
Caramelized Nuts

  • 250 grams (8.80 ounces) hazelnuts
  • 125 grams (4.40 ounces) sugar


  • Frying pan with a thick bottom

    To evenly distribute heat and prevent burning, a heavy-bottomed frying pan is essential for melting the sugar properly.

  • Spatula

    Use a heat-resistant spatula for stirring the nuts into the caramel without damaging the cookware.

  • Silicone or teflon mat

    Perfect for placing the hot caramelized nuts to cool; prevents them from sticking and makes cleanup a breeze.

  • Microwave

    Handy for quickly drying the pre-washed nuts before caramelizing them.

  • Two spoons

    Helps in handling and spreading the hot caramelized nuts without burning your hands.


Step 1

1. Let's turn to Nadezhda: "These caramelized nuts can be enjoyed on their own, added to cakes and desserts as a layer, or used as decoration. The key rule is to use half the amount of sugar to nuts. This ensures they are perfectly caramelized and crunchy without being uncomfortable to eat. From the ingredients below, I make two layers for a whole nuts cake. You can also grind them to your preferred texture, even to a praline state. I love caramelized hazelnuts, but feel free to use any nuts or a mixture of your choice."

Step 2

Other nuts like almonds, pecans, or cashews can also be used.

Step 3

2. Gather your ingredients: 250 grams (8.80 ounces) of hazelnuts and 125 grams (4.40 ounces) of sugar.

Step 4

3. Melt the sugar in a thick-bottomed frying pan over medium heat. Be careful not to burn the sugar, as it can turn bitter if overheated.

Step 5

4. Pre-wash the hazelnuts and dry them in the microwave for about 5 minutes. Ensure the hazelnuts are completely dry to avoid any splattering when adding them to the hot caramel.

Step 6

5. Once the sugar has melted, add the hot nuts into it. Continue heating and stirring evenly with a spatula. As you add the nuts, anticipate the temperature drop in the caramel. Continue until the caramel threads disappear and the nuts are evenly coated.

Step 7

Constant stirring helps in evenly distributing the caramel coating over the nuts.

Step 8

6. Transfer the caramelized nuts onto a silicone or Teflon mat.

Step 9

Be very cautious as the caramelized nuts will be extremely hot. Use two spoons to handle them to avoid burning your fingers.

Step 10

7. For even spreading, place another mat on top of the nuts and press down gently with your palm. Allow the nuts to cool completely.

Step 11

Cooling the nuts thoroughly ensures they maintain their crunch.

Step 12

8. Once completely cooled, break the nuts into pieces. Enjoy or use as desired. Bon Appétit!


Imagine a lazy Sunday morning with a generous sprinkle of these caramelized hazelnuts over your yogurt. The sweet crunch pairs perfectly with the creaminess, creating a comforting yet exciting texture. Hosting a fancy dinner party? Impress your guests by using these nuts as an exquisite topping for a chocolate mousse or a decadent cheesecake. The caramelized nuts add not only a delightful crunch but also a rich, nutty flavor that turns simple desserts into gourmet delights. Beyond breakfast and dessert, consider adding a handful to a salad for an unexpected twist. The sweetness of the caramel juxtaposes the savory elements beautifully and adds a burst of flavor to every bite. Barbecues? Yes, please! Sprinkle some over grilled peaches or mix them into coleslaw for a sweet-savory play that will have everyone talking. And here’s a fun idea: these nuts make for a fantastic edible gift. Fill a mason jar, tie it with a ribbon, and you have a homemade treat that looks as good as it tastes. Whether you’re thanking a friend, treating a loved one, or just showcasing your culinary skills, these caramelized nuts are versatile and always appreciated.


For a gluten-free version of this recipe, ensure that your nuts are processed in a dedicated gluten-free facility to avoid any cross-contamination. The remaining ingredients are naturally gluten-free, making this an easy adaptation. To make these caramelized nuts vegan, substitute the regular sugar with a vegan-friendly sugar. Most regular sugars are processed with bone char, so look for vegan-certified sugars typically labeled "organic" or "raw." The technique and ingredients otherwise remain the same.


  • How do I prevent the sugar from burning when melting it?

    Keep the heat at medium and stir occasionally to ensure even melting. A heavy-bottomed frying pan can also help distribute heat more evenly, reducing the risk of burning.

  • Can I use different types of nuts?

    Yes, you can substitute hazelnuts with almonds, walnuts, pecans, or even a mix of different nuts. Just make sure they are pre-washed and dried before caramelizing.

  • How can I achieve an even coating of caramel on the nuts?

    Stir the nuts consistently while in the melted sugar. If the caramel starts forming threads, continue stirring until they disappear and the nuts are uniformly coated.

  • What’s the best way to store these caramelized nuts?

    Store them in an airtight container at room temperature. They should stay fresh for up to two weeks.

  • Can I make these caramelized nuts in advance for a party?

    Absolutely! You can make them a few days ahead and store them in an airtight container until needed. This way, you can enjoy your party without worrying about last-minute preparations.

  • How can I add extra flavor to the caramelized nuts?

    Try adding a pinch of sea salt, cinnamon, or even a splash of vanilla extract to the melted sugar before adding the nuts. This can introduce exciting new flavors to your caramelized nuts.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:2 layers
Calories:Per entire recipe
Calories (Min - Max):1200 - 1400
Total Fat:84g
Saturated Fat:6g
Total Carbohydrate:126g
Total Sugars:124g