

400 grams (3 cups) cherries
50 grams (0.25 cup) sugar
25 grams (2 tablespoons) cornstarch
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

Mix the flour with baking powder and sift through a sieve.
Add cold butter to the flour and crumble it.
Add sugar and 2 eggs.
Mix until smooth.
Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Prepare the Filling

If using frozen cherries, thaw them and remove the excess juice (this is important).
Add sugar and cornstarch to the cherries.

Step 3

Assemble the Pie

Roll out 2/3 of the dough and place it in a baking dish (20 cm or 8-inch in diameter) with sides.
Add the cherry filling.
Cut the remaining dough into strips about 1 cm (0.5 inch) wide.
Arrange the strips over the cherries in a lattice pattern.

Step 4

Bake and Serve

Bake in the oven at 180°C (350°F) for 30-40 minutes until done.
Let it cool; it tastes even better after a couple of hours.


🌟 Serving Tips: 🌟

Once your cherry pie has cooled, it's time to share the love! Serve slices with a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream for an indulgent treat. Feeling fancy? 🍨 Add a drizzle of warm chocolate sauce or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar to elevate each bite.

Hosting a brunch? 🍳 Pair a slice with a hot cup of coffee or a chilled glass of milk—perfect for a delightful morning. For a summer picnic, bring along fresh whipped cream and a handful of mint leaves to garnish each piece, adding a refreshing twist. Your guests will be reaching for seconds, guaranteed!



💡 Gluten-Free:

Swap the regular flour with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure the baking powder you use is also gluten-free. The rest of the recipe remains the same, so you can enjoy all the cherry goodness without the gluten! 🎉

💡 Vegan-Friendly:

Replace the eggs with flax eggs (mix 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed with 6 tablespoons of water and let sit for 5 minutes). Use vegan butter instead of regular butter. With these simple substitutions, your pie will be both vegan and utterly delicious! 🌱✨


  • What if I don’t have cornstarch for the filling?

    You can use an equal amount of flour or tapioca starch as a substitute.

  • How do I prevent my dough from sticking when rolling it out?

    Lightly dust your rolling pin and the work surface with flour. Alternatively, roll the dough between two sheets of parchment paper.

  • Can I use fresh cherries instead of frozen?

    Absolutely! Just ensure you pit them first. Fresh cherries may release less juice, so the pie may come out slightly different but still delicious.

  • How do I know my pie is done baking?

    The crust should be golden brown, and the filling should be bubbling. If you're unsure, insert a toothpick in the center; it should come out mostly clean.

  • Can I make the dough ahead of time?

    Yes, you can refrigerate the dough for up to 24 hours. Just let it sit at room temperature for 10 minutes or until pliable before rolling it out.

  • What's the best way to store leftovers?

    Place leftover pie in an airtight container and refrigerate. It’s best consumed within 3 days. You can also freeze it for up to a month.

Nutrition facts

Cherry Pie Recipe
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Per serving, approximately 250-300 kcal
Calories (Min - Max):250 - 300
Total Fat:8g
Saturated Fat:4g
Total Carbohydrate:45g
Total Sugars:20g