

  • 500 grams (17.6 ounces) pear puree
  • 500 grams (17.6 ounces) rhubarb puree
  • 28 grams (1 ounce) yellow pectin
  • 280 grams (9.88 ounces) sugar
  • 160 grams (5.64 ounces) glucose syrup
  • 160 grams (5.64 ounces) invert sugar syrup
  • 10 grams (0.35 ounces) lemon acid


  • Digital Thermometer

    Accurate temperatures are key; invest in a good digital thermometer to ensure your marmalade reaches the perfect consistency.

  • Heavy-Bottomed Saucepan

    A heavy-bottomed saucepan provides even heat distribution and prevents the contents from burning.

  • Silicone Spatula

    A silicone spatula is flexible yet sturdy, perfect for stirring and scraping the bottom and sides of the pan.

  • Rectangular Cake Ring

    Use a 20cm (7.9 inch) rectangular cake ring to shape your marmalade perfectly.


Step 1

1. Combine the pear puree and rhubarb puree in a large saucepan. Add the invert sugar syrup and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently until the sugar dissolves completely. Ensure to stir constantly to avoid sticking and burning.

Step 2

2. Sprinkle the regular sugar mixed with yellow pectin evenly over the mixture while continuing to stir. Bring the mixture to a boil. Sprinkling sugar gradually helps in preventing lumps.

Step 3

3. Add the glucose syrup to the boiling mixture and cook until the temperature reaches 103-104°C (217.4-219.2°F). Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature. Maintain a steady boil and stir constantly to ensure an even consistency.

Step 4

4. Stir in the lemon acid thoroughly. Pour the hot mixture into a 20 cm (7.9 inch) rectangular cake ring lined with parchment paper. Be careful with the hot mixture to avoid burns. If you don't have a cake ring, any mold with similar dimensions can be used.

Step 5

5. Let the marmalade sit at room temperature for about 24 hours to stabilize. Once set, cut the marmalade into small cubes and coat them in fine sugar or dextrose. For an extra touch, use flavored sugar or add a little citric acid to the coating for a tangy twist.


🥞️ **Crispy Toast Treat**: Pile the marmalade cubes onto freshly toasted bread for a breakfast that’s both luxurious and simple.

🍨 **Ice Cream Delight**: Add a few marmalade cubes on top of your favorite vanilla ice cream for a tangy twist. The refreshing pear and rhubarb flavors pair exceptionally well with the creamy texture of ice cream.

🧀 **Cheese Platter Extravaganza**: Include these marmalade cubes on your next cheese platter. They complement both soft and hard cheeses delightfully, adding a unique sweet-tart flavor that will elevate your tasting experience.


🍏 **Gluten-Free**: Good news! This marmalade recipe is naturally gluten-free, ensuring everyone can enjoy its deliciousness without worries.

🌱 **Vegan**: No animal products here! This recipe is entirely vegan-friendly, making it the perfect treat for everyone, including those on a plant-based diet.


  • How do I know my marmalade has reached the right temperature?

    Use a digital thermometer to ensure the mixture reaches 103-104C (217.4-219.2F).

  • Can I substitute the pear puree?

    Yes, you can substitute pear puree with apple or quince puree for a different flavor, maintaining the same quantities.

  • How do I store the marmalade cubes?

    Store them in an airtight container, preferably in a cool, dry place, to keep them fresh for up to two weeks.

  • Can I use this marmalade as a filling?

    Absolutely! This marmalade makes a fantastic filling for cakes, tarts, and pastries.

  • How can I ensure the sugar doesn't crystallize?

    Stir the mixture continuously and ensure all sugar granules are fully dissolved before it starts to boil to prevent crystallization.

  • Can I add other flavors?

    Feel free to experiment by adding spices like cinnamon or vanilla to give your marmalade a unique twist.

Nutrition facts

Rhubarb & pear marmalade
Recipe Yield:approximately 50 small cubes
Calories:per small cube
Calories (Min - Max):30 - 35
Total Fat:0g
Saturated Fat:0g
Total Carbohydrate:8g
Total Sugars:8g