Video Healthy No-Sugar Banana Cocoa Treats: Easy Recipe
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Video Healthy No-Sugar Banana Cocoa Treats: Easy Recipe

Try this delightful recipe for a healthier twist on the traditional "potato cake" dessert, but with no added sugar and fewer calories. You'll need just a ripe banana, 3-4 sweet crackers (choose apricot-flavored for a tasty twist), and cocoa powder for both mixing and coating. Simply mash the banana until smooth, crush the crackers into fine crumbs, and combine them with the banana, adding cocoa powder to the mix. Shape the mixture into small cakes and roll them in cocoa powder for a finishing touch. These treats are perfect for immediate enjoyment or slightly chilled for a refreshing snack.

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For the Treats

1 ripe banana
3-4 sweet biscuits (e.g., apricot flavored)
2-3 teaspoons cocoa powder plus 1 teaspoon for coating