
Orange Truffles

  • 90 grams (3.2 ounces) 75% chocolate
  • 140 grams (4.9 ounces) cashew butter
  • 40 grams (1.4 ounces) orange juice
  • 30 grams (1.1 ounces) Jerusalem artichoke syrup
  • 1 teaspoon orange extract or a few drops of wild orange essential oil
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) chocolate for coating


  • Water Bath:

    A gentle way to melt chocolate without burning it. You can use a double boiler or simply place a heatproof bowl over a pot of simmering water.

  • Immersion Blender:

    Helps to emulsify the truffle mixture smoothly. If you don't have one, a regular blender or food processor works too.

  • Cling Film:

    Essential for covering the truffle mixture while it cools in the fridge, preventing any unwanted moisture from ruining the texture.


Step 1

1. Melt the chocolate using a water bath. Tip: Use any 75% chocolate you like or have on hand. Homemade chocolate works great if you have it.

Step 2

2. In a bowl, mix together the cashew butter, melted chocolate, orange juice, Jerusalem artichoke syrup, and orange extract. Beat the mixture with an immersion blender until it is smooth and emulsified. Tip: Adding some pieces of freeze-dried orange can enhance the flavor and texture. This is optional.

Step 3

3. Transfer the truffle mixture to a bowl and cover with cling film. Leave it in the refrigerator for about 8 hours to set. Tip: Overnight refrigeration ensures the mixture is firm enough to roll.

Step 4

4. Once the mixture is set, roll it into small balls and place them back in the refrigerator for another couple of hours to firm up again. Tip: Oiling your hands slightly can make rolling easier and less sticky.

Step 5

5. Temper the coating chocolate and dip the truffles into it. Tip: Rolling the dipped truffles in freeze-dried orange powder can add an extra burst of orange flavor and make them look appealing.

Step 6

6. Store the truffles in the refrigerator. They will keep for a few days, ensuring you enjoy them at their best! 😊


Ready to serve your mouth-watering orange truffles? 🍊 Here are some fun and creative ideas:

- **Surprise Your Guests**: Arrange the truffles on a beautiful platter, sprinkle with a touch of freeze-dried orange powder for an extra **pop of color and flavor**. Perfect for dinner parties or special occasions!

- **Gift of Joy**: Place the truffles in a decorative box, tied with a ribbon 🎁. It's an elegant homemade gift, guaranteed to delight anyone with a sweet tooth.

- **Decadent Dessert**: Serve these truffles with a scoop of vanilla ice cream 🍨, or as a garnish on top of a rich orange or chocolate mousse. It's an extravaganza of flavors in every bite.

So go ahead, make these joyful truffles the star of your next celebration!


**Time to experiment and have fun! 🌱**

- **Gluten-Free**: This recipe is naturally gluten-free! Just ensure that all your ingredients, especially the chocolate, are certified gluten-free.

- **Vegan**: Substitute the chocolate with high-quality vegan chocolate 🌿 and replace the cashew butter with a plant-based alternative, like almond butter.

Embrace these variations and cater to everyone's dietary preferences while keeping the indulgence intact!


  • Why does my chocolate seize up when melting?

    This can happen if moisture gets into the chocolate. Make sure all your equipment is dry, and melt the chocolate slowly over low heat.

  • How do I know when the truffle mixture is emulsified?

    The mixture should be smooth and glossy. If you're using an immersion blender, blend until no streaks of chocolate or cashew butter remain.

  • Can I use a different nut butter?

    Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with almond butter, hazelnut butter, or even peanut butter for a different flavor profile.

  • What's the best way to temper chocolate?

    Tempering chocolate can be a bit tricky but very rewarding. Melt two-thirds of your chocolate to about 110-115°F, then add the remaining one-third and stir until the temperature drops to 88-90°F.

  • Can I add other flavors to the truffles?

    Yes! Try adding different extracts, like vanilla or almond, or even a splash of your favorite liqueur for a unique twist.

  • How long can I store these truffles?

    These truffles can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a week. For best flavor, let them come to room temperature before serving.

Nutrition facts

Vegan chocolate & orange truffles
Recipe Yield:20 truffles
Calories:Per truffle
Calories (Min - Max):80 - 100
Total Fat:5g
Saturated Fat:2g
Total Carbohydrate:8g
Total Sugars:5g