
Dough Ingredients

All-purpose flour - 125 grams (4.5 ounces)
Powdered sugar - 50 grams (1.5 ounces)
Unsalted butter, softened - 80 grams (3 ounces)
Egg yolk - 1
Cocoa powder - 20 grams (0.5 ounces)
Baking powder - 1/4 teaspoon
Pinch of salt
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Butter Mixture

Start by beating the *softened butter* with a *pinch of salt* and *powdered sugar* until light and fluffy. Add in the *egg yolk* and continue to beat until well combined.

Step 2

Mix the Dry Ingredients

In a separate bowl, combine the *sifted all-purpose flour*, *cocoa powder*, and *baking powder*. Mix them well.

Step 3

Combine and Knead the Dough

Gradually add the *flour mixture* to the *butter mixture*. Knead the ingredients gently to form a soft but non-sticky dough.

Step 4

Shape the Nests

Using a *garlic press*, press the dough to create nest shapes. Press the center of each "nest" with a cap or another round object to create an indentation.

Step 5

Chill the Nests

Place the shaped nests in the refrigerator for *30 to 40 minutes* to firm up.

Step 6

Bake and Cool

Preheat your oven to *180°C (356°F)*. Bake the nests for *15 minutes*. Allow them to cool completely.

Step 7

Decorate the Nests

Fill the center of each cooled nest with *nut paste* or *melted chocolate*. Decorate with *candy dragees* shaped like eggs for a festive touch.


Serve up some creativity with these Easter Nest Cookies! Place them in a woven basket lined with decorative paper and watch the smiles unfold 🌸. These cookies make charming gifts - simply wrap them in a clear plastic bag, tie with a pastel ribbon, and add a handwritten note for a personal touch 🎀. Or, why not create a beautiful Easter dessert platter with these cookies as the star of the show? Surround them with colorful chocolate eggs and a few sprigs of fresh mint for an added burst of color and minty aroma. Such thoughtful presentation makes these a delightful addition to any Easter brunch or gathering.



For those seeking a gluten-free option, substitute the regular flour with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure the blend contains a binder like xantham gum for structural integrity.

To make them vegan, replace the butter with a plant-based butter alternative and the egg yolk with a flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 2.5 tablespoons of water). 🥥🌿

These adjustments keep the festivities going for everyone, without compromising on taste or fun!


  • Why is my dough too sticky?

    Chances are, the butter was too soft or extra flour is needed. Just add a tablespoon of flour at a time until it's manageable without being sticky.

  • Can I use regular sugar instead of powdered?

    Powdered sugar dissolves more easily in the butter, creating a smoother texture. Regular sugar might create a grainier feel but can work in a pinch.

  • How can I prevent my cookies from spreading too much?

    Ensure the dough is properly chilled before baking. If the kitchen is warm, pop the tray of shaped cookies in the fridge for a bit before baking.

  • What if my nests lose their shape during baking?

    Use a rounded object to press the center immediately after baking while they’re still warm to redefine the shape.

  • Can I flavor the cookie dough?

    Absolutely! Consider adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract or a pinch of cinnamon to enhance the flavor.

  • How do I store these cookies?

    Place them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. They can also be frozen for up to three months; simply thaw them at room temperature before serving.

Nutrition facts

Easy Easter Cookie Nests Recipe
Recipe Yield:10 servings
Calories:Approximate calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 180
Total Fat:10g
Saturated Fat:6g
Total Carbohydrate:15g
Total Sugars:7g