

  • 800 grams (28.22 ounces) cottage cheese (5%)
  • 300 grams (10.58 ounces) heavy sour cream
  • 3 large eggs
  • 40 grams (1.41 ounces or 2.8 tablespoons) butter, melted
  • 70 grams (2.47 ounces or 5.6 tablespoons) sugar
  • 0.25 teaspoon salt
  • Vanilla to taste
  • 4 tablespoons (36 grams or 1.27 ounces) semolina
  • 1 tablespoon (8 grams or 0.28 ounces) starch
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 10 apricots
  • 3 nectarines
  • 1 tablespoon (12.5 grams or 0.44 ounces) brown sugar


  • Blender

    Essential for creating a perfectly smooth and uniform mixture. Make sure to blend all liquid and soft ingredients until no lumps remain.

  • Mixer

    While not mandatory, a mixer can help ensure that the dry and liquid components blend seamlessly together.

  • Baking Mold (26-30cm)

    Use a mold within this size range to ensure even baking. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with semolina to prevent sticking.

  • Oven

    Preheat and set to 356°F (180°C) for a consistent temperature. Use the top-bottom mode for even baking.

  • Spatula

    Ideal for spreading the cheese mixture evenly in the mold. A silicone spatula is recommended for easy clean-up.


Step 1

Preheat your oven to 356°F (180°C). Tip: Use the top-bottom mode for even baking.

Step 2

Grease a 26-30cm (10.24-11.80 inch) baking mold with butter, and sprinkle it with semolina. Tip: This helps prevent sticking and adds a lovely crust to your casserole.

Step 3

In a blender, combine the cottage cheese, heavy sour cream, eggs, melted butter, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Tip: Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature for better blending.

Step 4

Pour in the semolina, starch, and baking powder into the liquid mixture, and mix well. Tip: Make sure there are no lumps of starch or baking powder.

Step 5

Pour the cheese mixture into the prepared mold, spreading it evenly.

Step 6

Arrange apricot halves and nectarine quarters on top of the cheese mixture. Tip: You can slightly press the fruits into the mixture so they are partially submerged.

Step 7

Sprinkle the top with brown sugar. Tip: This will create a caramelized, sweet crust.

Step 8

Bake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes, or until golden and set. Tip: Insert a toothpick into the center; if it comes out clean, it's ready.

Step 9

Cool the finished dessert slightly in the mold to let it stabilize before cutting. Tip: Cooling helps the casserole firm up and makes slicing easier.

Step 10

Enjoy your delicious homemade casserole!


Slice into this luscious Cottage Cheese Pastry and let the sweet, tangy fruits and creamy texture transport you to a place of bliss. A dusting of powdered sugar on top adds a touch of elegance and a hint of extra sweetness. Serve it warm with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for the ultimate indulgence.
If you’re aiming for a healthier approach, pair a slice with a side of fresh berries or a light fruit salad. The subtle flavors of apricots and nectarines in the pastry complement a citrusy fruit medley beautifully. Hosting a brunch? This pastry is the perfect centerpiece. Its bright, inviting presentation and rich flavor profile will surely garner compliments. Stack them on a rustic wooden board, sprinkle some edible flowers around, and let the guests dig in!


For a gluten-free version, replace the semolina and all-purpose starch with equivalent amounts of gluten-free semolina and cornstarch. Ensure your baking powder is also gluten-free. The result is a delectable pastry that everyone can enjoy without compromising texture or taste.
Veganizing this recipe is equally easy and delicious! Swap out the cottage cheese and heavy sour cream with their vegan counterparts. Opt for silken tofu or cashew cream as a substitute. Use vegan butter, and replace eggs with flax eggs (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons water per egg). With these straightforward substitutions, the pastry remains just as moist and flavorful.


  • Can I use a different type of cheese instead of cottage cheese?

    Yes, you can replace cottage cheese with ricotta or even cream cheese for a different texture and flavor, though it may slightly alter the final taste.

  • Do I need to peel the apricots and nectarines?

    It’s not necessary, but peeling them can make for a smoother texture and a more attractive presentation.

  • How can I make the pastry crispier on top?

    To achieve a crispier top, you can sprinkle a bit more brown sugar and use the broiler for the last 2-3 minutes of baking.

  • Can I prepare the batter in advance?

    Yes, you can prepare the batter ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Just make sure to give it a quick stir before pouring it into the mold.

  • Any tips to avoid the pastry from sinking in the middle?

    Ensure your oven temperature is consistent and avoid opening the oven door during the baking process. Also, let it cool gradually inside the oven door slightly ajar.

  • How do I know when the pastry is fully cooked?

    The pastry is done when it has a golden brown top and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs.

Nutrition facts

Cottage cheese casserole with apricots and nectarines
Recipe Yield:Serves 8
Calories:280-320 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):280 - 320
Total Fat:14g
Saturated Fat:8g
Total Carbohydrate:28g
Total Sugars:20g