Video Perfect Meringue with Cream: Fluffy and Delicious Recipe
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Video Perfect Meringue with Cream: Fluffy and Delicious Recipe

Explore this delectable recipe for delightful meringues with cream. Start by whipping egg whites into a frothy state. Gradually add sugar, salt, a hint of citric acid, and a dash of vanilla. Beat until firm peaks form. Spread the mixture onto parchment paper and bake using the upper and lower heat setting at low temperature. Bake for a set time, then let the meringues cool in the oven. For the cream, blend butter and dulce de leche until smooth. Assemble and store your meringues in the fridge in a sealed container for a scrumptious treat.

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For the Meringue:

4 egg whites
200 grams (1 cup) sugar
0.3 teaspoon salt
0.3 teaspoon citric acid
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