
Candied orange peels

  • 2000 grams (4.4 pounds) oranges
  • 1000 grams (2.2 pounds) sugar
  • 1000 milliliters (4.2 cups) water


  • Large Saucepan

    Ensure it’s big enough to comfortably hold all the orange peels and water for boiling.

  • Strainer

    For efficiently draining the water multiple times during the boiling process.

  • Sharp Knife

    A good quality knife is important for cutting the peels into uniform slices.

  • Cooling Rack

    Ideal for allowing the peels to dry evenly and thoroughly.


Step 1

Step 1: Let's get started! You only need the orange peels. The whole family can enjoy some fresh juice, while you collect the peels in a large saucepan! Using organic oranges will ensure there are no pesticides on the peels.

Step 2

Step 2: Fill the saucepan with plenty of water and bring it to a boil. The boiling process helps to remove the bitterness from the peels. Drain the water, cover the peels with fresh water, and repeat this process 5 times.

Step 3

Step 3: Take the sugar and water, and brew an ordinary syrup. For an extra flavor, you can add a cinnamon stick or a splash of lemon juice. Immerse all the soft orange peels into the syrup and bring to a boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat and let it cool completely.

Step 4

Step 4: Boil the syrup with the peels again. Repeat this 3 to 5 times until the peels are translucent and have absorbed the syrup fully.

Step 5

Step 5: Drain the syrup and cut the peels into slices of the desired size. You can store the leftover syrup for use in beverages or desserts. Let the peels dry for 6 hours.

Step 6

Step 6: Once dried, mix the peels with sugar. For a twist, you can mix the dried peels with a bit of cinnamon or dip them in chocolate. And that's it! They are ready to enjoy.

Step 7

Suggestion: You can also add some other citrus peels like tangerine to the mix for varied flavors. Your loved ones will surely appreciate these tasty treats. Bon Appétit!


Looking to **impress** your guests? 🍊 Serve these candied orange peels alongside a rich chocolate fondue or **drizzle** them over a creamy vanilla ice cream for a pop of flavor! They also make the perfect garnish for your holiday desserts, giving cakes and pastries an extra zing! For an added touch of elegance, dip the candied peels halfway in melted dark chocolate and let them set — you're now the host with the most! 🎉 Take it up a notch for your afternoon tea by pairing these zesty delights with mild cheeses like Brie or Camembert. Or use them to **infuse** your morning granola with a burst of citrus energy. 💡 Another fun idea? Add some to a glass of sparkling water or champagne for a festive, bubbly treat! 🥂


Fancy a **healthier twist**? ✨ Let’s turn this recipe into a **gluten-free and vegan** delight! 🌱 For a gluten-free version, great news — our original recipe is already gluten-free! Just make sure that all additional flavorings or spices you add, like cinnamon sticks, are certified gluten-free. For a vegan adaptation, completely avoid granulated sugar by using a plant-based sweetener such as coconut sugar or maple syrup to make the syrup. Opt for organic oranges to ensure no cross-contamination with non-vegan substances.


  • Do I need to use only fresh orange peels?

    Although fresh orange peels work best, you can freeze the peels until you’re ready to use them if you're collecting them over time.

  • Can I use other citrus peels?

    Absolutely! You can mix in tangerine or even lemon peels for a unique flavor combination.

  • How do I ensure the peels dry properly?

    Spread them out on a cooling rack after the final boil to allow air to circulate around them, ensuring they dry evenly.

  • Can I store the candied peels?

    Yes, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two weeks, or refrigerate them for a longer shelf life.

  • How can I prevent the peels from becoming too bitter?

    Boiling and draining the water multiple times effectively removes bitter compounds from the peels, so don’t skip this step.

  • Can I use this method for creating other candied fruits?

    Certainly! The technique can be adapted for other citrus fruits or even some types of ginger or pineapple.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:50 servings
Calories:Approximately 50-60 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):50 - 60
Total Fat:0g
Saturated Fat:0g
Total Carbohydrate:14g
Total Sugars:14g