

  • 300 grams (10.6 ounces) sugar
  • 130 grams (4.6 ounces) water
  • 0.33 teaspoon lemon acid


  • Stewpan with a thick bottom

    This helps distribute heat evenly, preventing the syrup from burning.

  • Thermometer

    Crucial for reaching the perfect temperature of 107-108C (224-226F); an accurate reading ensures the right consistency.

  • Jar with lid

    Perfect for storing your syrup safely in the fridge for several months.

  • Measuring spoons

    Precision is key; make sure to measure your ingredients accurately!


Step 1

Hello, everyone! We are suggesting a recipe for invert syrup! In many recipes, it can be used as a substitute for glucose, for example, in some glaze recipes.

Step 2

Step 1: Place 300 grams (10.6 ounces) of sugar in a stewpan with a thick bottom, and pour in 130 grams (4.6 ounces) of warm water. Using a thick-bottomed saucepan helps to distribute the heat more evenly, preventing the syrup from burning.

Step 3

Step 2: Put the saucepan over low heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Add 0.33 teaspoons of lemon acid and stir. Constant stirring helps to dissolve the sugar completely and prevents it from crystallizing.

Step 4

Step 3: Let the syrup boil on low heat continuously. I draw your attention to the fact that the syrup should be boiling! Cover the syrup and cook it for 20 to 30 minutes. Covering the saucepan creates a steamy environment to prevent the syrup from crystallizing on the sides.

Step 5

Step 4: Check for two criteria to determine if the syrup is ready:

Step 6

    Step 7

  • Reaching the temperature of 107-108°C (224-226°F)
  • Step 8

  • Thick thread test: place a syrup drop in ice water. When you rub it between your fingers and then separate them, a thick thread of syrup should form.
  • Step 9

    Step 10

    Using a candy thermometer ensures accuracy in achieving the correct syrup consistency.

    Step 11

    Step 5: When I cooked the syrup for the first time and focused on the thick thread, I overcooked it and it turned out more amber in color. The correct syrup should be golden brown, similar to very light honey. Therefore, the next time I used a thermometer instead of relying on the cooking time or the 'thick thread' test. The syrup may appear thin immediately after cooking, but it thickens as it cools. Keeping an eye on the color can help you know when to stop cooking the syrup.

    Step 12

    Step 6: Pour the syrup into a jar, close the lid, and store it in the fridge for several months. Proper storage in an airtight container prolongs the shelf life of the syrup.


    Imagine your homemade invert syrup drizzled over pancakes 🥞 on a Sunday morning or adding the perfect shine to your holiday cookies 🍪. Use it in your coffees and teas for a delightful twist, or incorporate it into your homemade ice creams 🍦 for a rich texture. **Feeling festive?** Add a few drops to your cocktail shaker 🍹 for a sweetened twist that’ll have everyone wondering about your secret ingredient. And let’s not forget – it’s an incredible binding agent for energy bars and granola! The uses are endless, giving you endless ways to **impress and indulge**.


    For our gluten-free friends, you can rest easy knowing this invert syrup recipe is naturally *gluten-free* 🌾. However, for those following a *vegan* lifestyle, make sure to use **organic sugar** to avoid any animal-derived processing methods. Vegan ? No problem! This syrup is already friendly to vegans 🤗. Enjoy it in your plant-based desserts or as a sweetener in your morning oatmeal 🥣. Bonus tip: It makes an excellent vegan caramel base!


    • How do I prevent my syrup from burning?

      Use a stewpan with a thick bottom to ensure even heating, and always keep your heat on low. Stir occasionally and keep a close eye on the temperature.

    • How long can I store the invert syrup?

      Once cooled and stored in a jar with a lid, your invert syrup can last several months in the fridge.

    • Can I substitute invert syrup for regular sugar in any recipe?

      Invert syrup can change the texture and moisture content of baked goods, so it’s best used as a one-to-one substitute in recipes that call for glucose or similar syrups.

    • What if my syrup turns out too dark?

      Dark syrup usually indicates it was overcooked. Try using a thermometer next time to ensure it cooks to exactly 107-108C (224-226F).

    • Can I flavor my invert syrup?

      Absolutely! Adding a vanilla pod, mint leaves, or citrus zest during cooking can infuse delightful flavors into your syrup.

    • What if my syrup crystallizes?

      If your syrup crystallizes, you can gently reheat it over low heat until the crystals dissolve. Make sure to store it in an airtight container to prevent crystallization.

    Nutrition facts

    Recipe Yield:Makes approximately 1 cup of invert syrup
    Calories:Approximately 1200-1280 kcal per recipe
    Calories (Min - Max):1200 - 1280
    Total Fat:0g
    Saturated Fat:0g
    Total Carbohydrate:300g
    Total Sugars:300g