Video Delicious Homemade Apple Pie with Crumble Topping
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Video Delicious Homemade Apple Pie with Crumble Topping

Explore this delectable recipe starting with apples, lemon, cinnamon, butter, and sugar for a sweet filling. Next, create a buttery crust, add a crumbly topping, and bake until golden. Enjoy a slice of this scrumptious pie.

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5-6 apples, 700 grams (1.5 pounds)
Zest of 1 lemon
Juice of 1 lemon, approximately 50 grams (2 ounces)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
50 grams (0.5 cup) butter
130 grams (0.5 cup) sugar
We recommend:


110 grams (0.5 cup) cold butter, cubed
65 grams (0.25 cup) sugar
220 grams (1 cup) flour
50 grams (0.25 cup) cold water
We recommend:

Crumble Topping

80 grams (0.5 cup) flour
55 grams (0.25 cup) sugar
50 grams (0.5 cup) cold butter, cubed
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