Custard Cream Buns



  • 250 grams (2 cups) flour
  • 30 grams (2 tablespoons) sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 80 milliliters (1/3 cup) milk
  • 80 milliliters (1/3 cup) water
  • 20 grams (1 tablespoon) sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 egg
  • 30 grams (2 tablespoons) butter

Custard Cream

  • 300 milliliters (1.25 cups) milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 70 grams (1/3 cup) sugar
  • 15 grams (1 tablespoon) corn starch
  • 20 grams (2 tablespoons) flour
  • 1 tablespoon butter

For Brushing

  • 1 egg, beaten


  • Mixing Bowl

    Choose a large mixing bowl to give your dough enough room to rise comfortably.

  • Whisk

    A good whisk can make all the difference in achieving a smooth custard. Opt for a balloon whisk for the best results.

  • Rolling Pin

    Invest in a sturdy rolling pin to help roll out your dough evenly.

  • Baking Sheet

    Line it with parchment paper for easy cleanup and to prevent sticking.

  • Plastic Wrap

    Essential for covering the dough during rising stages and preventing a skin from forming on your custard.


Step 1

Prepare the Dough

In a bowl, mix together the flour, sugar, salt, and dry yeast.
Add milk, water, and sweetened condensed milk to the dry ingredients.
Incorporate the egg and butter, and knead until a smooth dough forms.
Cover the dough and let it rise for 1 hour.

Step 2

Make the Custard Cream

Heat the milk in a saucepan until warm.
In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, egg yolk, sugar, corn starch, and flour.
Slowly pour the egg mixture into the warm milk while stirring continuously.
Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until it thickens into custard.
Add the butter and mix well.
Cover the custard with plastic wrap, pressing it directly onto the surface, and refrigerate.

Step 3

Assemble the Buns

Divide the risen dough into 6-8 portions, rolling each into a ball.
Let the dough balls rest for 20 minutes.
Roll out each dough ball, fill with the custard cream, and pinch the edges to seal.
Place the buns on a baking sheet, cover, and let them rise for another 30 minutes.
Brush each bun with the beaten egg and pipe a swirl of custard cream on top.

Step 4


Preheat the oven to 190°C (375°F).
Bake the buns for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.


Serving Suggestions & Ideas 🍞:

  • Perfect Breakfast Delight: Serve these warm buns with a fresh cup of coffee or tea for a delightful morning treat. The creamy custard filling pairs perfectly with the soft, fluffy dough to get your day started on a sweet note.
  • Brunch Buffet Favorite: These buns make a great addition to any brunch spread. Add a sprinkle of powdered sugar on top for an extra touch of sweetness. Pair with fruit salad or a yogurt parfait for a balanced and satisfying meal.
  • Afternoon Snack: Need a pick-me-up? These buns are perfect for afternoon tea or as a snack. Their sweet, custard-filled center will take your break to the next level.
  • Dessert Heaven: Heat them up slightly and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a heavenly dessert. Trust us, it’s a match made in flavor heaven!


Gluten-Free & Vegan Variations 🌿:

  • Gluten-Free Version: Substitute the flour with a 1:1 gluten-free baking blend. Ensure the blend includes xanthan gum for the best texture. Follow the same steps, and you'll still enjoy fluffy, delightful buns.
  • Vegan Version: Replace the milk with almond milk, soy milk, or any plant-based milk of your choice. Substitute the egg with a flaxseed egg (1 tablespoon flaxseed meal + 2.5 tablespoons water), and use dairy-free butter and sweetened condensed coconut milk to maintain that creamy richness. For the custard, use cornstarch as a thickening agent instead of egg yolk.


  • How do I know when my dough has risen enough?

    The dough should have doubled in size and feel light and airy when you gently press a finger against it.

  • Can I prepare the dough ahead of time?

    Yes, you can prepare the dough and let it rise in the fridge overnight. Just ensure it comes to room temperature before proceeding with the recipe.

  • How can I prevent my custard from becoming lumpy?

    Whisk continuously while heating the custard mixture and gradually mix the egg mixture into the warm milk to ensure a smooth texture.

  • Why did my buns turn out dense?

    Dense buns can result from over-kneading or failing to let the dough rise properly. Ensure your yeast is fresh and the dough is allowed to rise until it doubles in size.

  • What's the best way to store leftover buns?

    Store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. For longer storage, freeze them and reheat in the oven as needed.

  • Can I add other fillings to these buns?

    Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with chocolate, fruit preserves, or even cream cheese for a delicious twist.

Nutrition facts

Custard Cream Buns
Recipe Yield:6-8 buns
Calories:Approximate calories per bun
Calories (Min - Max):330 - 380
Total Fat:13g
Saturated Fat:7g
Total Carbohydrate:45g
Total Sugars:15g