
Curd Dough

180 grams (6.5 ounces) cottage cheese
100 grams (3.5 ounces) butter
3 tablespoons sugar
200 grams (7 ounces) flour
Pinch of salt
10 grams (0.35 ounces) vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
We recommend:

Apple Filling

1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) apples, cored and sliced
4 tablespoons cornstarch
4 tablespoons sugar
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon cardamom or cinnamon
20 grams (0.5 ounces) quick-cooking oats
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

Start by rubbing the *flour* and *butter* together until it forms a crumbly texture.

Add the *cottage cheese*, *sugar*, *vanilla sugar*, *salt*, and *baking powder* into the mixture and knead it into a uniform dough.

Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for *at least an hour*.

Step 2

Prepare the Apple Filling

Slice each *apple* into quarters and remove the core. Thinly slice each quarter.

Mix the apple slices with *cornstarch*, *sugar*, *lemon zest* and *juice*, and *cardamom or cinnamon*.

Step 3

Make the Crumble

Combine *flour*, *oats*, and *sugar* together. Add small chunks of *cold butter*, mixing until it forms a crumbly consistency.

Step 4

Assemble and Bake

Preheat your oven to *180°C (350°F)*.

Line a baking form with parchment paper. Press the *curd dough* into a thin layer, forming a small edge around the sides.

Evenly spread the *apple filling* over the dough, and sprinkle the *crumble topping* on top.

Bake for *40-50 minutes*, or until the crumble is golden brown, and the apples are tender.

Test doneness by inserting a toothpick into the center: it should go through with slight resistance.

Step 5


Let the pie cool before slicing. For extra flair, dust with *powdered sugar*, drizzle with *glaze*, or serve warm with a scoop of *ice cream*.


This Apple Pie is a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed in numerous creative ways. 🍏🌟

Serve Warm with Ice Cream: A classic choice, pair a slice of warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The combination of hot and cold will tantalize your taste buds! 🍨🍏

Top with Whipped Cream: A dollop of fresh, homemade whipped cream adds a light and fluffy touch to this already delectable dessert. 🥧🍦

Drizzle with Caramel Sauce: Elevate the flavors by drizzling sweet caramel sauce over the top. It's the perfect way to add an extra layer of indulgence. 🍮🍎

Enjoy with a Cup of Coffee: This pie also pairs beautifully with a hot cup of coffee or tea, making it an excellent choice for a cozy afternoon treat. ☕🍰

The rich flavors and textures of this Apple Pie make it a timeless treasure for any dessert table. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or simply treating your family, it's sure to impress and delight everyone!



Going gluten-free or vegan doesn't mean you have to miss out on this incredible pie! 🌱🍏

Gluten-Free Version: Swap out the all-purpose flour for a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure that your oats are certified gluten-free, and proceed with the recipe as usual. This adaptation will keep the pie just as scrumptious and satisfying! 🌾🚫

Vegan Version: Replace the cottage cheese with a plant-based alternative, such as almond or cashew cheese. Use coconut oil or vegan butter in place of dairy butter, and substitute the eggs with a flaxseed meal (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal mixed with 3 tablespoons water per egg). This makes the pie both vegan and equally delicious! 🥥🥧


  • How do I know when the pie is fully baked?

    The pie is ready when the crust and crumble topping turn golden brown. Also, when you insert a toothpick into the center, it should come out clean with only light resistance from the apples if you prefer them slightly crunchy.

  • Can I use other types of apples?

    Absolutely! While this recipe uses a standard apple variety, feel free to experiment with Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, or any other types you like to find your perfect flavor balance.

  • What can I do if my crust is too crumbly?

    If your dough is too crumbly, try adding a small spoonful of cold water or milk to help it come together. Mix gently to avoid overworking the dough.

  • How can I ensure an even bake?

    Ensure that your oven is preheated properly. Also, rotating the pie halfway through baking can help achieve an evenly baked crust and filling.

  • Can I prepare the dough in advance?

    Yes! You can prepare the cottage cheese dough in advance and store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. This can save you some time on the day of baking.

  • How do I prevent the bottom crust from getting soggy?

    Blind-bake the crust partially before adding the filling, or sprinkle a light layer of breadcrumbs or oats on the bottom before adding the apple mixture to absorb excess moisture.

Nutrition facts

Delicious and Aromatic Apple Pie Recipe
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Approximately 300-350 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):300 - 350
Total Fat:15g
Saturated Fat:9g
Total Carbohydrate:44g
Total Sugars:20g