

50 grams (1.8 ounces) soft butter
30 grams (1 ounce) sugar
25 grams (1 ounce) honey
1 egg
210 grams (7.5 ounces) flour
10 grams (0.4 ounces) baking powder
1 incomplete teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

Combine softened butter, sugar, honey, and egg in a bowl.
Add flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and ginger, mixing until smooth.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2

Prepare the Apples

Slice the apples into 3 mm (0.1 inch) thick slices without peeling.
Sprinkle the apple slices with lemon juice to prevent browning.

Step 3

Assemble and Bake

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
Divide the dough into 10 parts.
Roll each part into a circle slightly larger than the apple slices.
Press an apple slice onto each piece of dough and sprinkle with brown sugar.
Bake for 10 minutes.


Wondering how to serve these irresistible apple cinnamon pastries? Here are some delicious ideas for your inspiration:

Breakfast Delight: Serve these pastries fresh out of the oven with a dollop of Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey. 🥐✨ Pair with a cup of coffee or tea for an unbeatable morning treat.

Midday Treat: Elevate your midday snack game by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of a warm pastry. 🍨 The contrast of hot and cold makes it a delightful combo.

Evening Indulgence: If you're feeling fancy, pair your pastries with a glass of dessert wine or spiced apple cider. 🍷 They're also a great addition to your holiday dessert table.

These apple cinnamon pastries are so versatile, they fit perfectly at any time of the day!



Want to make these apple cinnamon pastries gluten-free or vegan? Here you go:

🌾 Gluten-Free Version: Simply replace the regular flour with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure your baking powder is also gluten-free. The texture will remain fantastic!

🌱 Vegan Version: Substitute the butter with vegan butter or coconut oil, and the egg with a flax seed egg (1 tablespoon ground flax seeds mixed with 2.5 tablespoons water). 🥥🍯 Use maple syrup instead of honey for a completely vegan experience.

Enjoy these variations without compromising on taste!


  • How do I know if the dough is mixed enough?

    When your dough is smooth and no lumps of flour or wet spots remain, you're good to go!

  • Can I use different fruits?

    Absolutely! Pears work wonderfully, as do peaches or plums. Customize it to your taste!

  • Can I freeze the dough?

    Yes, you can freeze the dough for up to 3 months. Just make sure to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and a freezer-safe bag.

  • What if my pastries turn out too flaky?

    Make sure not to overmix the dough, and ensure your butter is softened but not melted when you start.

  • Can I double the recipe?

    Yes, this recipe can easily be scaled up. Just double all the ingredients and make sure you have enough oven space!

  • How can I achieve a more golden-brown finish?

    Brushing a light egg wash on the pastries before baking will give them a beautiful golden-brown finish.

Nutrition facts

Delicious Apple Biscuits
Recipe Yield:10 pieces
Calories:80-100 calories per piece
Calories (Min - Max):80 - 100
Total Fat:4g
Saturated Fat:2.5g
Total Carbohydrate:12g
Total Sugars:6g