

Step 1

Prepare the Wet Ingredients

In a bowl, *whisk* the egg, milk, and sour cream together until *well combined*.

Add the chia seeds to the mixture and let it sit for *10 minutes* to allow the seeds to *absorb liquid*.

Step 2

Mix the Dry Ingredients

Gradually add the rice flour into the wet mixture. The amount of flour may vary depending on the *thickness* of the sour cream. Aim for a batter consistency.

Then, mix in a *pinch of salt*, *pinch of baking powder*, and sugar to taste.

Step 3

Cook the Waffles

Preheat your waffle iron according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Pour the batter into the waffle iron and cook until the waffles develop a *golden brown* color and are *crispy* on the outside.

Step 4


Serve the *warm waffles* with a *drizzle of white honey* and *ripe cherries* on top.


Serving Suggestions and Ideas:

🧇 Drizzle with Honey 🍯: Enhance the natural sweetness of your chia seed waffles by drizzling them with white honey. The honey will melt into the hot waffles, creating a heavenly combination.

🍒 Top with Fresh Fruits 🍇🍓: Fresh, seasonal fruits like ripe cherries, berries, or sliced bananas add a burst of flavor and extra nutrients. Arrange them artistically for a stunning presentation.

🥄 Add a Dollop of Greek Yogurt: For a creamy texture and a protein boost, serve your waffles with a generous dollop of Greek yogurt. It pairs perfectly with the crispiness of the waffles.

🍨 Ice Cream Treat: Turn these waffles into a dessert by adding a scoop of your favorite ice cream on top. Chocolate, vanilla, or berry flavors work wonderfully.



Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations:

Gluten-Free Option: Ensure your waffle mix is entirely gluten-free by using certified gluten-free rice flour. Also, double-check that your baking powder is gluten-free.

Vegan Option: Replace the egg with a flax or chia egg (1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds or chia seeds mixed with 3 tablespoons of water). Also, use plant-based milk and a vegan alternative for sour cream like coconut yogurt.


  • How do I prevent my waffles from sticking to the waffle iron?

    Always preheat your waffle iron and lightly grease it with cooking spray or a small amount of oil before pouring in the batter.

  • Can I use a different type of flour?

    Yes, you can experiment with different flours like almond flour or oat flour. It might change the texture a bit, so adjust the liquid quantities as needed.

  • How do I make my waffles more crispy?

    To achieve extra crispy waffles, let the batter rest for a few minutes before cooking and avoid opening the waffle iron too soon while they cook.

  • Can I add other ingredients to the batter?

    Absolutely! Some great options include crushed nuts, chocolate chips, or even a hint of vanilla extract for added flavor.

  • What's the best way to store leftover waffles?

    Place leftover waffles in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. You can also freeze them and reheat in a toaster for a quick breakfast.

  • How can I ensure even cooking in my waffle iron?

    Distribute the batter evenly in the waffle iron and be careful not to overfill. Also, check the waffle iron’s manual for cooking time recommendations.

Nutrition facts

Chia Seed Waffles with Sour Cream
Recipe Yield:4 servings
Calories:Per serving: 150-200 kcal
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 200
Total Fat:10g
Saturated Fat:4g
Total Carbohydrate:15g
Total Sugars:5g