Video Perfect Egg-Free Medovik: Ultimate Gentle Honey Cake Recipe
the_olga_yakusheva the_olga_yakusheva

Video Perfect Egg-Free Medovik: Ultimate Gentle Honey Cake Recipe

Sample this scrumptious recipe for the tenderest Honey Cake! For the dough, combine flour, sour cream, unsalted butter, honey, sugar, and baking soda. Heat butter, sour cream, honey, and sugar in a bain-marie until dissolved, then add baking soda and cool. Gradually mix in flour to form a dough. Chill for an hour, then split into portions. Roll and bake until golden. For the cream, whip cold heavy cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla, then fold in sour cream. Layer the cake and chill.

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✨ Flour - 400 grams (2.5 cups)
✨ Sour cream - 135 grams (0.5 cup)
✨ Butter - 100 grams (0.5 cup)
✨ Honey - 140 grams (0.5 cup)
✨ Sugar - 90 grams (0.5 cup)
✨ Baking soda - 7 grams (1 teaspoon)
We recommend:


✨ Sour cream (20-25%) - 400 grams (2 cups)
✨ Heavy cream (33-35%) - 400 grams (2 cups)
✨ Powdered sugar - 70 grams (0.5 cup)
✨ Vanilla to taste
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