
Cheese Mass

  • 500 grams (17.6 ounces) cottage cheese
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 80 grams (2.82 ounces) rice flour
  • 18 grams (4.5 teaspoons) sugar
  • Vanilla extract or vanillin: to taste


  • Strainer

    Essential for achieving a smooth texture in your cottage cheese mass by removing any lumps.

  • Mixing Bowl

    A basic mixing bowl to combine all your ingredients efficiently.

  • Non-stick Pan

    To fry your pancakes to a perfect golden brown without sticking issues.

  • Spatula

    Helps in flipping the pancakes carefully to ensure even cooking on both sides.

  • Measuring Spoons and Cups

    Accuracy is key in baking; these will help you measure your ingredients precisely.


Step 1

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a strainer until smooth. This ensures a smooth texture for your pancakes.

Step 2

2. Add the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla extract or vanillin, and 50 grams (1.76 ounces) of rice flour to the smooth cottage cheese. Mix thoroughly using a fork until well combined. Mixing with a fork helps to evenly distribute ingredients.

Step 3

3. Sprinkle about 30 grams (1.05 ounces) of rice flour onto your work surface. This will prevent the pancakes from sticking when you form them.

Step 4

4. With wet hands, form the cottage cheese mixture into small pancakes and roll them in the flour on the work surface. Wet hands make the dough easier to handle without sticking.

Step 5

5. Heat a non-stick pan over low heat and add a small amount of vegetable oil. Coconut oil works perfectly for this. Ensure the pan is well-heated to cook the pancakes evenly.

Step 6

6. Fry the pancakes under a lid for 3 to 4 minutes on each side, or until golden brown. Cooking with the lid helps the pancakes cook through thoroughly.

Step 7

7. Once golden brown and cooked through, your cottage cheese pancakes are ready to enjoy. Serve warm. These pancakes pair well with fresh fruit or a dollop of yogurt.


When it comes to serving these delightful cheese pancakes, the options are endless. Enjoy them warm directly from the pan, topped with a dollop of sour cream or Greek yogurt for an extra creamy finish. Drizzle honey or maple syrup for a sweet touch, or add a spoonful of your favorite jam or fresh berries to brighten up your plate. For a more elaborate presentation, sprinkle some crushed nuts like almonds or walnuts over the top. Pair these pancakes with a side of fresh fruit salad to balance the creaminess with a refreshing burst of flavor. If you're feeling indulgent, consider a scoop of vanilla ice cream, making this a dessert to remember. Whether you prefer a simple, traditional approach or an extravagant, gourmet flair, these cheese pancakes are versatile enough to suit any occasion. Share them with family and friends, and watch as these pancakes disappear, leaving everyone asking for more!


For those who need a gluten-free alternative, swap out the rice flour with an equivalent amount of almond flour or a gluten-free flour blend. This will not only make the pancakes suitable for those with gluten sensitivities but also add a delightful nutty flavor. Vegans can enjoy these pancakes too by making a few simple substitutions. Replace the cottage cheese with a vegan ricotta or cream cheese and use a flaxseed or chia seed egg substitute in place of the egg yolks. Opt for coconut sugar or another plant-based sweetener to keep the recipe vegan-friendly while maintaining that perfect hint of sweetness.


  • Why do I need to strain the cottage cheese?

    Straining ensures a smooth texture for your cheese mass, getting rid of any lumps and creating the perfect consistency for your pancakes.

  • Can I substitute rice flour with another type of flour?

    Yes, you can use all-purpose flour or almond flour as a substitute if you don't have rice flour on hand.

  • How can I prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan?

    Make sure to use a good quality non-stick pan and a small amount of vegetable oil or coconut oil to fry the pancakes.

  • What can I use if I don't have vanilla extract?

    You can use vanillin powder or even a hint of cinnamon for an added layer of flavor.

  • How do I know when to flip the pancakes?

    Check the edges; they should be set and slightly golden. The bottom should be a nice golden brown before you flip.

  • Can I make the pancakes ahead of time and reheat them?

    Yes, you can store them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Reheat them in a non-stick pan over low heat or in a microwave.

Nutrition facts

Vanilla cottage cheese pancakes
Recipe Yield:8 to 10 pancakes
Calories:Per pancake
Calories (Min - Max):70 - 90
Total Fat:3g
Saturated Fat:1.5g
Total Carbohydrate:7g
Total Sugars:1g