Video Perfectly Smooth Panna Cotta with Tangerines: Easy Recipe
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Video Perfectly Smooth Panna Cotta with Tangerines: Easy Recipe

Explore this delectable recipe for Mandarin Panna Cotta! Combine cream, milk, white chocolate, sugar, and vanilla in a saucepan, heat until just boiling, then remove from heat. Mix in gelatin and let cool. Pour into glasses and refrigerate until set. Blend mandarin segments, strain the juice, add sugar, and heat. Mix in cornstarch with water, add to juice, and thicken. Pour over panna cotta, chill, and top with strawberries.

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Panna Cotta Ingredients

400 ml (1.75 cups) heavy cream (30%)
200 ml (0.75 cups) milk
2 tablespoons sugar
50 grams (1.75 ounces) white chocolate
2 teaspoons gelatin
50 ml (0.25 cups) warm water
vanilla extract
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