

  • 130 grams (4.60 ounces) milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 70 grams (2.45 ounces) melted butter
  • 30 grams (1.05 ounces) sugar
  • 20 grams (0.70 ounces) honey
  • pinch of salt
  • 320 grams (11.30 ounces) flour
  • 6 grams (0.20 ounces) yeast
  • zest of 1 orange
  • zest of 1 lemon

Rum syrup

  • 1 liter (34.00 fluid ounces) water
  • 350 grams (12.35 ounces) sugar
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 150 milliliters (5.30 fluid ounces) rum


  • Mixer

    A good mixer will save you time and ensure your dough is well combined. A stand mixer with a dough hook is ideal.

  • Pastry Bag

    This helps in spreading the dough into the molds efficiently, giving you an even and clean finish.

  • Molds

    Non-stick or silicone molds are recommended to ensure easy removal of the buns. Remember to grease them well!

  • Cooling Rack

    A cooling rack is crucial for allowing excess syrup to drain, keeping your buns from getting too soggy.


Step 1

Let's get started with this delightful rum BABA bun recipe!

Step 2

A few tips before we begin: Make sure to grease the molds well, or use silicone molds to ensure easy removal.

Step 3

Allow the buns to cool slightly before removing them from the molds.

Step 4

The soaking syrup should be very warm, but not hot.

Step 5

This recipe makes 8 large BABA buns.

Step 6

1. In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients for the buns. Gradually pour in the liquid ingredients and mix until combined. Let the dough rest for 7 to 10 minutes. The dough will be quite liquid, so it’s more convenient to spread it into the molds using a pastry bag. Fill the molds to 40% capacity, cover them, and let them rise for an hour.

Step 7

Filling the molds to 40% allows room for rising.

Step 8

2. Preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F). Once the buns have risen, bake them in the preheated oven until a skewer comes out clean, which should take about 25-30 minutes.

Step 9

3. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup: In a large pot, combine the water and sugar. Add the sliced lemon and orange, and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add the rum. Strain the syrup before using it.

Step 10

Straining the syrup ensures a smooth texture without any fruit pulp.

Step 11

4. Soak the baked buns in the warm syrup for 7 to 10 minutes, turning them over once or twice to ensure they are well soaked.

Step 12

5. Carefully remove the buns from the syrup and place them on a wire rack to let the excess syrup drain.

Step 13

6. Serve the BABA buns with whipped cream for an extra delicious touch. If you store the buns in the fridge for several hours, they will taste even better.

Step 14

Chilling the buns enhances their flavor and texture.

Step 15

Bon Appetit!


Picture this: a peaceful Sunday afternoon with a platter of Rum BABA Buns on your table, sunlight streaming in, and laughter filling the air. These buns are not just pastries; they are an experience. Serve them fresh out of the oven, soaked in warm rum syrup and topped with a dollop of whipped cream for an indulgent touch. Hosting a brunch? These buns add a sophisticated flair to any spread. Pair them with a hot cup of coffee or a glass of chilled milk. For an extra festive twist, serve them with a side of fresh berries or a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream. Your guests will feel like they’re dining in a high-end patisserie. If you are planning to store these treats, keep them in the fridge for a few hours before serving. This gives the buns a delightfully refreshing and dense texture, making them even more decadent and delicious. Whether it’s a special occasion or an everyday treat, these Rum BABA Buns are your ticket to a memorable meal!


For our gluten-free friends, you can use a gluten-free flour blend but ensure it is one specifically designed for bread-making to achieve the best texture. For the yeast, double-check that it’s gluten-free as well. For a vegan delight, replace the eggs with a commercial egg replacer or flaxseed meal mixed with water (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal + 2.5 tablespoons of water per egg). Swap the milk with your favorite plant-based milk, such as almond or soy, and use melted coconut oil instead of butter. Enjoy these adaptations without compromising on taste!


  • Why is my dough so sticky?

    The dough for Rum BABA Buns is supposed to be quite liquid. This is why using a pastry bag to fill the molds is recommended. Allow the dough to rest properly to help it rise well.

  • How do I know when the buns are done?

    Your buns are ready when a skewer inserted into the center comes out dry. This ensures they are fully baked.

  • Can I use another type of alcohol for the syrup?

    Absolutely! Brandy or a flavored liqueur can be a great substitute for rum, adding a unique twist to the syrup.

  • How do I store leftover buns?

    Store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will stay fresh for a few days and are even tastier after soaking up the syrup overnight.

  • Can I freeze the buns?

    Yes, you can freeze the buns before soaking them in syrup. When ready to serve, thaw them and soak them in freshly made warm syrup.

  • Any tips for achieving a perfect rise?

    Ensure that your yeast is fresh and active. Also, cover the molds and let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free area for the best results.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:8 large BABA buns
Calories:Approximately 450-500 calories per bun
Calories (Min - Max):450 - 500
Total Fat:18g
Saturated Fat:10g
Total Carbohydrate:60g
Total Sugars:45g