
Main Ingredients

180 grams (6.5 ounces) cottage cheese (5%)
0.5 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 egg yolk
0.2 teaspoon vanilla
0.5 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
We recommend:


Step 1

Preparing the Syrniki

Mix all the main ingredients until you get a sticky, homogeneous mixture.
Shape the mixture into small balls using your hands.
Coat each ball in flour.

Step 2

Forming the Syrniki

Gently shape the coated balls into perfect rounds by rolling them inside a pastry ring or glass with circular motions.
Flatten them slightly and turn each one over with a wide-bladed knife, then repeat the shaping process.

Step 3

Cooking the Syrniki

Carefully transfer the shaped syrniki to a floured surface, like a cutting board, so they don’t stick and hold their shape.
Fry the syrniki until they are golden brown on both sides.


⭐️ Delight the senses by serving your Syrniki warm, fresh off the pan. Pair them with a dollop of sour cream and a drizzle of honey for an irresistible touch of sweetness!

🍓 For a fruity explosion, serve your Syrniki with fresh berries or a homemade fruit compote. The sweet and tart flavors balance beautifully with the creamy syrupiness of Syrniki.

🍂 Bring in cozy vibes with a sprinkle of cinnamon and a side of warm apple slices. This combination will make you feel like you’re nestled in a cozy café even if it’s from the comfort of your home.

For a bit of crunch and texture contrast, consider adding chopped nuts such as almonds or walnuts on the side. The nutty flavors complement the cottage cheese base wonderfully.



🌿 Gluten-Free Version: No worries if you’re avoiding gluten! Swap the all-purpose flour for a gluten-free blend or almond flour. Make sure to coat the Syrniki in the same gluten-free flour to keep it consistent.

🥑 Vegan Syrniki: You can still enjoy this treat by substituting cottage cheese with mashed tofu or vegan cream cheese. Use a flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons water) in place of the egg yolk. Replace the all-purpose flour with a vegan flour blend, and use a dairy-free milk alternative.


  • How do I prevent my Syrniki from sticking to the pan?

    Using a high-quality non-stick frying pan is key. Additionally, ensure that the pan is well-heated and always use a bit of oil or butter to create a non-stick cooking surface.

  • What if my Syrniki mixture is too sticky to handle?

    If your mixture is too sticky, you can add a little more flour, one tablespoon at a time, until it reaches a manageable consistency. Remember, it should be sticky but not unworkable.

  • How can I make my Syrniki fluffier?

    The key to fluffy Syrniki lies in not over-mixing the ingredients. Also, try to use a fine cottage cheese and sift your flour before adding it to the mixture.

  • Can I prepare Syrniki in advance?

    Yes! You can prepare the Syrniki mixture in advance and store it in the fridge for up to one day. Just make sure to shape and cook them fresh for the best texture.

  • Can I freeze the Syrniki?

    Absolutely! Freeze the uncooked Syrniki on a baking sheet first, then transfer them to a freezer bag. When you’re ready to cook, simply fry them from frozen, adding a few extra minutes to ensure they cook through.

  • What’s the best type of oil for cooking Syrniki?

    A neutral oil with a high smoke point like vegetable oil or light olive oil works best. Alternatively, you can use clarified butter for an extra rich flavor.

Nutrition facts

Delicious Poppy Seed Syrniki
Recipe Yield:4 servings
Calories:per serving
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 180
Total Fat:7g
Saturated Fat:3g
Total Carbohydrate:15g
Total Sugars:3g