake is best served at room temperature but can be served chilled as well. A hint of dried mint leaves

can also be added to give added flavor to the cake

How to whisk the egg whites till soft peak stage

Scald bowl and attachment with hot water to remove any grease. Separate the egg yolk and egg whites and

make sure the yolks does not get into the whites. Use the egg shell to remove the yolks from the white if it gets

into it. Place egg whites into bowl and start whisking till it is frothy. Divide sugar into 3 parts to be added in

gradually. Once the whites are frothy, add in the 1st part of sugar and use high speed to whisk. After 45 secs.

add in the 2nd part of the sugar. After the next 45 secs add in the last part of the sugar and whisk with high

speed till soft peaks. The whites are beginning to turn glossy. Turn off the hand mixer before it is lifted to

check the peaks. it should curve down slightly. If it cannot hold the shape, then it has to be whisked

further. Give occasional checks to prevent over whisking. Soft peak egg white folds easily and fast into

the cake with just a few turns of a spatula. Over whisked egg white is dry and looks like clumps and

it takes a long time to fold in.

Use blue poppy seeds

Blue poppy seeds for cake baking are used. Combine it with the flour first before folding it into the cake.

After the cake is baked and sliced, the speckles of blue poppy seeds can be seen for a cosmetic effect.

Creme De Menthe Glaze icing

Sift icing sugar into a bowl first. Gradually add liqueur and lemon juice to it and stir with a spoon

to desired consistency. Liqueur and lemon juice can be adjusted depending on which flavor is to be

more dominant.

Brandy Mixed Fruit Loaf

5 lectures
Brandy Mixed Fruit Loaf

This is one of the easiest cake to make. It is hand mixed with a wooden spoon only. If a fast fruit loaf is

required, this is the one to make. Butter must be at room temperature so that it is easy to mix with a

wooden spoon. However if butter is firm, just placed it in the microwave and soften at 40% or 50% power

for about 30 to 40 seconds. Only 1 egg is used as the texture of this cake is more of a bread. Spices used

are all spice and mace. For a more intense flavor 1 tsp of each can be used. Mixed fruits can consist of

seedless raisins, currants, sultanas, candied orange peels, glazed cherries etc. Or prepared mixed dried

fruits can be an alternative. Walnuts, pecans, almonds can be used interchangeably. However it must be

toasted to enhance the flavor . This fruit loaf can be stored in the fridge wrapped up or in a tight container

so that it does not dry out. When chilled, it can be sliced thinly and served. The brandy frosting that goes

along with it compliments the cake quite well.

How to make mixed spice flour

There are many alternatives to making mixed spice flour for fruit cakes. For this particular fruit cake,

allspice and grounded mace are added to the flour.

2nd combination - 1/2 tsp ground cardamon, 3/4 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

3rd combination - 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp ground cloves

4th combination - 1/2 tsp ground ginger, 1/2 tsp ground mace, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

Combine the spices to the flour and sift it before folding it into the cake mixture.

How to toast walnuts with a microwave oven

Place whole walnuts onto a plate. Place plate onto turntable and toast for 3 to 4 mins at 100% power.

Halfway through open the door and check the walnuts to prevent burning. Walnuts brown fast because

of the oil in it. Once there is a fragrance, remove from microwave oven and give it a standing time of

about 5 mins. During the standing time the walnuts are still toasting because of the heat in it. So do not

toast it too brown or it will burn during standing time.

How to make the cake

This cake only uses a mixing bowl and a wooden spoon. Blend room temp butter and both sugars for about

2 mins. Add in the egg. Only 1 egg is used as this cake has a bread like texture. Combine the mixed fruits and

chopped walnuts with the flour and fold into the cake alternately with the liquid mixture. All this is done with

just a wooden spoon. Pour into a 2 lbs loaf pan, greased and lined. Slow bake at 160 degrees C for about an

hour. Cool completely before frosting

How to store and serve cake

Once the cake is completely cooled, place in a airtight container and into the fridge to mature for 3 to 4 days.

If giving the cake away as a gift, spread with brandy frosting and present to friends.  This cake is also best served

chilled. Slice cold cake with a sharp knife 1 cm thick and serve with hot coffee for a afternoon tea session

Bake Kahlua Spiced Walnut Cake

5 lectures
Kahlua Spiced Walnut Cake

Kahlua is a coffee flavored liqueur with a rum base. It also contains sugar and vanilla and a bit on the

sweet side. With this cake, the raisin or sultanas and walnuts needs to be soaked first in water and

kahlua before incorporating it into the cake. It must be soaked at least for 30 mins so that all the

water is absorbed into the fruits. If it is too watery it may affect the baking time of the cake.

A funnel or tube pan is best used for this cake as the center of the cake may not bake well due to

the liquid content of the cake.

There is also a addition of coffee to give the cake a more  intense flavor besides the liqueur.

The lemon juice or vinegar is to balance the acidity of the cake.

The process of making the cake is simple with just using a wooden spoon to stir all the ingredients

together.  Grounded spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, mace etc can be used interchangeably.

How to prepare the soaked fruit mixture

Besides using raisins or sultanas, other dried fruits can also be used. But it has to be chopped into small pieces

before soaking it. By soaking  the dried fruits in hot water helps to soften it. Soaking for at least 30 mins is to allow

the dried fruits to absorb the water and liqueur for retention of flavor.

How to toast walnuts and melt butter in the microwave oven

Place walnuts or any nuts on a plate. Place onto turntable and use 100% power for 2 to 3 mins to toast it.

