

Step 1

Preparing the Pastry

Take the *puff pastry* out of the freezer and leave it at *room temperature* for about *20-30 minutes*.

In the meantime, we will work on the custard cream.

Step 2

Making the Custard Cream

In a saucepan, combine the *egg*, *sugar*, and *vanilla sugar*, followed by the *milk* and *cornstarch*. Mix well.

Place the mixture over the heat and cook until it *thickens*, stirring constantly.

Transfer the thickened custard to a bowl and cover it with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. Let it *cool completely*.

Step 3

Assembling the Pastries

Once the puff pastry sheets are ready, roll each one out slightly and cut each sheet into *6 pieces*.

Make cuts at the *corners* of each piece and place a dollop of custard cream in the center (you can use a pastry bag for this, or just a spoon).

Seal the edges of the pastry around the cream.

Step 4


Preheat your oven to *200°C (400°F)*.

Bake the pastries until they turn *golden brown*, approximately *30-35 minutes*. If your oven has a top and bottom heating option, use it on a middle rack.

Step 5

Finishing Touches

Remove the pastries from the oven, dust them with *powdered sugar*, and enjoy!

These pastries are very simple to make and incredibly delicious!


To serve these delightful custard pastries, try adding a few personal touches. Serve them warm, fresh out of the oven for the best experience. Add a light dusting of powdered sugar on top for an extra touch of sweetness and a lovely visual finish. For a special breakfast in bed, pair these pastries with a hot cup of coffee or a fresh glass of orange juice. The combination of the flaky pastry and creamy custard will surely make anyone's morning! Hosting a brunch? Arrange these pastries on a rustic wooden board with an assortment of fresh berries and a side of whipped cream for dipping. Your guests will be coming back for seconds in no time! These pastries are also perfect for an afternoon tea party. Elegant and refined, they go wonderfully with a pot of Earl Grey or herbal tea. Add some fresh flowers to the table, and you’ve got a picture-perfect setting! 🌸✨🍓👍🏼



Want to make this recipe gluten-free or vegan? No problem! Gluten-Free Version:
  • Gluten-Free Puff Pastry: Use a store-bought or homemade gluten-free puff pastry to keep it simple.
  • Custard: Ensure your cornstarch is certified gluten-free to avoid any cross-contamination.
Vegan Version:
  • Vegan Puff Pastry: Choose a puff pastry brand that is made without butter or other animal products.
  • Custard: Replace the milk with any plant-based milk such as almond, soy, or oat milk. Use a flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed + 3 tablespoons water) instead of a regular egg to bind the custard.
Enjoy these variations without sacrificing any flavor. 🌱✨👩‍🍳


  • How do I prevent the custard from becoming lumpy?

    Whisk continuously while cooking the custard over medium heat. If lumps begin to form, you can strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve.

  • Can I freeze the pastries before baking?

    Yes, you can freeze the assembled but unbaked pastries. Just thaw them overnight in the refrigerator before baking.

  • What's the best way to roll out puff pastry?

    Roll the dough gently to keep the layers intact. Too much pressure can make the dough dense rather than light and flaky.

  • Can I make the custard a day in advance?

    Absolutely! Store the custard in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Just make sure to let it come to room temperature before filling the pastries.

  • Are there any tips for achieving a golden-brown crust?

    Brush the pastries with a little egg wash before baking. This will give them a beautiful, golden sheen.

  • How can I make my pastries more flavorful?

    Add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg to the custard for an extra layer of warmth and spice.

Nutrition facts

Delicious Puff Pastries with Custard Cream
Recipe Yield:12 pastries
Calories:Per pastry
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 200
Total Fat:10g
Saturated Fat:5g
Total Carbohydrate:20g
Total Sugars:8g