What you'll learn

  • 🌱 Craft delicious and healthy vegan raw chocolate.
  • 🍫 Learn to create raw chocolate from scratch.
  • 🛠️ Discover the essential equipment and ingredients for homemade raw chocolate.
  • 👨‍🍳 Prepare like a pro for your chocolate-making sessions.
  • 🎨 Master a basic recipe for untempered raw chocolate as your creative base.
  • 🔍 Master the art of tempering to maintain 'raw' chocolate quality, paving the way for a raw chocolate business.
  • 🌟 Add flavorful and textured inclusions to elevate your chocolate creations.
  • 🍭 Create sweet treats using natural sweeteners.
  • 🧩 Identify common chocolate-making problems and learn how to avoid them.
  • 📚 Understand the philosophy and values behind raw chocolate.
  • 🔍 Discover what makes chocolate truly 'raw'.
  • 🌿 Harness the nutritional benefits of raw cacao in your sweet creations.
  • 🏡 Appreciate the significance of handmade, homemade chocolate.
  • 🌍 Dive into the vibrant Raw Chocolate Culture and its community.
  • 🚀 Understand the crucial differences between raw and traditional chocolate.
  • 📊 Learn how to calculate cacao or cocoa percentage.
  • 🍬 Explore various sweetening methods, perfect for low or zero-sugar diets.
  • 👉 Advance your skillset on the exciting raw chocolate journey.

Course Content


2 lectures
Aims of the Course

This video describes step by step how the course is arranged. Unit 1 covers the practical side of making raw chocolate. Sue will share with you her prime recipe which you will use to make basic untempered raw chocolate and then use it as you learn how to temper raw chocolate. She will show you how to create delicious inclusions for your chocolate that showcase raw, slow food preparation. Unit 2 takes the concepts behind raw chocolate and looks at them in more detail. For instance, is it possible to make chocolate that is truly raw? Do you want to find ways of sweetening your chocolate with raw sweeteners and can you make chocolate for a diabetic? Why was cacao named theobroma cacao - Food of the Gods? This video will give you a clear overview of everything that you have to look forward to on the course, Raw Chocolate Making With Chocomama.

Course Requirements

In this video, we will consider the simple but important requirements in order to be able to do the course. This course is for anyone who wants to explore real chocolate. That is, chocolate that is as close as possible to its source ~ the raw cacao bean.

UNIT 1 The Practice

12 lectures

You will need some basic equipment in order to make a start creating your very own raw chocolate. Most of it you will be able to get your hands on easily. This video sets out clearly everything you will need and some optional extras.


Learn about the special ingredients you will be working with as you make your raw chocolate. In particular, we will look at the cacao tree and the valuable products derived from it. We will look at how to sweeten your chocolate as well as ways to flavour your creations with quality additions. You will be inspired to be working with these lovely ingredients. 

Preparing Your Chocolate-Making Space

Creating amazing chocolate requires a certain state of mind. Really enjoying making chocolate is a big part of that. The environment you work in can uplift you and help you to easily move into the frame of mind that you want. Preparation is an important precursor to your chocolate making session. We'll make sure you are ready for chocolate!

Preparing Your Ingredients

Before you begin mixing and melting those lovely ingredients, they first need to be prepared. And it is no exaggeration to say that the secret of great chocolate making all lies in the preparation. Here Sue will show you how to properly prepare your ingredients, so enabling you to get the very best out of your chocolate making session.

Simple Raw Chocolate - How to make untempered raw chocolate

In this lesson we make our first batch of raw chocolate. There is something so special about the first one. You may already be eager to add flavours that complement cacao, like the peppermint I use in this lesson - but it's very nice to make a pure chocolate first. That way you can fully experience the essence of this wonderful food we are working with. Sue will be sharing with you her prime recipe that she uses for her brand, Chocomama.

Maple-Candied Orange Peel - And how to use it in chocolate

Join Sue as she shows you how to create sweet, aromatic, preserved orange peel. Then sit back and enjoy while she makes another batch of chocolate, using the orange as an inclusion, reminding yourself of the raw chocolate making process at the same time. When you make these for yourself, you may very well find you're eating these delights even without the chocolate. They create a rather pleasing zing in the mouth and are very moreish!

From Untempered to Tempered Raw Chocolate

Congratulations on your progress so far! You are now ready to move onto a new level of mastery.

Tempering - What is it?

