
Sponge Biscuit

  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) flour
  • 15 grams (0.55 ounces) corn starch
  • 70 grams (2.45 ounces) sugar
  • 5 grams (0.20 ounces) baking powder
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 3 egg whites
  • 120 grams (4.25 ounces) mango puree
  • 25 grams (0.90 ounces) soft butter
  • 25 grams (0.90 ounces) vegetable oil
  • zest of 0.5 lemon
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt


  • 16 cm (6.3 inch) baking mold

    Ensure it's non-stick or use parchment paper to avoid sticking; a springform pan can make unmolding easier.

  • Immersion Blender

    Blending your fresh mango into a smooth puree is a breeze with this handy tool.

  • Whisk or Hand Mixer

    Whipping egg whites to stiff peaks and mixing your batter evenly can be done effortlessly with an electric hand mixer.

  • Sifter

    Sifting the flour, starch, and baking powder ensures a smooth and lump-free mix.

  • Spatula

    A silicone spatula is ideal for gently folding in the egg whites without deflating them.


Step 1

Welcome! Today, we have an exciting recipe for you—a unique mango sponge biscuit. It’s a moist delight that doesn’t require any soaking. This recipe is for a 16 cm (6.3 inch) mold. Let's get started!

Step 2

Tip: Ensure all your ingredients are at room temperature for better mixing and consistency.

Step 3

1. Prepare Mango Puree: If you have fresh mangoes, make a puree using an immersion blender. You can also use ready-made mango puree.

Step 4

Tip: If you don’t have mango puree, apricot puree works as a great substitute.

Step 5

2. Sift Dry Ingredients: In a separate bowl, sift together 100 grams (3.55 ounces) of flour, 15 grams (0.55 ounces) of corn starch, and 5 grams (0.20 ounces) of baking powder.

Step 6

Tip: Sifting helps to incorporate air and makes the sponge lighter.

Step 7

3. Whip Egg Whites: In a clean bowl, whip 3 egg whites with a pinch of salt and 15 grams (0.55 ounces) of sugar until stiff peaks form.

Step 8

Tip: Make sure the bowl and whisk are dry and free of any grease for better volume.

Step 9

4. Cream Butter and Yolks: In another bowl, whip 25 grams (0.90 ounces) of soft butter, 25 grams (0.90 ounces) of vegetable oil, 120 grams (4.25 ounces) of mango puree, 2 egg yolks, and 55 grams (1.90 ounces) of sugar until light in color. Add the zest of 0.5 lemon and 0.5 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Step 10

Tip: Whip until the mixture is fluffy for a lighter sponge texture.

Step 11

5. Combine Ingredients: Carefully fold in parts of the dry ingredients into the butter mixture. Then, gently fold in a part of the whipped egg whites. Repeat this process 3-4 times until everything is well combined.

Step 12

Tip: Be gentle while folding to keep the batter airy.

Step 13

6. Bake: Pour the batter into a 16 cm (6.3 inch) mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) for about 30 to 40 minutes. Check for doneness with a toothpick; it should come out clean.

Step 14

Tip: Avoid opening the oven door frequently to ensure even baking.

Step 15

Enjoy your delightful mango sponge biscuit!


Imagine serving your tantalizing mango sponge biscuit at a garden party, surrounded by friends and laughter. Pair it with a dollop of whipped cream and a few fresh mango slices on the side for that extra touch of elegance. For a twist, consider topping it with a light dusting of powdered sugar and a sprig of mint - a simple, yet sophisticated look. Taking it to a picnic? Pack it in a rustic basket along with some tropical fruit salad and iced tea for a refreshing alfresco experience. If you’re thinking about something more indulgent, try serving it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of warm, homemade caramel sauce. Be creative, and let this delectable sponge biscuit be the star of your next dessert table!


For a gluten-free version of this mango sponge biscuit, simply swap out the all-purpose flour with a good quality gluten-free flour blend. You'll still achieve a lovely texture without compromising on taste. To make it vegan, replace the egg yolks and egg whites with a mixture of aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas) which mimics the fluffy texture you get from eggs. Also, use vegan butter and a plant-based milk mixed with a tsp of apple cider vinegar as a replacement for the butter and any additional liquid the eggs might have provided. Mix and bake as usual, and enjoy a completely plant-based treat that everyone can devour!


  • What can I use if I don't have mango puree?

    You can replace mango puree with apricot puree or any other fruit puree of similar consistency.

  • Why do I need to sift the dry ingredients?

    Sifting helps to combine the ingredients well and adds air, which contributes to a lighter, fluffier sponge.

  • How do I know when the sponge biscuit is done?

    Insert a toothpick in the center of the biscuit; if it comes out clean, the biscuit is ready.

  • Can I make the batter ahead of time?

    It is best to bake the batter immediately after preparing to ensure optimal rise and texture.

  • How can I prevent my sponge biscuit from deflating?

    Be gentle when folding in the egg whites, and avoid over-mixing the batter to retain as much air as possible.

  • What's the best way to store the sponge biscuit?

    Wrap it tightly with plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days or refrigerate for longer freshness.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:1 sponge biscuit (16 cm mold)
Calories:per serving (estimated at 8 servings)
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 180
Total Fat:6 grams per serving
Saturated Fat:3 grams per serving
Protein:3 grams per serving
Total Carbohydrate:24 grams per serving
Total Sugars:15 grams per serving