
About 30 ladyfingers
1 cup heavy cream (33%)
12 ounces mascarpone cheese
0.5 cup powdered sugar
Instant coffee
Jam or berries to taste
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Coffee

Brew the coffee and let it cool.

Step 2

Make the Cream Mixture

Whip the cold heavy cream, gradually adding the powdered sugar in 2 to 3 stages.
Whip until the cream thickens.
Add the mascarpone cheese to the whipped cream and beat until well combined.

Step 3

Assemble the Dessert

Dip the ladyfingers in the cooled coffee and arrange them in a dish.
Top with a layer of the cream mixture and, if desired, add jam or berries. I used raspberry jam mixed with sugar.
Repeat for another layer.

Step 4

Chill and Serve

Refrigerate the dessert for at least 3 hours.
Optionally sprinkle with cocoa powder before serving.


This Tiramisu is not just a dessert; it’s a celebration 🎉 of flavors and textures. Serve it as a highlight of a dinner party or enjoy it as a sweet surprise for your family. Here are some serving suggestions to make your Tiramisu experience even more delightful:

1. **Pair with Coffee**: Serve with a freshly brewed cup of espresso or cappuccino for that enhanced coffee flavor. The combination is heavenly! ☕

2. **Berry Bliss**: Add a fresh mixed berry side salad to complement the creamy texture. The tartness of berries like raspberries or strawberries will cut through the richness beautifully. 🍓

3. **Chocolate Lover's Delight**: Top with a generous sprinkle of cocoa powder or shaved dark chocolate for an extra layer of indulgence. Chocolate and mascarpone are a match made in heaven! 🍫

4. **Wine Pairing**: Light, slightly sweet dessert wines like a Moscato or a Vin Santo pair wonderfully with Tiramisu. The wine enhances the flavors without overpowering the dessert.🍷


Mixing Bowls

Choose a set of nested mixing bowls as you'll need separate ones for whipping cream and preparing other ingredients. Stainless steel bowls are ideal because they chill quickly and keep the cream cold while you whip it.

We recommend:


Want to make this recipe gluten-free or vegan-friendly? 🌱 No problem! Here’s how you can do it:

1. **Gluten-Free**: Substitute the regular ladyfingers with gluten-free ladyfingers or gluten-free sponge cake slices. Ensure that all other ingredients used are also labeled gluten-free to avoid any cross-contamination. 🌾✖️

2. **Vegan**: Replace heavy cream with whipped coconut cream or a vegan-friendly whip. Swap out mascarpone for a blend of vegan cream cheese and coconut yogurt for that creamy texture. Make sure to use vegan ladyfingers or sponge cake as well. 🥥

These variations won’t just cater to your dietary needs but also add a fun twist to the classic recipe! 🎉


  • What’s the best way to dip the ladyfingers without making them soggy?

    Quickly dip each side of the ladyfinger in the coffee, making sure it absorbs some liquid but doesn’t get too soaked. This ensures a perfect balance of flavor and texture.

  • Can I use store-bought mascarpone or do I need to make my own?

    Store-bought mascarpone works perfectly fine for this recipe. It’s convenient and gives you that authentic Italian flavor.

  • How long in advance can I make this Tiramisu?

    You can prepare the Tiramisu up to 2 days in advance. The flavors mature and improve with time, making it even tastier! Just store it in the refrigerator until serving.

  • Can I substitute the coffee with something else?

    Absolutely! If coffee isn’t your thing, you can use hot chocolate, tea, or even fruit juice for a different flavor profile.

  • How do I achieve the perfect whipped cream texture?

    Make sure your bowl and whipping attachments are cold. Whip the cream slowly at first, then increase the speed gradually. Stop whipping as soon as stiff peaks form to avoid over-whipping.

  • What’s the secret to a good mascarpone mixture?

    Use room temperature mascarpone to ensure it mixes smoothly with the whipped cream. This helps avoid any lumps and creates a creamy, smooth texture.

Nutrition facts

Almost Tiramisu
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:320-380 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):320 - 380
Total Fat:25g
Saturated Fat:15g
Total Carbohydrate:25g
Total Sugars:15g