You may have heard about chocolate tempering. It may have come over as a little mysterious, or difficult to do, or requiring special equipment. In this lesson, Sue explains what tempering is and why it's considered essential in the professional chocolatier's world. After this lesson you will be inspired to improve your chocolate even more by learning how to give it those qualities that people expect from chocolate.

Tempered Raw Chocolate

This lesson will enable you to make your first batch of hand-tempered raw chocolate, in your own kitchen.  Sue will take you through the process, step by step, to give you the very best chance of success.  After mastering this, you will then be able to make chocolate that looks good, will keep well and may well be the beginning of a new chocolate business!

Coconut Crispies - And how to use them in chocolate

There are wonderful combinations of flavours and textures that you can put in your chocolate and in this lesson Sue shows you how to make Coconut Crispies, candied with maple syrup. And again, your kitchen and maybe your whole home will be filled with the most amazing aroma as they gently dry out. Watch as Sue shows you how to use them as an inclusion to make the most heavenly chocolate treats!

Chocolate Trouble!

Such a useful lesson! Things can go wrong, or unplanned, with chocolate. Here, Sue gives you tips to help ensure a trouble-free chocolate session. She also looks at the causes of common tempering problems and how to avoid them. But be assured ~ chocolate is SO forgiving. If you do make mistakes, you may very well go on to create something just as good or even better than what you originally had planned.

From The Practice to The Theory and Philosophy

Very well done! You've completed Unit 1 that covers the practice of making raw chocolate. Now sit back and enjoy a series of videos that showcases just what a wonderful way of making chocolate this is.

UNIT 2 The Theory, Philosophy and Values Behind Raw Chocolate

8 lectures
What Do I Mean By Raw Chocolate?

There is much debate amongst the raw food movement as to what qualifies a food as being raw. In this video, Sue considers what this means for raw chocolate. What qualifies chocolate as being truly raw? Is it even possible? Preferring to follow the spirit of the law, (of what is raw chocolate), here Sue discusses what she considers to be the important qualities of real raw chocolate.

Raw Chocolate Nutrition - Why Raw Chocolate is so good for us to eat

The wonderful nutritional properties of the raw cacao bean have been recognised for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In this video we will see why, in modern times, it has often been lauded as a superfood. What an inspiration to maintain its nutritional integrity as much as we can, as we use it to make our own chocolate at home, with our own hands.

The Beauty of Homemade and Handmade Chocolate

There is something very special about making any food by hand and chocolate is no exception. In fact, handmade chocolate is extra special because it is so rarely done. Most chocolatiers, whether professional or hobbyists, use ready-made couverture for their work. Those of us who make chocolate from scratch, using little machinery (is a coffee grinder a machine?) are bringing a gift to ourselves and those who are lucky enough to share our chocolate.

The Raw Chocolate Culture

There is nothing quite like the raw chocolate community. Who would have thought that a common interest in this food would inspire so many people to such high standards of creativity and production? This video is an insight into the culture, ethics and ideas behind the raw chocolate culture.

Comparing Raw Chocolate and Conventional Chocolate

We know we want to make raw chocolate but it's great to have a reminder of the key differences that distinguish raw chocolate from conventionally-made commercial varieties of chocolate. Presented as a clear list of comparisons, you will find this list useful when you are explaining to others what you are creating and why.

Cacao / Cocoa Percentage - What does it mean?

This useful little video clarifies how you can work out how to make, say, a bar with 80% cacao solids or how to work out the cacao percentage of a customised recipe for labelling purposes.

Other Sweeteners For Raw Chocolate

This is a fascinating area of discovery and experimentation. Healthy ways of creating sweet treats are out there in abundance and more are appearing all the time. This video will inspire you to play with different and delicious sweeteners, to the delight of those around you! Do you, or a loved one, require a zero sugar option? Are you diabetic or want a keto-friendly chocolate? Do you want everything in your creations to be raw? This lecture will start you off on your adventure to find the best options for you.


Well done! Sit back and enjoy this video as you feel the satisfaction of having completed the course Raw Chocolate Making With Chocomama.

UNIT 2 The Theory, Philosophy and Values Behind Raw Chocolate

1 lecture
Where To Next? A Look Ahead At Level 2

Now that you know how to make both tempered and untempered raw chocolate, enhanced through the use of a variety of inclusions, you have now embarked upon a wonderful journey. Join Sue as she explains what you can look forward to on the Level 2 course of Raw Chocolate Making With Chocomama.

Raw Chocolate Making Companion Book

1 lecture
Raw Chocolate Making Companion Book

Find out about my book, Raw Chocolate Making, which is available on Amazon. The book is a companion to this course for those of  you who want to have an attractive, physical copy of all its content. Although it doesn't contain any extra content, it has all the advantages of a book - for example when you can't work online.


