

  • 3 large egg whites
  • 1 sachet (around 7 grams or 0.25 ounces) gelatin
  • sweetener to taste
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) raspberries
  • pinch of citric acid
  • 90 grams (3.17 ounces) water
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) coconut flakes


  • Blender

    For blending raspberries into a smooth puree. Make sure it’s well cleaned before use to avoid any cross-contamination of flavors.

  • Sieve

    To strain the raspberry seeds out of the puree. A fine-mesh sieve will give you the smoothest texture.

  • Pastry Bag

    Essential for achieving intricate patterns on your marshmallows. If you don't have one, a zip-lock bag with the corner snipped off works too!

  • Electric Mixer

    For whipping the egg whites to stiff peaks. A stand mixer is ideal, but a hand mixer works just as well with a little extra effort.

  • Cling Film

    To line the mold, ensuring that you can easily remove the marshmallows once they set. Don’t skip this step!

  • Mold

    A shallow mold is best suited for spreading the egg white mixture evenly. Silicone molds can be an excellent option for easy removal.

  • Toothpick

    For creating beautiful patterns on the marshmallows. Simple yet effective tool for an artistic touch.


Step 1

1. Pour the gelatin with 90 grams (3.17 ounces) of water, and let it swell for about 15 minutes. Then heat the gelatin with the sweetener over low heat until completely dissolved. Make sure not to boil the mixture; just heat it enough to dissolve the gelatin.

Step 2

2. Mash the raspberries using a blender, then rub the puree through a sieve to remove the seeds. Add 30 grams (1.05 ounces) of the dissolved gelatin and sweetener as desired to the puree, mix well, and transfer to a pastry bag. Rub the puree thoroughly to achieve a smooth texture.

Step 3

3. Whip the egg whites with a pinch of citric acid until soft peaks form. Gradually pour in the remaining gelatin mixture while continuing to whip until stiff peaks form. Whip consistently and gradually add gelatin for better texture.

Step 4

4. Line a mold with plastic wrap and pour the whipped egg whites mixture into it. Pour the raspberry puree over the top in a thin stream, and make marble patterns using a toothpick. For a decorative touch, you can swirl the raspberry puree into lovely patterns.

Step 5

5. Place the mold in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to allow the mixture to set. Ensure the mold is stable and level in the fridge for even setting.

Step 6

6. Once set, cut the marshmallow into cubes and roll them in coconut flakes. Serve and enjoy! Bon Appetit!


Serving up these airy marshmallows is a joy in itself. They’re fantastic when paired with a steaming cup of herbal tea or hot cocoa — the marshmallows melt just enough to add a creamy layer to your drink. If you’re planning an elegant dessert spread, these little cubes of fluffiness make a wonderful accompaniment to a fruit platter. Imagine the delightful combination of fresh berries, tangy apple slices, and delicate marshmallows all in one bite. Fancy a healthier s’more alternative? Substitute these marshmallows for the usual sugary variety and enjoy a less guilty pleasure.

But don't just stop there — think beyond traditional settings! How about a marshmallow fondue? Melt some dark chocolate and dip your homemade marshmallows in for an indulgent yet balanced treat. Or scatter them over your morning oatmeal for a fun burst of sweetness. For an added touch, you might even drizzle a bit of honey or sprinkle chopped nuts over them. Whether you’re throwing a kid’s birthday party or enjoying a quiet evening treat, these marshmallows can be creatively served in so many delightful ways. Bon Appétit!


Need to accommodate dietary preferences? No problem! For a gluten-free variation, you're already in luck as this recipe is naturally free of gluten. Making it vegan, however, involves a few substitutions. Replace the egg whites with aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas), which whips up to a similar texture. As for gelatin, opt for agar-agar powder. Keep in mind that the proportions might vary slightly, so some trial and error could be necessary to get the perfect consistency. These adjustments ensure everyone can enjoy your airy, homemade marshmallows, regardless of their dietary restrictions.


  • How do I know when the egg whites are whipped to stiff peaks?

    You'll know the egg whites are ready when you lift the beaters and the peaks stand up straight without collapsing. They should look glossy and smooth.

  • Can I use frozen raspberries?

    Yes, just make sure to thaw and drain them well before blending. Excess water could affect the texture of your marshmallow mixture.

  • What can I use if I don't have a pastry bag?

    A zip-lock bag with one corner snipped off works just as well for piping the raspberry mixture.

  • How long can these marshmallows be stored?

    They can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week. Just make sure to keep them cool to maintain their texture.

  • Why did my marshmallows turn out too sticky?

    This can happen if the gelatin hasn't set properly. Make sure you give it enough time to swell and dissolve completely.

  • Can I add other flavors to the marshmallows?

    Absolutely! You can experiment with different fruit purees or add a few drops of your favorite extract to the gelatin mixture for new flavor twists.

Nutrition facts

Healthy marshmallows with raspberry
Recipe Yield:300 grams (10.60 ounces) of marshmallows
Calories:per piece
Calories (Min - Max):5 - 10
Total Fat:0.5g
Saturated Fat:0.4g
Total Carbohydrate:1g
Total Sugars:1g