

Step 1

This is a delicious chocolate cake with cherry compote and lots of crispy meringues! The calculation is for a 16 cm (6.3 inch) cake.

Step 2

1. Prepare the Meringue:

Step 3

    Step 4

  • In a medium bowl, mix 2 egg whites and 140 grams (4.95 ounces) of sugar.
  • Step 5

  • Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (water bath), and heat until the sugar has completely dissolved, stirring constantly.
  • Step 6

  • Remove from the heat and whip with an electric mixer on medium speed until stiff peaks form, about 10-15 minutes.
  • Step 7

  • Spread the meringue inside a 14 cm (5.5 inch) ring mold. Dry it in the oven for 4-5 hours at 80-90°C (176-194°F). If you prefer, you can create smaller meringue shapes, which will dry faster.
  • Step 8

  • Melt 60 grams (2.1 ounces) of dark chocolate and cover all sides of the meringue. Refrigerate to set.
  • Step 9

    Step 10

    Tip: Use a piping bag to form even small meringues!

    Step 11

    2. Make the Cherry Compote:

    Step 12

      Step 13

    • Soak 4 grams (0.15 ounces) of gelatin in 20 grams (0.7 ounces) of water for 10 minutes.
    • Step 14

    • Defrost 200 grams (7 ounces) of frozen cherries.
    • Step 15

    • Puree half of the cherries (including the juice) and heat in a saucepan.
    • Step 16

    • Mix 60 grams (2.1 ounces) of sugar with 3 grams (0.1 ounces) of pectin and add to the heated cherry puree. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.
    • Step 17

    • Remove from heat and add the remaining whole cherries. Allow the mixture to cool slightly before stirring in the softened gelatin.
    • Step 18

    • Freeze the mixture in a 14 cm (5.5 inch) ring mold.
    • Step 19

      Step 20

      Tip: For a smoother compote, strain the puree before adding whole cherries.

      Step 21

      3. Bake the Biscuit:

      Step 22

        Step 23

      • Preheat your oven to 170°C (338°F).
      • Step 24

      • Beat 4 eggs with 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of sugar until thick and airy, about 10 minutes.
      • Step 25

      • Sift 75 grams (2.65 ounces) of flour and 25 grams (0.9 ounces) of cocoa powder together.
      • Step 26

      • Gradually fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture, then gently fold in 25 grams (0.9 ounces) of melted butter.
      • Step 27

      • Pour the batter into a 16 cm (6.3 inch) baking pan and bake for 35-40 minutes.
      • Step 28

      • Cool the finished biscuit completely before slicing it into 3 layers.
      • Step 29

        Step 30

        Tip: Use a serrated knife to cleanly slice the biscuit layers.

        Step 31

        4. Cook the Chocolate Custard:

        Step 32

          Step 33

        • In a medium bowl, whisk together 1 egg, 2 egg yolks, 100 grams (3.55 ounces) of sugar, and 30 grams (1.05 ounces) of cornstarch.
        • Step 34

        • In a saucepan, bring 500 grams (17.65 ounces) of milk to a boil. Gradually pour the hot milk into the egg mixture, stirring constantly.
        • Step 35

        • Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat until it thickens and bubbles appear.
        • Step 36

        • Remove from the heat and gently stir in 130 grams (4.6 ounces) of dark chocolate until melted and smooth.
        • Step 37

        • Cover the custard with cling film directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Let it cool completely.
        • Step 38

        • Once cooled, whip 100 grams (3.55 ounces) of room-temperature butter until light and fluffy. Gradually add the chilled custard, mixing well after each addition.
        • Step 39

        • Refrigerate the custard for at least 3 hours.
        • Step 40

          Step 41

          Tip: Strain the custard for an extra smooth texture.

          Step 42

          5. Assemble the Cake:

          Step 43

            Step 44

          • Place one layer of biscuit on a serving plate. Optionally, soak it with cherry juice.
          • Step 45

          • Spread a layer of chocolate custard over the biscuit, and add the meringue layer on top.
          • Step 46

          • Apply more custard over the meringue, followed by the second layer of biscuit (soaked, if desired).
          • Step 47

          • Add more custard, followed by the cherry compote layer.
          • Step 48

          • Finish with one final layer of biscuit and custard. Pre-coat the entire cake with a thin layer of custard to seal in crumbs.
          • Step 49

            Step 50

            Tip: Chill the cake for a few hours before slicing for cleaner cuts.


            Imagine cutting into this luscious chocolate-cherry cake at your next special gathering! For a fun twist, serve each slice with a small scoop of vanilla or cherry ice cream on the side. The contrasting temperatures add an exciting dimension to the experience. If you're hosting a more formal event, consider a light dusting of powdered sugar over the top of the cake. It adds a simple yet elegant touch. For those who enjoy a bit of crunch, sprinkle some crushed nuts, such as toasted almonds or hazelnuts, around the edge of the cake. It not only adds texture but also complements the chocolate and cherry flavors beautifully. Feeling adventurous? Pair each slice with a splash of cherry liqueur or a dollop of whipped cream laced with a hint of cocoa. The options are endless, and each one adds a unique flavor profile that will leave your guests raving about your culinary skills.


            Cling Film

            Essential for covering custard and keeping it from forming an undesired skin while cooling.

            We recommend:


            For a gluten-free version of this delightful cake, simply replace the regular flour in the biscuit with a gluten-free baking mix. Ensure your baking mix is one that works well for cakes to maintain the desired texture and flavor. To make it vegan, substitute the eggs in the meringue and biscuit with suitable egg replacers, such as flax eggs or commercial egg substitutes. Switch out dairy-based ingredients with plant-based alternatives, like almond milk for regular milk and vegan butter instead of dairy butter. Dark chocolate can be vegan, but double-check to confirm it doesn't contain any milk solids.


            • How do I know when my meringue has reached stiff peaks?

              The meringue should stand up straight and hold its shape when you lift the beater out of the mixture. It should also look glossy and smooth.

            • What if my mixture splits during the chocolate custard step?

              If the custard splits, try warming the mixture slightly and whisking vigorously. It should come back together. Make sure not to add the butter until the mixture has completely cooled.

            • Can I use fresh cherries instead of frozen cherries for the compote?

              Yes, you can use fresh cherries. Just be sure to pit them, and you might need to adjust the sugar levels based on their natural sweetness.

            • Why is my biscuit too dense?

              Overmixing the batter can lead to a dense biscuit. Be sure to fold the dry ingredients into the wet mixture gently and just until combined.

            • How do I store this cake?

              Store the cake in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It should keep well for up to three days, though it's best enjoyed fresh.

            • Can I make components of the cake ahead of time?

              Absolutely! You can prepare the meringue and compote a day in advance. Just ensure they're stored properly to maintain their texture and flavor.

            Nutrition facts

            Recipe Yield:1 16 cm cake
            Calories:Per serving
            Calories (Min - Max):300 - 350
            Total Fat:18g
            Saturated Fat:10g
            Total Carbohydrate:35g
            Total Sugars:25g