

  • 2 eggs
  • 80 grams (2.8 ounces) sugar
  • 200 milliliters (0.84 cups) cream
  • 400 grams (14.1 ounces) cottage cheese
  • 80 grams (2.8 ounces) butter
  • 70 grams (2.47 ounces) dark chocolate
  • 100 grams (3.53 ounces) caramel
  • 100 grams (3.53 ounces) roasted peanuts


  • Hand Mixer or Stand Mixer

    A good mixer helps achieve a fluffy egg-sugar mixture, which is key for this recipe. Make sure to whip at medium-high speed until the mixture turns white and fluffy.

  • Sieve

    If using homemade cottage cheese, a fine-mesh sieve is essential to ensure a smooth and homogeneous texture. Press the cheese through the sieve to eliminate lumps.

  • Saucepan

    A medium-sized saucepan is needed for boiling the custard mixture. Continuous stirring will prevent the mix from sticking and burning.

  • Gauze Cloth

    A two-layer damp gauze cloth will help in shaping the dessert and draining excess liquid. Make sure it covers the mold completely.

  • Mold

    Choose a mold that comfortably fits the dessert mass. A cake or loaf pan can work well. Lining it with gauze makes unmolding easier.


Step 1

1. This is a simple recipe for an unusual Easter cottage cheese dessert with a familiar ‘Snickers’ taste.

Step 2

Feel free to use store-bought or homemade cottage cheese for this recipe.

Step 3

2. If you use homemade cottage cheese, make sure to pass it through a sieve to achieve a smooth, homogeneous texture.

Step 4

A smooth texture ensures your dessert will have a creamy consistency.

Step 5

3. Whip the eggs with sugar until the mixture is white and fluffy. Gradually add 160 milliliters (5.41 fluid ounces) of hot cream in a thin stream while constantly stirring.

Step 6

4. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until it thickens and leaves a mark on the spatula. Set aside and let it cool to room temperature.

Step 7

Be patient while stirring to prevent the custard from burning.

Step 8

5. Mix the cottage cheese with softened (not melted) butter. You can do this manually or with a mixer.

Step 9

Soft butter mixes more easily, creating a smoother cottage cheese blend.

Step 10

6. Melt the dark chocolate with 40 milliliters (1.35 fluid ounces) of cream.

Step 11

Use a double boiler or microwave in short intervals to melt the chocolate.

Step 12

7. Combine the caramel with the roasted peanuts.

Step 13

Make sure the peanuts are evenly coated with caramel for best results.

Step 14

8. Gradually incorporate the custard mixture into the cottage cheese mixture in several additions. Divide the resulting mixture into two separate bowls.

Step 15

9. Add the melted chocolate to one bowl and stir gently, creating streaks in the mixture rather than kneading it completely.

Step 16

The streaks add a visually appealing texture to the dessert.

Step 17

10. Mix the caramel and peanuts into the second bowl, again stirring gently to maintain as many streaks as possible.

Step 18

11. Combine both mixtures by layering them into a mold lined with damp two-layer cheesecloth. Avoid excessive stirring to preserve the streaks.

Step 19

12. Cover the top with the rest of the cheesecloth and place a weight on top (e.g., jars filled with water). Refrigerate the dessert for 10–12 hours. Ensure you place a plate under the mold to catch any excess liquid.

Step 20

The weight helps compact the dessert, giving it a firm texture.

Step 21

13. After refrigeration, gently remove the dessert from the mold, slice, and enjoy! Bon Appétit!


Imagine serving this blissful Snickers-inspired cottage cheese dessert at your next family gathering or festive celebration! Set it on a charming cake stand surrounded by fresh fruits like strawberries and blueberries to add a pop of color. For a touch of class, drizzle some extra caramel sauce over the top right before serving. This dessert pairs beautifully with a cup of freshly brewed coffee or a glass of sparkling wine. Elevate the experience by adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on the side. If you're hosting a themed party, consider complementing the dessert with other mini Snickers treats or chocolate truffles. Hosting a brunch? Offer this dessert as a delightful centerpiece, and watch it disappear within minutes. There’s no wrong time for a dessert this good—whether it’s an afternoon tea party, a holiday dinner, or just a cozy night in, this cottage cheese treat is destined to be the star of the show!


For those seeking gluten-free and vegan options, this recipe can easily be adapted. To make it gluten-free, simply ensure that all your ingredients, such as the dark chocolate and caramel, are certified gluten-free. Most cottage cheese and peanuts are naturally gluten-free, so no worries there. To veganize, replace the eggs with flax eggs (1 tbsp ground flaxseed and 2.5 tbsp water per egg, let sit for 5 minutes), use coconut cream instead of dairy cream, and opt for a vegan butter and cottage cheese substitute. Choose dark chocolate that doesn't contain milk, and substitute the caramel with a vegan version available in stores or make your own using coconut milk, sugar, and a touch of salt.


  • How do I know when the custard is thick enough?

    The custard is thick enough when a mark remains on the spatula. It should coat the back of a spoon and will thicken more as it cools.

  • Can I use store-bought cottage cheese?

    Yes, store-bought cottage cheese is fine. Just make sure to blend or sieve it for a smoother texture.

  • What prevents the dessert from setting properly?

    Ensuring all ingredients are well-combined and using the right ratios is key. Also, make sure to chill it for the recommended 10-12 hours under a weight for proper setting.

  • Can I substitute the dark chocolate with milk chocolate?

    While dark chocolate adds a rich flavor, milk chocolate can be a sweeter alternative. Just keep in mind it might slightly alter the overall taste.

  • How can I enhance the peanut flavor?

    For a more pronounced peanut flavor, sprinkle some extra roasted peanuts on top of the dessert right before serving.

  • Is it possible to make this dessert ahead of time?

    Absolutely! This dessert can be made a day or two in advance. Just keep it refrigerated until you're ready to serve. It may even taste better as the flavors meld together over time.

Nutrition facts

Easter cottage cheese dessert "Snickers"
Recipe Yield:8 servings
Calories:Approximately 425 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):400 - 450
Total Fat:30g
Saturated Fat:15g
Total Carbohydrate:25g
Total Sugars:20g