
Main Ingredients

Plums (Prunus 'Vengerka'), ripe and whole - 1.5 kilograms (3 pounds)
Bay leaves - 5 grams (0.2 ounces)
Whole cloves - 3 grams (0.1 ounces)
Black peppercorns - 5 to 6 pieces
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Plums

Ensure your *plums are ripe* and have *undamaged skins*. Wash them thoroughly using baking soda to remove any residues. Rinse each plum individually to ensure cleanliness.

Place the plums in a large pot or bowl. Add bay leaves, cloves, and peppercorns. *Mix gently* to combine.

Step 2

Create the Marinade

In a separate bowl, mix the sugar and apple cider vinegar. Stir until you achieve a *thick paste*. Don't worry if it's not smooth; it will eventually break down.

Combine the sugar marinade with the plums, attempting to distribute it *evenly across all plums*. Cover the pot or bowl and leave it in a cool place for 6 to 8 hours.

Step 3

Cook the Mixture

After resting, *heat the plums on low* heat until the sugar dissolves completely. Stir carefully to ensure even cooking.

Step 4

Preserve the Plums

For the next six days, *twice daily*, drain the syrup from the plums and bring it to a boil for one minute.

Return the hot syrup to the plums, give a gentle stir, and cover. Keep them in a cool place between heating sessions.

Step 5

Final Preparation

On the seventh day, pack the plums *tightly in a jar*.

Once more, bring the syrup to a boil and pour over the plums until they are fully submerged. Let it *cool down* before storing it in the refrigerator.


Serving Suggestions and Ideas: 🥳

Picture this: a balmy evening, the sound of clinking glasses, and your guests savoring these exquisite marinated plums. Serve them as a delightful appetizer on a charcuterie board. Their sweet and tangy flavor contrasts beautifully with creamy cheeses like brie and sharp varieties like aged cheddar.

For a _gourmet touch_, chop the plums and toss them into a fresh green salad with roasted nuts and feta cheese. You’ll love how the syrupy sweetness elevates the greens. 🥗

If you're feeling a bit adventurous, use them as a garnish for roasted meats. The plums lend a subtle fruity sidekick to a succulent pork roast or a hearty chicken dish. And don't forget dessert! Drizzle the plum syrup over vanilla ice cream, or incorporate the plums into a crumble for a decadent finish. 🍨


Small Saucepan

Used for boiling the syrup each day. Choose one with a heavy base to ensure even heat distribution.

We recommend:


Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations: 🌱

Good news – this marinated plum recipe is naturally gluten-free and vegan! However, if you're looking to dress it up or try something different, here are a few variations:

For an even more tangy kick, substitute the apple cider vinegar with a citrusy white wine vinegar. Ensure the vinegar you choose is gluten-free by checking the label. 🍋

_Love a bit of spice?_ Add a small red chili pepper to the mix. It will warm up the batch with a subtle heat that beautifully complements the sweetness. Adjust the spice to your taste, but remember, a little goes a long way!

For a vegan-friendly twist on serving suggestions: pair your marinated plums with a selection of vegan cheeses made from cashews and almonds. Delish! 🧀


  • How long do I need to marinate the plums?

    The plums should be marinated for a total of seven days to impart the full depth of flavor. A little patience yields the best taste!

  • What do I do if my plums start to soften too much?

    Ensure the plums are firm and intact before starting. If they become too soft during the process, consider using them in a cooked dessert where they can naturally dissolve.

  • Can I adjust the sweetness of the plums?

    Absolutely! Feel free to adjust the sugar content to suit your taste. Just remember, reducing the sugar may lengthen the shelf life.

  • Why do I have to boil the syrup every day?

    Re-boiling the syrup each day helps to intensify the flavor and ensure even distribution. It acts as a preventive measure against any spoilage.

  • How can I ensure the plums stay fully submerged in the syrup?

    Consider using a small plate or lid inside the pot to gently press down and keep the plums submerged.

  • Can I add other spices to the mix?

    Sure thing! Spices such as cinnamon or star anise can add a unique twist. Experiment, but beware not to overpower the natural plum taste.

Nutrition facts

Delicious Marinated Plums with a Tangy Twist
Recipe Yield:1 liter jar
Calories:per liter jar
Calories (Min - Max):1300 - 1500
Total Fat:1g
Saturated Fat:0g
Total Carbohydrate:340g
Total Sugars:330g