Incredibly Delicious Cake


For the Cake

  • 300 grams (1.5 cups) butter, room temperature
  • 300 grams (1.5 cups) sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 400 grams (3.5 cups) flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
  • Vanilla extract

For the Fruit Topping

  • Any berries, peaches, or apples


  • Mixing Bowl

    Make sure to use a large mixing bowl to comfortably mix all ingredients without any spillages.

  • Electric Mixer

    An electric mixer will save you time and ensure your batter achieves that perfectly fluffy consistency.

  • Spatula

    A good rubber spatula is key for folding ingredients gently and scraping down the sides of the bowl efficiently.

  • Baking Pan

    Opt for a non-stick, 9x13 inch baking pan to ensure even baking and easy removal of your cake.

  • Oven Thermometer

    An oven thermometer helps you maintain the correct temperature for perfect baking results every time.


Step 1

Preparing the Batter

Beat room temperature butter until light and fluffy. Add sugar, vanilla extract, and beat for another 3 minutes.
Add eggs one at a time, continuing to beat until the mixture is creamy and airy.

Step 2

Final Steps

Sift the dry ingredients and mix into the batter at medium speed.
Fold in your choice of berries or fruit, or arrange them on top.
Bake at 180Β°C (350Β°F) in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.

Step 3


Serve and enjoy your delicious homemade cake!


Thinking about how to serve this delightful summer fruit pastry? Here are some exquisite ideas to make your dessert experience even more memorable. πŸ“πŸ‘πŸŽ **Serve with Fresh Cream:** A dollop of freshly whipped cream can elevate the texture and taste. Add a touch of vanilla or a sprinkle of powdered sugar for an extra treat. **Ice Cream Delight:** Pair your cake slice with a scoop of vanilla or berry ice cream. The cool, creamy texture complements the warm, fruity cake wonderfully. 🍨 **Mingle with Mint:** Garnish with fresh mint leaves to add a refreshing aroma and a pop of color to your plate. **A Glass of Bubbly:** Enjoy your cake with a glass of sparkling wine or a fruity mocktail. The bubbly complement can enhance the fresh fruit flavors in the cake. πŸ₯‚ **Seasonal Fruit Salad:** Side your pastry with a light, seasonal fruit salad for an extra burst of natural sweetness and a balanced finish to your dessert.


Want to enjoy this delicious pastry but need a gluten-free or vegan option? We've got you covered! πŸŒ±πŸŽ‚ **Gluten-Free**: Replace the flour with a high-quality gluten-free flour blend. Ensure that your baking powder is also gluten-free. The rest of the steps remain the same, bringing you a gluten-free delight that everyone will love! **Vegan**: - **Butter**: Use a plant-based butter substitute to retain that creamy richness. - **Eggs**: Swap out eggs with flax eggs (1 tbsp flaxseed meal + 3 tbsp water per egg), which provide the necessary binding and moisture. - **Check Labels**: Ensure that all other ingredients like sugar and vanilla extract are vegan-friendly. Your vegan summer fruit pastry will be just as tasty and satisfying as the original!


  • How do I know when my cake is done? πŸ•‘

    Insert a toothpick into the center of the cake. If it comes out clean, your cake is ready. The edges should also start to pull away slightly from the pan.

  • Can I use frozen fruits instead of fresh fruits? 🌻

    Yes, you can use frozen fruits! Just make sure they are thawed and drained properly to avoid extra moisture in the batter.

  • Why is my cake dense instead of fluffy? πŸ€”

    Make sure you are beating the butter and sugar well. Overmixing the batter after adding the dry ingredients can also cause denseness.

  • How can I prevent my fruits from sinking to the bottom? πŸ”

    Coat your fruits lightly in flour before folding them into the batter. This helps them stay suspended rather than sinking.

  • Can I double the recipe? πŸ°βž•

    Absolutely! Just ensure you use a larger pan or divide the batter between two pans. Adjust the baking time as needed.

  • What’s the best way to store leftovers? πŸ°πŸ“¦

    Keep your cake in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days, or refrigerate for up to a week. For longer storage, you can freeze individual slices wrapped in plastic wrap then aluminum foil.

Nutrition facts

Incredibly Delicious Cake
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Per serving, the cake contains approximately 400-450 calories.
Calories (Min - Max):400 - 450
Total Fat:24g
Saturated Fat:14g
Total Carbohydrate:50g
Total Sugars:25g