

  • 16 medium sized prunes (about 160 grams, 5.6 ounces)
  • 185 grams (6.55 ounces) dark chocolate 66%
  • 200 grams (7.05 ounces) heavy cream (35%)
  • 35 grams (1.25 ounces) glucose syrup
  • 25 grams (0.9 ounces) unsalted butter
  • 10 grams (0.35 ounces) rum (Havana Club)


  • Double Boiler

    Essential for gently melting your chocolate without scorching it. If you don't have one, a heatproof bowl over a simmering pot of water works fine.

  • Blender or Immersion Blender

    To create a smooth ganache, which is the heart of your truffle. An immersion blender provides better control in smaller batches.

  • Digital Thermometer

    Accuracy matters! Ensure your ganache cools to the perfect temperature before adding the butter.

  • Plastic Wrap

    Essential for shaping your truffles into perfect, uniform balls. Make sure to twist them tightly!


Step 1

1. Tip: If your prunes are too dry, soak them in warm tea with 1 tablespoon of rum for extra moisture and flavor. Divide the prunes into two parts. If the prunes are very dry, soak them in warm tea with 1 tablespoon of rum first, then dry them well with paper towels. Cut one part into halves and set it aside.

Step 2

2. Heat the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave until melted.

Step 3

3. Cut the butter into small cubes and let it reach room temperature.

Step 4

4. Combine the cream and glucose syrup in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Step 5

5. Pour the hot cream mixture over the melted chocolate. Use a blender to blend into a smooth, homogeneous emulsion.

Step 6

6. Add the whole prunes (not the halved ones) and the rum to the chocolate mixture. Blend again until smooth.

Step 7

7. Cool the ganache to 35°C (95°F). Then, add the room-temperature butter and blend again until smooth. Cover the ganache with plastic wrap, ensuring it touches the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Let it sit at room temperature for 1 day.

Step 8

8. Chill the ganache in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to firm it up before sculpting the truffles.

Step 9

9. Divide the ganache into pieces, each weighing about 25 grams (0.9 ounces). Place a halved prune in the center of each piece and form into truffle balls.

Step 10

10. Tightly wrap each truffle ball in plastic wrap to hold its shape. Chill the wrapped truffles in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Step 11

11. Remove the truffles from the wrap and roll them in cocoa powder until evenly coated.


Imagine presenting a platter of these luscious truffles at your next dinner party. Each bite is a creamy, velvety dream with a surprise burst of sweet prune in the center. Arrange them on a beautiful plate with a light dusting of cocoa powder for an extra elegant touch. For a romantic date night, share these truffles with a glass of rich, red wine. The chocolate and prune pair beautifully with both bold reds and sweet dessert wines. You've just turned dessert into an experience! Hosting a holiday gathering? These truffles make for a delightful DIY gift, wrapped in a charming box with a handwritten note. Share the love and let your friends and family savor this indulgent treat.


For a gluten-free version, simply ensure all your ingredients are certified gluten-free. Most importantly, check the labeling on your chocolate and syrups. To make these truffles vegan, replace the cream with coconut cream or another plant-based alternative, the butter with vegan butter, and ensure the dark chocolate is dairy-free. You won't lose any of the rich flavors – in fact, the coconut can add a delightful twist.


  • What if my prunes are too dry?

    Simply soak them in warm tea with a bit of rum, then dry them well with paper towels.

  • Can I make these without a digital thermometer?

    While a thermometer is best for accuracy, you can gauge by touch. The ganache should be just warm to the touch before adding the butter.

  • How do I ensure my ganache is smooth?

    Use an immersion blender for the best results. Pulse until fully combined and glossy.

  • Is there an alternative to rum in this recipe?

    You can substitute with equal parts of any liqueur you prefer, or even use a bit of strong coffee for a different but delightful flavor.

  • How can I make sure my truffles are all the same size?

    Use a kitchen scale to weigh each piece of ganache to 25g for uniformity.

  • Can I store these truffles, and for how long?

    Yes! Store them in the fridge for up to two weeks. Let them come to room temperature before serving for the best texture.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:16 truffles
Calories:Per truffle: 80-100 calories
Calories (Min - Max):80 - 100
Total Fat:6g
Saturated Fat:3.5g
Total Carbohydrate:10g
Total Sugars:8g