Video No-Fail Apple Crumble Cake: Easy Recipe for Every Home ๐Ÿ
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Video No-Fail Apple Crumble Cake: Easy Recipe for Every Home ๐Ÿ

Whip up this fantastic layered apple pie! Begin with tart apples, semolina, flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, butter, and vanilla. Peel your apples and grate them. In a bowl, combine the semolina, flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, and vanilla. Divide this dry mix into four equal parts. Grease your baking dish with butter. Layer in one part of the dry mix, then a portion of grated apples, and a bit of frozen grated butter. Repeat twice more. Finish with a final dry mix layer and the last of the butter. Bake until golden and aromatic. Savor the delicious cinnamon-apple aroma that fills your kitchen!

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Main Ingredients

1200 grams (2.5 pounds) tart apples (Golden preferred)
2 cups semolina
2 cups flour
1.5 cups sugar
1.5 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon cinnamon
200-220 grams (7-8 ounces) butter, frozen
1 packet vanilla sugar
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