🌟 Discover the Art of Making Raw Chocolate! 🍫 Dive into a delightful world of crafting delicious, healthy, and vegan raw chocolate. Whether you're a beginner or a chocolate enthusiast, this course is crafted for you.

  • 🍫 Create mouth-watering, vegan, and raw chocolate from scratch.
  • 🛠️ Understand the essential equipment and ingredients needed for home chocolate making.
  • 🧑‍🍳 Learn how to prepare for an exciting chocolate-making session.
  • 🍽️ Master the basic recipe for untempered chocolate, and unleash your creative potential.
  • 🔬 Learn the art of tempering chocolate while maintaining its raw essence, opening doors to a potential raw chocolate business.
  • 🍬 Be inspired by making delicious inclusions to uplift flavors and textures.
  • 🍭 Discover sweet treats made with natural sweeteners.
  • 🔍 Gain insights into avoiding common chocolate-making issues.
  • 📚 Delve into the theory, philosophy, and ethics of raw chocolate.
  • ❓ Explore what raw chocolate really means.
  • 🍩 Learn about the nutritious raw cacao and how to incorporate its goodness into your desserts.
  • 🍽️ Understand the significance of handmade, homemade chocolate.
  • 🌎 Be part of the amazing Raw Chocolate Culture. Learn why it is transformative.
  • ⚖️ See the differences between raw and traditional chocolate production.
  • 🔢 Calculate the cacao percentage in your creations.
  • 🧁 Explore the numerous ways to sweeten chocolate, including options for low or zero-sugar diets.
  • 🚀 Progress on your raw chocolate journey with advanced learning.

Course Reviews

  • 😀 Ran Cohen
  • 😀 Özge erturhan
  • 🙁 Emwongo-Abasi Okon
  • 😀 Zornitsa Ivanova
  • 😐 Caterina Roma

    Information is good, but very, very basic and slow for now.

  • 😀 Jenean Moore
  • 😀 Amie Larashati
  • 😀 Gillian Stephanie Duerden

    Not as active as I like although I really have enjoyed learning the pure basic and look forward to level 2

  • 😐 Paul Paunovich

    audio too low , naration dull and boring. Course good.

  • 😀 Jehan

    yes really great, love you ...

  • 😀 Lisa Partridge

    I am very excited about this course. I have always wanted to learn how to make my own chocolate naturally. I already eat organically and follow a natural lifestyle. I find Sue’s presentation very clear and concise. The fact that there are pauses between sentences means it gives the student the chance to digest what is being said properly. Also this first introductory lesson is very motivating. It is nice to see what can be learnt in both levels. It gives you a “taste” of what is to come! I can’t wait to carry on to the next chapter. Thank you.

  • 😀 John Sinclair
  • 😀 Avi Ab
  • 😀 Jorge Alexander Román Morales
  • 😀 Ralitsa Toteva
  • 😀 Jatin walia
  • 😀 Michelle Bernardi
  • 😀 Lynda Veilleux Ashcraft

    Very thorough so far

  • 😀 Christine

    Very easy to follow and love the detailed instruction

  • 😀 Robert Markison

    Fine course.

  • 😀 Jeff Wan

    Awesome Awesome course. Easy to understand and really comprehensive. It answered most if not all my questions. Truly recommend.

  • 😀 Nicole Rosmini

    Sue Frisby is incredible. So inspiring and so relaxing at the same time. She values all of the same things I value: keeping ingredients natural and organic and as healthy as possible. The way she lays out her course is so easy to understand but effective. She gives so many pre-made lists of ingredients and directions in with all of her beautiful videos. I love that she speaks from her own experience so she can tell you how a step could go wrong. Just purchased her second course and I can’t wait to dive in!

  • 😐 Yabin Younes
  • 😀 Luke Childress
  • 😀 Amy Robinson

    Very easy to follow and love the presentation.

  • 😀 Erika Delvalle
  • 😀 Cate Wise

    Informative and nicely filmed so instructions were clear.

