
Croquelin Dough

  • 35 grams (1.25 ounces) flour
  • 5 grams (0.18 ounces) cocoa powder
  • 10 grams (0.35 ounces) hazelnut flour
  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) sugar
  • 40 grams (1.40 ounces) cold butter

Choux Pastry

  • 150 grams (5.30 ounces) flour
  • 250 grams (8.80 ounces) water
  • 1 gram (0.04 ounces) salt
  • 3 grams (0.11 ounces) sugar
  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) butter (82.5% fat)
  • 240 grams (8.45 ounces) eggs


  • Stand Mixer with Paddle Attachment

    Helps ensure even mixing of ingredients for a smooth, consistent dough.

  • Rolling Pin

    Essential for rolling out the croquelin dough to the perfect thickness of 2mm.

  • Parchment Paper

    Prevents sticking and makes transferring the dough easy. Use high-quality parchment for the best results.

  • Baking Sheets

    A sturdy baking sheet helps distribute heat evenly, ensuring your pastries rise perfectly.

  • Round Nozzle and Piping Bag

    For depositing the choux dough in neat, even-sized cones.

  • Preheated Oven

    A consistent and accurate oven temperature is key to achieving perfectly baked pastries.


Step 1

1. Let's start with creating the croquelin dough. Combine 35 grams of flour, 5 grams of cocoa powder, 10 grams of hazelnut flour, 50 grams of sugar, and 40 grams of cold butter in a mixer using the paddle attachment. Mix until the ingredients are fully combined. Roll out the mixture between two sheets of parchment paper until it is about 2 mm (0.05 inches) thick. Freeze the dough, and then cut a ring shape out of it. Freezing the dough makes it easier to cut clean shapes.

Step 2

2. For the choux pastry, start by combining 250 grams of water, 1 gram of salt, 3 grams of sugar, and 100 grams of butter in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Bring the mixture to a boil, then add all the flour in one go. Stir vigorously with a sturdy spatula until a velvety crust forms at the bottom of the pan. Make sure not to scrape this crust off. Transfer the dough into a mixer bowl and stir to cool it down to 65-70°C (149-158°F). Cooling the dough to the right temperature is crucial for incorporating eggs without cooking them.

Step 3

3. Once the dough has cooled, pre-whip the eggs with a blender. Start adding the eggs to the dough one at a time, ensuring each addition is fully combined before adding the next. Do this at the minimum mixer speed to avoid incorporating air bubbles. Scrape the dough from the sides of the bowl periodically. Check the dough's consistency after each addition of eggs; it should flow lazily into an even triangle shape. You may not need all the eggs specified. Add them gradually until the desired consistency is achieved.

Step 4

4. If the dough is too thick, add a bit more egg or a small amount of hot milk slowly. Remember, the dough needs time for the gluten to develop fully. The dough should be shiny and glossy, with a temperature of about 30°C (86°F). Be patient when adjusting the dough's consistency. Adding liquids in small increments is key.

Step 5

5. Place the dough cones on a baking mat, making sure they slightly touch each other. Cover them with the frozen croquelin dough ring on top, which should be slightly larger in diameter than the choux pastry base. Bake these in a preheated oven set at 200°C (392°F) for the first 10 minutes. Then, reduce the temperature to 180°C (356°F) and continue baking until they turn golden brown. Preheating the oven ensures consistent baking temperatures, which is critical for choux pastry.

Step 6

6. Note: If your dough rises and then deflates, the oven temperature is likely too low. If it doesn't rise at all, either the temperature is too low or there is too much moisture in the dough. Cracks indicate either too high a baking temperature, too thick a dough, or underdeveloped gluten. Keep a close eye on the choux pastry during baking to make immediate adjustments as needed.

Step 7

7. Finally, you can fill your pastry with your favorite crème, like cream cheese with berry filling or cream cheese with hazelnut praline and caramel. Bon Appetit! Experiment with different fillings to find your favorite combination.


Imagine serving your freshly-made choux pastries at your next garden party, filled with vibrant cream cheese and berry filling – an absolute showstopper! For a more sophisticated touch at dinners, pair the choux pastries with a dollop of hazelnut praline and caramel cream. For a whimsical brunch, consider filling the pastries with a luscious lemon curd or a delightfully light vanilla cream. Each bite promises a crispy, golden exterior that gives way to an airy, flavorful center. Trust me, these choux pastries will be the highlight of any event, turning a regular gathering into a memorable occasion.


Creating a gluten-free version of this pastry is simple. Substitute the standard flour with a trusted gluten-free blend – one that includes xanthan gum for binding. For the choux pastry, ensure the flour substitute can handle the high moisture content and baking stresses. To make it vegan, replace butter with a high-quality vegan margarine or coconut oil. Use flax eggs (1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal + 3 tablespoons of water for each egg) instead of traditional eggs. Ensure that your flour substitute is also gluten-free for a double-duty variation. Keep an eye on the consistency and texture as these substitutes can sometimes necessitate minor adjustments in preparation.


  • Why does my choux pastry collapse after baking?

    This usually happens if the oven temperature is too low or if you open the oven door too early, causing the pastries to deflate.

  • How do I know when my choux pastry is done?

    The pastries should be golden brown, feel light, and sound hollow when tapped. This indicates they are fully baked and will hold their shape.

  • Can I make the dough ahead of time?

    Yes, you can prepare the choux dough and refrigerate it for up to 2 days. However, for the best results, pipe and bake them fresh.

  • What cream filling works best for choux pastry?

    Classic choices include vanilla pastry cream and whipped cream. You can also experiment with flavored fillings like coffee or chocolate ganache.

  • How do I avoid cracks on the surface of my choux pastry?

    Cracks can result from high oven temperatures or dough that is too thick. Ensure the oven is not too hot and adjust the dough consistency if needed.

  • Is there a way to make my choux pastries rise more evenly?

    Yes, using croquelin on top aids in even rising and prevents cracking. Also, make sure all ingredients are at room temperature and follow the mixing instructions carefully.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:Multiple servings
Calories:Approximately 150-180 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):150 - 180
Total Fat:10 grams
Saturated Fat:6 grams
Protein:3 grams
Total Carbohydrate:15 grams
Total Sugars:7 grams