Give an occasional stir to prevent burning due to hot spots. Once toasted remove from oven and give it a

standing time to toast further with its own heat. So do not toast until too brown as standing time will brown

it further. Place butter in a bowl and cover with a paper plate. Use 40% or 50% power to melt the butter to

avoid spattering

How to prepare cake pan

It is best to use a funnel or tube pan for this cake. As the cake is dense and moist the center of the cake may

take a long time to bake. To avoid over baking, use a funnel or tube pan as the shape of the pan helps the cake

to bake more evenly. Funnel or tube pans do not need to be greased as the cake is released with a

spatula after baking

Kahlua cream cheese frosting

This frosting has cream cheese in it to compliment the cake. This frosting do not require vigorous mixing.

Only a wooden spoon is required to mix the ingredients together so as not to incorporate too much air into it.

Using a cake or hand mixer is to incorporate air into the mixture to aerate it. However if no aeration is required

it is best to just use a wooden spoon to stir to minimise aeration.

Bake Cherry Brandy Butter Cake

5 lectures
Cherry Brandy Butter Cake

Two types of liqueur are used here. Kirsch and cherry brandy. The almond extract gives a very distinct

flavor to the cake so it is not an option. This cake uses only egg yolks to keep it compact to prevent the

whole cherries from sinking to the bottom of the cake. A mixture of red and green cherries are used to

give the cake a christmas look. The cherries are washed and pat dried with a paper towel, It is then

dried in the oven during the preheating period. It is also kept whole so that when the cake is sliced, the

interior of the cake looks lovely. The way the cake is baked is different so that the cherries is kept afloat.

For the decor, powdered sugar is sifted over to give a snowy look. This cake taste best at room temperature

Combination of liqueurs and extracts

The combination of kirsch, cherry brandy with vanilla and almond extract gives a very distinctive flavor to this

cherry cake. The almond extract is important here to balance the whole flavor of the cake. So do not substitute

with other extracts.

Use whole red and glazed cherries

Glazed cherries are coated with sugar syrup. Do not use maraschino cherries as it will stain the batter of the cake.

Both whole red and green glazed cherries are used to give color to the cake when sliced. Wash away the sugar syrup

and pat dry with paper towel.  As the oven is preheating put the cherries in to dry together by using the heat of the

oven. This step is crucial to prevent the whole cherries from sinking during baking so don't omit this step

Why must the cake be baked in stages

Cake batter is poured into the funnel or tube pan. Then a layer of cherries are placed in and pushed with a skewer

down to the bottom but not touching it. If the cherries touches the bottom, it may burn from the heat. The cake is

then baked for 12 mins to set it. Then the cake is removed and another layer of cherries is placed in and pushed

down with a skewer to 1/3rd of the way which is somewhere in the middle. This way the cherries is suspended in

the center. It is baked for another 12 mins. The cake is removed again and the last layer of cherries is placed in

and pushed with a skewer to just below the surface. The cake is then baked until cooked. There are no egg whites

in the cake hence the cake will not collapse. Due to the nature of the way the cake is baked, this explains why only

yolks are used without whites.

Simple decoration for a festive feel

Once the cake is baked, cool it completely. Sift snow powder or icing over it to give it a festive look. It is important

that the red and green cherries are seen on the surface together with the icing sugar. This is one of the best and

simplest decoration that anyone can do and yet the cake exudes the festive look of Christmas


πŸŽ‚ Welcome to our delightful old-fashioned butter cakes course enriched with a delectable infusion of liqueur! These cakes are perfect for expressing your love to family and friendsβ€”whether it's your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, mom, dad, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, or even a cherished individual at a nursing home. πŸ₯

Our recipes focus on small but elegant cakes 🧁, meticulously crafted in 6”, 7”, or 8” round, oval, or square pans. These butter cakes, touched with a hint of frosting, buttercream, or glaze, can be baked in an electric countertop oven or a microwave convection oven. The pan size is crucial to nail the perfect baking time and temperatureβ€”experiment with your oven for the best results! πŸ”₯

The key to our butter cakes is their exquisite flavor, achieved by pairing distinct ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, and a dash of premium butter, with the respective liqueurs for a refined taste. 🍰

Passed down from a reputable teacher, this course emphasizes the importance of timing when creaming your batter. Ensure a perfect texture by avoiding over-creaming, preserving the lush structure of your cake. πŸ•‘

Here's a quick review of the liqueurs that bring life to our cakes:

  • Tia Maria: Dark, with coffee beans, rum, sugar, and vanilla β˜•
  • Kahlua: Coffee-flavored, with rum, sugar, arabica coffee, and vanilla πŸ₯„
  • Cointreau: Orange-flavored mix with sweet and bitter peels, and sugar 🍊
  • Grand Manier: A mix of cognac, distilled bitter orange essence, and sugar πŸ₯ƒ
  • Kirsch: Clear brandy with morello cherries, for a clean cherry fragrance πŸ’
  • Amarreto: Almond-flavored liqueur 🌰
  • CrΓ¨me de menthe: Sweet, mint-flavored liqueur 🌿

For those who prefer a non-liqueur option, ingredients can be substituted with milk or suitable alternatives. 🍢 Bake these cakes with joy and serve them at room temperature for an unforgettable taste experience!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone passionate about classic butter cakes 🧁
  • Baking enthusiasts looking to explore new flavors 🌟
  • Perfect for all levels, including newly married couples, young professionals, parents, retirees, and cake lovers. πŸ‘©β€πŸ³

Course Reviews

  • 😀 Evelyne Hoffmann
  • 😀 Ching Wei Tan
  • 😀 Thian Kah Haw