  • 😀 Saranya V S
  • 😀 Mario Viscarra
  • 😀 Amira
  • 😀 Chris Amos
  • 😀 Chelsea b Delozier
  • 😀 Shellee Barber
  • 😀 Seth Barker
  • 😀 Ayana McGlotha
  • 😀 Johnny Machedi
  • 😀 Heather Nelson
  • 😀 Kim Brettle

    excellent. Totally loved the course. Nice & easy chunks to work through after long days at work. Thoroughly enjoyed it... now for #2. Thank you Chocomama. <3 <3 <3

  • 😀 Ahmadkadri2
  • 😀 Olivia Tjahjono

    I love chocolate and have been trying to make my own chocolate but keep failing to make it look like those commercial ones. So this is very exciting for me.

  • 😀 Nancy Nunez
  • 😀 Marissa Searle
  • 😀 Rabi Fanni
  • 😀 Justin
  • 😀 Oluwatoyin Folawewo

    This course was made simple and easy to understand for a beginner. Choco Mama understood the subject and her teaching is not complicated.

  • 😀 Alpa Yagnik

    Amazing class!! Thank you Sue you have made chocolate making so simple. Though we do need to practice it to get that level of perfection.

  • 😀 Jo Jennings

    Excellent and informative course - got me making my first silicon mold bar of smooth untempered chocolate that tasted absolutely delicious!

  • 😀 Holly Russell
  • 😀 Anna M J Jönsson

    The course gives a very very good entry for making raw chocolate. Much more than I thought so It was beyound my expectations! Sue Frisbys voice is so calming <3 The only minus is the low sound, both the courses sound and my computer are on max. Otherwise it is perfect I am looking forward on Level 2!

  • 😀 Obafeyikemi Mbanugo
  • 😀 Brenda Asuquo
  • 😀 Tamas Kiraly
  • 😀 Vela Patankar
  • 😀 Aarush Ahuja
  • 😀 Arnab gupta
  • 😀 Mithila Sharma
  • 😀 Samy Thabet Masoud
  • 😀 Douglas Hines

    A little too much repetition and fluff.

  • 😀 Suma
  • 😀 Suman
  • 😀 Mona Gandhi
  • 😀 Corinne Ruthven
  • 😀 Bhavna Patel
  • 🙁 Chitrarekha Mali
  • 😀 pranava iyengar
  • 😀 Fatimah Sahid
  • 😀 Azaz
  • 😀 Daisy I Soto

    Love the love and passion for chocolate making transmitted thru your voice . Wonderful. Excited to learn what is also a passion for myself.

  • 😀 Riorita Tkatchenko
  • 😀 Reza Jalai

    Good information and easy to to follow

  • 😀 Audrey Buijze-Geensen
  • 😀 Dale Volker

    Yes very interesting.

  • 😀 Dorota Parafjanczuk

    Interesujący, czekam na szczegóły

  • 😀 Manjit Singh
  • 😀 Kathy
  • 😀 Ana Sevinate
  • 😀 Matt Phillips
  • 🙁 Mala Balashankar


  • 😀 lokesh dulgach

    I liked the way her style of presentation and demonstration...she is so simple in her technique of chocolate making....liked the all lessons ....

  • 😀 Armine Martirosyan

    Amazing, well done!

  • 😀 Miriam Spall

    I really enjoyed the course it was quite complete, I especially liked learning about the raw chocolate culture, and is perfect for someone that is just starting out as it walked through everything step by step.

  • 🙁 Kusum
  • 😀 Mia Emery

    I really loved this course it was fun and engaging, I'm looking forward to the next course!

  • 😀 Andrés Zambrano

    El curso es muy explícito y muestra los objetivos planteados

  • 😀 Ti
  • 😀 Suzie Bajerski


  • 😀 Pauline Violet Rhymes

    Enjoying watching but not tried to make anything yet. Want to go through it all first. Nice easy viewing.

  • 😀 Marquita Mortlock

    The course was a very good match for me as a new chocolate maker.

  • 😀 Beth Mickens

    This was an excellent beginner's course into raw chocolate making. Well worth the price I paid! This course covers a great deal of information about the raw food culture, what is required to make raw chocolate and an intro into untempered and tempered chocolate making. I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in learning the art of chocolate making. I'm looking forward to Level 2!

  • 😀 Bhanu priya
  • 😀 Dilara Kaleli
  • 😀 Lakshmi Joshi
  • 😀 Marikkannan A

    Amazing flow! I have felt some kind of proud while learning this course. Volume of voice should be increased. Nice experience. May i take this course knowledge for my new business?

  • 😀 Saily Shintre
  • 😀 Melanie Karsak
  • 😐 Diviya B
  • 🙁 Shailesh Kharat

    I thought its a complete course, its not.

  • 😀 Shamika Bakshi
  • 😀 Lin Horn
  • 😀 Jane Adorney