
Step 1

This meringue bunny is crunchy and beautiful!

Step 2

NOTE: Clean scoops, bowls, and tools are very important for cooking the meringues, marshmallows, and macarons. You can use alcohol for cleaning.

Step 3

Tip: It is advisable to process the eggs in 9% vinegar; pour a little on the shell, and hold them in a “bath”. You can also use albumin, which is very convenient and safe.

Step 4

It’s important to separate the whites from the yolks carefully so that no drop of yolk or water gets into the whites. The eggs should be at room temperature.

Step 5

Tip: Gather all necessary tools: a bowl, a saucepan, a thermometer, a mixer, scoops, food coloring, pastry bags, a nozzle, and a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Step 6

Separate the egg whites (at room temperature) into a clean fat-free bowl, and add a pinch of salt. Start whipping when the syrup reaches 110-115°C (230-239°F).

Step 7

Mix the water with sugar and the lemon juice, and put it on the heat. Bring the mixture to 110°C (230°F), and start whipping the egg whites. First, whip the whites at a low speed, and bring it to a lather state; then gradually increase the speed to maximum. Whip until soft peaks form.

Step 8

Tip: It’s very important not to over-whip the egg whites.

Step 9

When the syrup in the saucepan reaches 121°C (250°F), remove it from the heat; let the bubbles dissipate, and pour it into the egg whites (in a thin stream along the side of the bowl). Continue whipping the mass until it achieves a glossy, homogeneous, dense white texture.

Step 10

Tip: You can add food coloring to the meringue and then pipe it onto the baking sheet in desired shapes.

Step 11

Dry the meringue in a preheated oven at 80°C (176°F) for 4 to 6 hours using the convection mode.


Imagine these meringue bunnies hopping their way into your next tea party, nestled amongst cups of steaming Earl Grey. How about presenting them at a birthday bash, arranged like an adorable bunny family on a brightly colored platter? They’re also perfect for gifting, wrapped in clear bags with a bit of ribbon, making for a sweet and stylish treat. Pair them with a tangy fruit compote, which will offer a delightful contrast to the sweet and airy meringue. For an elegant touch, serve them with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream or a dollop of freshly whipped cream. Your guests, young and old alike, will find them irresistible! During the holiday season, place these little critters under a glass dome for an eye-catching centerpiece. Trust us, your dessert table will be the talk of the town. Get creative and have fun with the presentation; these versatile bunnies deserve the spotlight!



For a gluten-free twist, simply ensure all your ingredients are certified gluten-free, which they typically are for meringues. For a vegan option, replace the egg whites with aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas). Whip the aquafaba in the same way you would egg whites, until it reaches soft peaks, then follow the recipe steps as usual. These variations allow everyone to enjoy these delightful treats, no matter their dietary preferences. Happy baking!


  • Why are my meringue bunnies sticky?

    This could be due to high humidity or not enough drying time. Ensure your oven is at the right temperature and let them dry fully.

  • Can I use a hand whisk instead of a mixer?

    While possible, achieving the necessary volume and consistency by hand is incredibly challenging. A mixer is highly recommended.

  • Why is my sugar syrup crystallizing?

    Make sure not to stir the syrup once it starts boiling. Using a clean saucepan and an accurate thermometer helps prevent crystallization.

  • How can I tell if my meringue is over-whipped?

    Over-whipped meringue will appear dry and grainy. It’s best when it’s smooth, glossy, and forms soft peaks.

  • Can I add flavors other than lemon juice?

    Absolutely! Vanilla, almond extract, or even a touch of mint can add a unique twist to your bunnies.

  • What's the best way to store leftover meringue bunnies?

    Store them in an airtight container at room temperature, away from humidity, to keep them crisp.

Nutrition facts

Meringue bunny
Recipe Yield:30 servings
Calories:Per serving (approx. 1 meringue)
Calories (Min - Max):20 - 30
Total Fat:0g
Saturated Fat:0g
Total Carbohydrate:5.5g
Total Sugars:5.3g