Pistachio Madeleines


Madeleine Ingredients

  • 2 eggs
  • 120 grams (0.5 cup) sugar
  • 150 grams (1 cup) flour
  • 25 grams (0.5 cup) pistachio flour
  • 7 grams (0.5 tablespoon) baking powder
  • 50 grams (0.25 cup) milk
  • 70 grams (0.5 cup) butter
  • 15 grams (1 tablespoon) pistachio paste
  • 30 grams (0.25 cup) chopped pistachios

Pistachio Ganache Ingredients

  • 220 grams (8 ounces) white chocolate
  • 100 grams (0.5 cup) cream
  • 25 grams (0.5 tablespoon) glucose syrup
  • 25 grams (1 tablespoon) pistachio paste

Glaze Ingredients

  • White chocolate
  • Gel food coloring (green/yellow/red)


  • Madeleine Mold

    A must-have for that iconic shell shape. Silicone molds are easier to unmold, but metal molds provide a crisper edge.

  • Whisk

    Essential for incorporating air into your eggs and sugar. A stand mixer can save you time and effort.

  • Piping Bag

    Helps in filling the molds cleanly and evenly. If you don't have one, a plastic zip-lock bag with a snipped corner works just fine!

  • Double Boiler

    For melting chocolate gently without burning. You can substitute a microwave, but be sure to go in short bursts to avoid scorching.

  • Gear for Sifting

    A fine mesh sieve ensures your dry ingredients are clump-free for a smoother finish.


Step 1

Prepare the Madeleines

Melt the butter, stir in the pistachio paste, and set aside.
Whisk the eggs with the sugar, then add the milk.
Mix the flour, pistachio flour, and baking powder, then sift the mixture.
Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture, stirring gently until smooth.
Mix in the melted butter with pistachio paste until well combined (avoid overmixing).
Pour the batter into a piping bag and refrigerate for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight.

Step 2

Bake the Madeleines

Preheat the oven to 220°C (430°F).
Pipe the batter into a prepared Madeleine mold, filling each cavity to two-thirds full.
Sprinkle chopped pistachios on top.
Bake until golden brown.
Remove from oven, cool, and fill with pistachio ganache.

Step 3

Prepare the Pistachio Ganache

Melt the white chocolate.
Heat the cream with glucose syrup, then pour over the melted chocolate.
Add the pistachio paste and blend until smooth and emulsified.
Cover with plastic wrap touching the surface and let stand until stabilized.
Whip before using. It may be slightly runny but will set in the refrigerator.

Step 4

Decorate with Glaze

Melt white chocolate and add gel food coloring sparingly until the desired color is achieved. Blend until smooth.
Dip each madeleine halfway and chill until set.
Alternatively, temper the chocolate using your preferred method for a crisper coating that doesn’t smudge.


Ah, the magical moment when your freshly baked **Pistachio Madeleines** emerge from the oven. 🌟 How do you make the most of it? Here are some serving suggestions that will elevate your experience:

For the Simple Pleasure Seeker: Enjoy your madeleines fresh out of the oven with a steaming cup of coffee or tea. The delicate flavor of pistachio pairs wonderfully with both. ☕🍵

Elegant Dessert: Arrange your madeleines on a platter and drizzle them with the pistachio ganache. Add some extra chopped pistachios on top for that *wow* factor. Perfect for impressing dinner guests! 🍽️🍰

Kid-Friendly Delight: Use colorful sprinkles alongside the glaze to create a more festive, fun appearance that little ones will adore. 🎉🍭

Sophisticated Pairing: Pair your madeleines with a glass of sweet dessert wine. The balance of flavors will have you feeling like you're sitting in a Parisian café. 🍷🇫🇷


Want to adapt this scrumptious recipe for dietary preferences? No problem! Here's how you can make **gluten-free** and **vegan** versions:

Gluten-Free: Replace the all-purpose flour and pistachio flour with a good quality gluten-free flour blend and gluten-free pistachio flour. Ensure your baking powder is gluten-free as well. Your madeleines will be just as delightful! 🌾🚫

Vegan: Substitute eggs with a flaxseed mixture (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 2.5 tablespoons water equals one egg). Replace the milk with a plant-based alternative such as almond or oat milk. Use vegan butter and make sure your white chocolate is dairy-free. Your vegan friends will thank you! 🌱❤️


  • Why are my madeleines not rising properly?

    This could be due to overmixing the batter or not letting it rest long enough. Be sure to follow the recipe's resting time for best results.

  • How do I prevent my madeleines from sticking to the mold?

    Grease the mold generously with butter and then dust with flour before filling, especially if you’re using a metal mold.

  • What is the best way to store madeleines?

    Keep them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or freeze for longer storage. Make sure they are completely cool before storing.

  • Can I prepare the batter in advance?

    Yes! In fact, chilling the batter overnight enhances the flavor and texture of your madeleines.

  • What's the trick to getting a perfect glaze?

    Melt the white chocolate slowly, stirring constantly. Use gel food coloring sparingly to avoid thinning the chocolate. Let the glaze set fully in the fridge for a shiny finish.

  • How can I create different flavors?

    Feel free to experiment! Try adding different nut pastes, citrus zest, or even a touch of almond extract to the batter for unique twists.

Nutrition facts

Pistachio Madeleines
Recipe Yield:24 madeleines
Calories:per Madeleine
Calories (Min - Max):120 - 150
Total Fat:7g
Saturated Fat:4g
Total Carbohydrate:12g
Total Sugars:8g