
Dough Ingredients

300 ml (1.25 cups) warm milk
10 grams (0.5 ounce) yeast
50 grams (0.25 cup) sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
80 grams (0.5 cup) butter
600-750 grams (5 to 6 cups) flour
We recommend:


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

Mix *warm milk* and *yeast* in a large bowl. Let it sit for about 5 minutes until it becomes frothy.

Add *sugar*, *salt*, and the *egg* to the mixture, stirring well until everything is dissolved.

Add *softened butter* and gradually mix in the *flour* until you achieve a *soft dough* consistency. Knead the dough on a well-floured surface until it becomes *smooth and elastic*.

Step 2

Prepare the Filling

In a separate small bowl, mix *softened butter* and *sugar* to taste. Use a generous amount to ensure the center of the rolls are rich and flavorful.

Step 3

Assemble the Rolls

Roll the dough out into a large rectangle on a floured surface. Spread the *butter and sugar* mixture evenly over the dough.

Roll the dough up tightly from one long edge, then cut it into even slices to create individual rolls.

Step 4

Bake the Rolls

Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Place the rolls on a lined or greased baking sheet, leaving some space between each roll for rising.

Bake for *30 minutes* or until the rolls are *golden brown* and the filling is melted and bubbly.

Let the rolls cool slightly before serving. Enjoy them warm for the best taste!


Picture this: you've just baked a batch of warm, fragrant pastries, and now it's time to enjoy them. Here are some serving suggestions and ideas to elevate your pastry experience:

1. Breakfast Bliss: 🥐 Enjoy your pastries with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea. Add a side of fresh berries or a dollop of yogurt for a balanced meal.

2. Afternoon Delight: 🍵 Serve your pastries with a light drizzle of honey or a dusting of powdered sugar. Pair them with your favorite herbal tea for a relaxing afternoon treat.

3. Dessert Heaven: 🍰 Top your pastries with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a swirl of whipped cream for a decadent dessert. A sprinkle of cinnamon or a dash of chocolate sauce will add an extra touch of yum!

Whatever the occasion, these pastries will be a hit. Get creative with your favorite toppings and accompaniments to make each serving unique! 😋



For those with dietary preferences or restrictions, here are some gluten-free and vegan variations of this delightful pastry recipe:

Gluten-Free Variation: 🍞 Swap out the regular flour for a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure the blend includes xanthan gum or a similar binding agent to mimic the texture of gluten.

Vegan Variation: 🌿 Replace the milk with almond milk or any plant-based milk of your choice. Use vegetable oil or vegan butter instead of regular butter. Substitute the egg with a flax egg (1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons of water).

These adjustments are easy to make and will still yield delicious results. Enjoy your pastries without compromising on your dietary needs! 🤗


  • Why didn’t my dough rise?

    Make sure your yeast is active and fresh. Also, check that your milk is warm but not too hot; it should be around 110°F.

  • How do I know when the pastries are done?

    The pastries should be golden brown on top and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. You can also use a skewer to check if it comes out clean.

  • Can I make the dough ahead of time?

    Yes, you can prepare the dough ahead and refrigerate it. Just make sure to bring it to room temperature before baking.

  • What’s the best way to store leftovers?

    Keep your pastries in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. For longer storage, freeze them and reheat before serving.

  • Can I add fillings to these pastries?

    Absolutely! Feel free to add jam, chocolate, or even savory fillings like cheese and herbs.

  • How can I make the pastries more flavorful?

    Consider adding spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or vanilla extract to the dough or filling to enhance the flavor.

Nutrition facts

Soft and Fluffy Sweet Rolls with Butter
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Approximately 250-300 calories per serving.
Calories (Min - Max):250 - 300
Total Fat:12g
Saturated Fat:7g
Total Carbohydrate:32g
Total Sugars:10g