

Step 1

Preparing the Dough

Make sure all ingredients are chilled.
Grate the butter and mix with flour and other dough ingredients.
Combine without over-kneading.
Divide the dough into 15 equal parts and refrigerate for 30-60 minutes.

Step 2

Forming the Rolls

Roll each dough piece into a rectangle.
Fill with frozen berries or jam.
Roll into tubes and seal the edges.
Place seam-down on a baking sheet.
Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 30-35 minutes.

Step 3

Making the Cream

Mix room temperature butter and caramelized condensed milk with a mixer.

Step 4

Assembling the Cake

Stack the rolls into a pyramid shape, spreading cream between each layer.
Grate chocolate over the top.
Let the cake absorb for at least an hour before serving.


When it comes to serving this scrumptious caramel baked roll cake, the possibilities are endless 😍!

**Imagine this**: Serve the cake with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of fresh berries on the side. The tartness of the berries beautifully balances the sweetness of the caramel.

Or **for a holiday twist** 🎄, decorate your cake with a dusting of powdered sugar and a few mint leaves to resemble a snowy, festive landscape. This not only adds a touch of elegance but also brings out the holiday spirit.

If you’re a coffee lover ☕, pair this cake with a strong espresso for an afternoon delight. The bitterness of the coffee amplifies the richness of the caramel, making each bite more intense and satisfying.

And for those warm summer days 🌞, serve this cake chilled with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of cold ice cream and creamy, caramelized cake layers is truly a match made in heaven.



**Want to make this recipe Gluten-Free** 🌾? Simply substitute the regular flour with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure the flour blend contains xanthan gum or add it separately to help bind the dough.

**For a Vegan version** 🌱, replace the butter in both the dough and the cream with a high-quality vegan butter. As for the egg, you can use a flaxseed egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons water). For the cream, use coconut condensed milk instead of caramelized condensed milk.


  • How do I prevent my dough from sticking when rolling?

    Dust your rolling pin and work surface with flour regularly to prevent sticking.

  • Can I use fresh berries instead of frozen?

    Yes, but fresh berries can make the dough soggy. Freeze them first for better results.

  • How do I ensure my cream is smooth and not lumpy?

    Ensure both your butter and caramelized condensed milk are at room temperature before mixing.

  • Can I make the dough ahead of time?

    Yes, you can prepare the dough and refrigerate it for up to 24 hours before using.

  • How can I prevent the rolls from unrolling during baking?

    Make sure to seal the edges well and place the rolls seam-side down on the baking sheet.

  • Is there a way to make the cake layers absorb cream faster?

    After assembling, you can mildly warm the assembled cake in a low oven (around 50°C/120°F) for 15 minutes to help the cream penetrate the layers more easily.

Nutrition facts

Cherry Lodge Cake
Recipe Yield:15 servings
Calories:Approximately 400-450 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):400 - 450
Total Fat:26g
Saturated Fat:17g
Total Carbohydrate:36g
Total Sugars:15g