Video Ultimate Snickers Cake: Decadent Chocolate Bliss
Whip up this fantastic recipe featuring sugar, eggs, vanilla, cocoa, and peanuts. Bake, caramelize, and nougat up layers with butter for a delightful treat. Enjoy this masterpiece at home!
Check Full RecipeIngredients
Sponge Cake
190 grams (4 eggs) eggs
140 grams (0.5 pound) sugar
50 grams (0.25 cup) milk
35 grams (2.5 tablespoons) unsalted butter, 82.5%
100 grams (0.75 cup) all-purpose flour
25 grams (0.25 cup) cocoa powder
Vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
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For vanilla extract:
50 Organic Madagascar Vanilla Beans. Whole Grade A Vanilla Pods for Vanilla Extract and Baking
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50 Organic Grade A Madagascar Vanilla Beans. Certified USDA Organic for Extract and all things Vanilla by FITNCLEAN VANILLA. ~5" Bulk Fresh Bourbon NON-GMO Pods.
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Nielsen-Massey Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract for Baking and Cooking, 4 Ounce Bottle
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170 grams (0.75 cup) sugar
170 grams (0.75 cup) heavy cream, 33%
150 grams (0.75 cup) unsalted butter
1 gram (0.25 teaspoon) salt
20 grams (1.5 tablespoons) peanut butter
5 grams (0.5 tablespoon) gelatin
Nougat (Make in Advance)
135 grams (0.5 cup) water
450 grams (3.25 cups) powdered sugar
70 grams (0.25 cup) honey
55 grams (2 tablespoons) corn syrup
55 grams (2 large) egg whites
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