

  • 125 grams (4.40 ounces) sugar
  • 125 grams (4.40 ounces) cream (with high fat content)
  • 25 grams (0.90 ounces) butter
  • 25 grams (0.90 ounces) water

Milk Chocolate Ganache

  • 125 grams (4.40 ounces) milk chocolate
  • 65 grams (2.30 ounces) fat cream

Cheese Crème

  • 400 grams (14.10 ounces) cream cheese
  • 115 grams (4.05 ounces) cream (with high fat content)
  • 60 grams (2.10 ounces) powdered sugar


  • Cocoa: to taste
  • Sugar: to taste


  • Saucepan

    Used to caramelize sugar for a rich, smooth caramel. Make sure it's heavy-bottomed to ensure even heat distribution.

  • Whisk

    Essential for whipping the caramel and ganache to a light, airy consistency. Opt for a sturdy stainless steel whisk.

  • Microwave-safe bowl

    Perfect for melting chocolate quickly and efficiently. Use a bowl that's deep enough to prevent spills.

  • Blender

    This will help you get a smooth, lump-free ganache. A hand blender can be particularly useful for smaller quantities.

  • Cling Film

    Essential for covering and stabilizing both the caramel and ganache. Make sure it’s food-safe and free from any chemicals.


Step 1

Step 1: Prepare the caramel. Combine 125 grams (4.40 ounces) of sugar and 25 grams (0.90 ounces) of water in a saucepan. Place it over medium heat until the sugar fully dissolves and turns an amber color. Avoid stirring; gently swirl the pan occasionally.

Step 2

Step 2: Remove the saucepan from heat and add 25 grams (0.90 ounces) of butter in small pieces, stirring vigorously with each addition.

Step 3

Step 3: In a separate bowl, heat 125 grams (4.40 ounces) of cream until hot. Pour the hot cream into the caramel slowly, whisking continuously. Be careful as the mixture may bubble up.

Step 4

Step 4: Let the caramel boil briefly. Though it may seem liquid, it will thicken as it cools in the fridge. Cover with cling film in direct contact, then refrigerate for several hours to stabilize. Whip before use.

Step 5

Step 5: For the milk chocolate ganache, melt 125 grams (4.40 ounces) of milk chocolate in the microwave in short 10-second pulses. Stir between pulses to prevent burning.

Step 6

Step 6: Combine the melted chocolate with 65 grams (2.30 ounces) of hot cream using a blender until smooth. Cover with cling film in direct contact and refrigerate for 6 to 8 hours to stabilize. Whip before use.

Step 7

Step 7: For the cheese crème, mix 400 grams (14.10 ounces) of cream cheese, 115 grams (4.05 ounces) of cream (with high fat content), and 60 grams (2.10 ounces) of powdered sugar until smooth.

Step 8

Step 8: Prepare the soaking mixture to taste using cocoa and sugar. Ensure the biscuit is soaked well, especially the edges.

Step 9

Step 9: Assemble the cake in the following order: a soaked biscuit, the cheese crème, cream on the sides, ganache, another soaked biscuit, more cheese crème, the cheesecake layer, more crème on the sides, caramel, and salted peanuts. Finish with a final soaked biscuit layer.

Step 10

Step 10: Cover the cake with the remaining cheese crème and decorate as desired. Refrigerate to let the layers set before serving. Bon Appetit!


Serving this Snickers-inspired cake is where creativity meets festivity! For an elegant presentation, slice the cake into neat squares and garnish each piece with a caramel drizzle and a sprinkle of crushed salted peanuts. If you're hosting a party, serve alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent treat. Feeling playful? Pair your slices with mini servings of peanut butter milkshakes—it's a match made in heaven! Don't hesitate to add a dollop of whipped cream and even a sprinkle of sea salt for a sophisticated twist. Whether it's for a birthday bash or a casual gathering, this cake is a showstopper that's sure to spark conversations and smiles!


For a gluten-free version of this recipe, simply use gluten-free biscuits or cake layers in place of regular ones. Make sure all other ingredients, like chocolate and cream, are certified gluten-free. Veganizing this cake is a breeze too! Swap the cream cheese for a vegan cream cheese alternative and use coconut cream instead of dairy cream. Replace milk chocolate with high-quality dairy-free chocolate and ensure that your caramel is made with plant-based butter and a non-dairy milk alternative. Enjoy the same great taste with a vegan twist!


  • How do I know when the caramel is ready?

    The caramel should reach an amber color and have a slightly thick consistency. It will further thicken as it cools in the fridge.

  • Can I use a hand mixer instead of a whisk?

    Yes, a hand mixer can be used to combine ingredients thoroughly and achieve a smooth texture.

  • Is there a substitute for cream cheese in the cheese crème?

    Mascarpone or a combination of Greek yogurt and cream can be used as alternative to cream cheese.

  • How far in advance can I make this cake?

    You can prepare the components a day in advance and assemble the cake on the day of serving for best results.

  • Should I bring the caramel to room temperature before using?

    Yes, it’s best to let the caramel reach room temperature and whip it for a couple of minutes to get a smooth, spreadable consistency.

  • Can I use dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate for the ganache?

    Absolutely! Dark chocolate can add a richer, slightly bitter flavor that balances well with the sweetness of the caramel and cheese crème.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Approximately 500 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):450 - 550
Total Fat:35g
Saturated Fat:20g
Total Carbohydrate:46g
Total Sugars:40g