Video Lacy Crepes with Sour Cream Recipe
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Video Lacy Crepes with Sour Cream Recipe

Experience the flavors of this wonderful recipe by blending all-purpose flour, sour cream, whole milk, eggs, and a touch of sugar for a delightful crepe batter. Melt butter and whisk egg whites to perfection before combining. Fry gently with vegetable oil until golden. Enjoy these light, airy crepes, perfect for any occasion.

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Crepe Batter

1.5 cups (150 grams) all-purpose flour
1 cup (250 milliliters) whole milk
0.75 cup (150 grams) sour cream
0.5 teaspoon (1 gram) baking soda
1 tablespoon (15 grams) sugar
1 large (35 grams) butter, melted
0.25 teaspoon (1 gram) salt
3 large eggs, separated
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