

Step 1

Prepare the Pastry

Thaw the puff pastry and gently roll it out.
Cut the pastry into squares and fold them into triangles as shown in the video.
Beat the egg yolk with a fork and brush the triangles with it using a pastry brush.
Bake on parchment paper in an air fryer at 150°C (300°F) for 15 minutes.

Step 2

Make the Cream Cheese Filling

Mix half of the powdered sugar with the cream cheese.
Whip the other half of the powdered sugar with the chilled heavy cream using a blender.
Combine all the mixtures and mix well.

Step 3

Assemble the Pastries

Let the puff pastries cool completely.
Top them with the cream cheese filling and garnish with berries.


Serving Suggestions and Ideas 💡

These Cream Cheese Puff Pastries are versatile and can be enjoyed in numerous ways. For a delightful brunch spread, pair them with fresh fruit salad 🍇🍍 and a mimosa 🥂. If you're serving them for dessert, a drizzle of chocolate sauce or a dusting of powdered sugar for added flair will surely impress your guests.

Want to elevate your pastries even further? Serve them alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream 🍨 or a dollop of whipped cream for extra indulgence. If you're planning for a festive occasion, a sprinkle of edible glitter ✨ can add a magical touch that will make your desserts the highlight of the celebration. Enjoy your culinary masterpiece and the smiles it brings to your loved ones' faces! 😊



Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations 🌿

Gluten-Free: To create a gluten-free version, simply substitute the puff pastry with a gluten-free puff pastry available at most grocery stores. Ensure that all other ingredients are certified gluten-free as well, to avoid any cross-contamination.

Vegan: Making these pastries vegan is easy! Use a vegan puff pastry, replace the cream cheese with a plant-based cream cheese, and substitute the heavy cream with coconut cream or a similar vegan alternative. For the egg yolk wash, use a mixture of plant-based milk and a hint of agave syrup to achieve a similar golden finish. 🍃✨


  • Why did my puff pastry not rise properly?

    Ensure your puff pastry is fully thawed but still cold before baking. Also, make sure your air fryer is preheated and at the correct temperature.

  • Can I use a regular oven instead of an air fryer?

    Yes! Bake the pastries in a preheated oven at 180°C (350°F) for about 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

  • How can I prevent my cream cheese filling from being too runny?

    Make sure your cream cheese is at room temperature before mixing. Whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form for the best consistency.

  • Can I make the pastries ahead of time?

    Yes, you can bake the pastries and store them in an airtight container. Add the filling and garnishes just before serving to keep them fresh.

  • What other fillings can I use?

    You can get creative with fillings like pastry cream, fruit preserves, or even a chocolate ganache. The possibilities are endless!

  • How can I ensure an even golden color on my pastries?

    Apply the egg yolk wash evenly with a pastry brush and ensure the pastries are spaced out properly to allow for even air circulation during baking.

Nutrition facts

Berry and Cream Cheese Puff Pastry
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Per serving
Calories (Min - Max):320 - 360
Total Fat:24g
Saturated Fat:12g
Total Carbohydrate:24g
Total Sugars:8g