

  • 70 grams (2.5 ounces) flaked almonds
  • 35 grams (1.2 ounces) whipping cream
  • 35 grams (1.2 ounces) honey
  • 11 grams (0.4 ounces) glucose syrup
  • 50 grams (1.8 ounces) dark chocolate 55%


  • Saucepan with a thick bottom

    This ensures even heat distribution, which is crucial for the perfect Florentine texture.

  • Silicone molds (7*1.5 cm)

    Easy to use and clean, silicone molds help in achieving uniform shapes without sticking.

  • Pastry bag or cornet

    Perfect for decorating your Florentines with melted chocolate for that professional touch.


Step 1

1. The calculation in the recipe is for 6 silicone molds with a diameter of 7x1.5 cm.

Step 2

2. Combine the cream, honey, and glucose syrup in a medium saucepan with a thick bottom.

Step 3

3. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, then continue boiling until the temperature reaches 244-248F (118-120C), which should take about 5-7 minutes. Tip: Use a candy thermometer to ensure accurate temperature measurement.

Step 4

4. Add the flaked almonds and mix thoroughly until the almonds are evenly coated with the syrup.

Step 5

5. Spread the mixture evenly into the silicone molds. Tip: Use a spatula to ensure the mixture is pressed evenly.

Step 6

6. Allow the florentines to harden at room temperature for about an hour and a half.

Step 7

7. Once hardened, melt the dark chocolate and coat the bottom of each mold with it. Place the florentines back in the molds and let them set in the refrigerator.

Step 8

8. Decorate the tops of the florentines with the remaining melted chocolate using a cornet or a pastry bag. Tip: Sprinkle with edible gold dust or dry food coloring for an extra festive touch.


Serving these Florentines can be as exciting as making them! 📸 For a classy touch, serve them on a vintage dessert tray alongside a pot of freshly brewed coffee. Imagine sipping your ☕ favorite blend while nibbling on these almond-chocolate delights. 🍫

Hosting a kids' party? 🥳 Turn your Florentines into fun treats by using food coloring to make them as colorful as the occasion. Pair them with a glass of cold milk for the ultimate snack time.

If you're planning an outdoor picnic or a casual brunch, these Florentines are easy to pack and fit right in with a selection of cheeses and fresh fruits. 🍇🧀 They’re not just pretty to look at but also a balanced blend of flavors that work wonderfully in any setting.


Want to make this recipe gluten-free and vegan? 🌱 It's simpler than you think!

**For a gluten-free version**, just ensure that the glucose syrup you are using is certified gluten-free. Almonds are naturally gluten-free, so you're already halfway there!

**For a vegan variation**, replace the whipping cream with coconut cream and use agave syrup instead of honey. Opt for a high-quality dark chocolate that is labeled vegan. 🍫 Your Florentines will still be rich and delicious, proving that indulgence knows no dietary restrictions.


  • Why is my caramel too hard?

    This usually happens if the caramel is cooked beyond the required temperature. Make sure you use a calibrated kitchen thermometer for accuracy.

  • Can I use a different type of nut?

    Absolutely! You can substitute the almond flakes with chopped hazelnuts, pistachios, or even a mix for a unique twist.

  • How do I store Florentines?

    Florentines keep well in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks. Avoid putting them in the fridge as they can become sticky.

  • What if I don't have silicone molds?

    You can use a well-greased metal mold or even shape them freeform on a silicone baking mat. Just keep an eye on the size and thickness for even baking.

  • Can I double the recipe?

    Yes, but ensure your saucepan is large enough to accommodate the increased volume to avoid any spillage.

  • How can I make my chocolate decorations look professional?

    Use a pastry bag with a fine tip for better control. Practice on a parchment paper before decorating the actual Florentines.

Nutrition facts

Chocolate florentines
Recipe Yield:6 pieces
Calories:Per piece: approximately 80-120 calories
Calories (Min - Max):80 - 120
Total Fat:6 grams
Saturated Fat:2.5 grams
Protein:1.5 grams
Total Carbohydrate:8 grams
Total Sugars:5 grams