
Roll Ingredients

Chocolate cookies - 400 grams (14 ounces)
Bananas - 2
Milk - 2 tablespoons (30 milliliters)

Cream and Filling

Cream cheese - 400 grams (14 ounces)
Powdered sugar - 50 grams (1/4 cup)
Mango - 1
Strawberries - 150 grams (5 ounces)
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

In a large bowl, combine the *chocolate cookies* with *bananas* and *milk*. Mix thoroughly until you have a homogenous dough.

Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and roll it out into a rectangle about *5 millimeters* thick (*0.2 inches*).

Step 2

Make the Cream and Add Fruit

In a separate bowl, mix together the *cream cheese* and *powdered sugar* until smooth and creamy.

Spread the cream evenly over the rolled-out dough. *Add your choice of fruits and berries*. Here, we're using *mango* and *strawberries*.

Step 3

Roll and Decorate

Carefully roll the base into a roll, ensuring it's tight and compact. Melt the *chocolate* and drizzle it over the roll. *Sprinkle* with the nuts of your choice, such as hazelnuts.

Place the roll in the refrigerator for about *3 minutes* to allow the chocolate to set. After that, your delicious roll is ready to be served and enjoyed!


🌟 **Serve it chilled**: This chocolate roll is best served cold, straight from the fridge, ensuring the chocolate maintains its lovely crunch. Slice it meticulously and place each piece on a vibrant plate to make it irresistible.

🧁 **Pair it wisely**: Accompany your chocolate roll with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a heavenly combo. The warmth of the bananas blends perfectly with the cold, creamy scoop, making each bite a delightful surprise.

🍹 **Add a splash**: This dessert works wonderfully with a refreshing drink. Try coupling it with a tangy mango smoothie for a tropical touch, or a simple iced coffee for the ultimate café vibe at home.

🎉 **Party Time!**: Turn this into a center-stage dessert at your next gathering. Decorate with extra fruits around the plate, bringing a rainbow of colors and flavors to your table. It's sure to be the star of the event!


Microwave or Double Boiler

Needed for melting the chocolate without any fuss. This helps to evenly cover your dessert.

We recommend:


🌱 **Gluten-Free Version**: Swap the chocolate biscuits with gluten-free ones to avoid any dietary restrictions. Ensure your other ingredients, like chocolate and any decorative elements, are completely gluten-free too!

🌿 **Vegan Twist**: Replace the cottage cheese with vegan cream cheese, and opt for plant-based chocolate to make this treat vegan-friendly. Bananas already provide natural sweetness, making this an easy adaptation.


  • What type of chocolate biscuits should I use?

    You can use any store-bought chocolate biscuits. Just ensure they blend well into a fine crumb for smooth dough texture.

  • How do I prevent the roll from cracking?

    Be gentle when rolling and ensure the dough is not too dry. Adding a touch more milk might help maintain proper moisture.

  • Can I use other fruits for the filling?

    Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with different fruits like raspberries, peaches, or kiwi for a unique flavor.

  • How do I ensure the chocolate coating is glossy and smooth?

    Melt the chocolate slowly at a low temperature, stirring consistently. Adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil can enhance smoothness and shine.

  • Can I make the roll ahead of time?

    Yes, this roll can be made a day in advance. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator until serving time.

  • How can I enhance the presentation of this dessert?

    Use a drizzle bottle for the chocolate and try a zig-zag pattern. Top with a sprinkle of sea salt for a gourmet touch.

Nutrition facts

Quick Chocolate Roll with Banana and Mango
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Estimated per serving
Calories (Min - Max):350 - 400
Total Fat:18g
Saturated Fat:10g
Total Carbohydrate:45g
Total Sugars:25g