

210 grams (1.5 cups) all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
A pinch of salt
115 grams (1/2 cup) cold unsalted butter
3 tablespoons cold water


3-4 tart-sweet apples
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons salted caramel (optional)
Lemon juice

For Brushing

1 egg
A splash of milk


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

Mix the flour, powdered sugar, and a pinch of salt together in a large bowl. Add the cold butter, grated or cut into small pieces, and quickly mix it in with your fingers to form coarse crumbs.

Add the cold water and mix until a dough forms. Gather the dough into a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Step 2

Make the Filling

Slice the apples thinly, leaving the skin on, then drizzle them with lemon juice to prevent browning. Combine the apple slices with sugar, cinnamon, and salted caramel if using.

Step 3

Assemble the Galette

Roll the chilled dough into a circle about 4-5 mm (1/5 inch) thick. Place the apple filling in the center, leaving a 5 cm (2 inch) border.

Fold the edges over the filling and brush the crust with the egg and milk mixture. Sprinkle a bit of sugar over the galette for extra sweetness.

Step 4

Bake the Galette

Preheat the oven to 200°C (390°F). Bake the galette until it turns a confident golden brown color.

Step 5

Enjoy the Delight

Once out of the oven, allow it to cool slightly before serving. This rustic galette offers a delightful blend of flavors, perfect for any occasion!


✨ Transform your dining experience with this apple galette as your centerpiece! Serve it **warm from the oven**, paired with a scoop of velvety **vanilla ice cream**—the contrast between the hot pastry and the cold ice cream is utterly irresistible. 🍦

Hosting a brunch? Slice the galette into small pieces and serve with a **hot pot of coffee** or **freshly brewed tea**. The subtle hints of cinnamon pair perfectly with hot beverages, making it a cozy treat to share with friends. ☕️🍏

For a truly decadent twist, drizzle some **salted caramel sauce** over each slice. The sweet and salty combination will transport you to dessert heaven. Or add a dollop of freshly whipped cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon for a classic touch. 🍽️



🌟 Want to make this galette gluten-free? Simply swap the all-purpose flour for a **1-to-1 gluten-free baking flour** blend. It works seamlessly to achieve a flaky and tender crust. 💪

🥑 For a vegan twist, replace the butter with a **vegan butter** or solid coconut oil. You can also substitute the egg wash with a mixture of **non-dairy milk and maple syrup** to get that beautiful golden color without using eggs. Experimenting with these ingredients will open up a world of vegan delights! 🌱


  • How do I prevent my dough from becoming tough?

    Ensure all your ingredients, especially butter and water, are cold. Work quickly to incorporate the butter into the flour without overmixing, which helps maintain a tender texture.

  • What if I don't have salted caramel?

    No worries! Simply increase the sugar slightly in your apple mixture, or make a quick homemade caramel with sugar and a bit of water and salt.

  • Can I prepare the dough in advance?

    Absolutely! Make your dough up to two days ahead and keep it wrapped in plastic in the fridge. You can also freeze it for up to a month.

  • How can I ensure an even bake?

    Rotate the baking sheet halfway through the baking time to ensure your galette bakes evenly. This is especially useful if your oven has hot spots.

  • Can I make this galette with other fruits?

    Of course! This versatile recipe allows for different fillings. Try berries, peaches, or pears. Just adjust the sugar accordingly based on the fruit's sweetness.

  • How do I achieve a crispy bottom crust?

    Baking your galette on a preheated baking sheet or using a pizza stone can help achieve a crispy bottom crust. Ensure your oven is fully preheated before baking!

Nutrition facts

Rustic Apple Galette with a Caramel Twist
Recipe Yield:6 servings
Calories:Each serving contains between 250 and 300 calories depending on the use of caramel.
Calories (Min - Max):250 - 300
Total Fat:15g
Saturated Fat:9g
Total Carbohydrate:35g
Total Sugars:15g