
Cream and Cake Base

  • 750 grams (26.5 ounces) mascarpone cheese
  • 500 milliliters (2 cups) 33% cream
  • 120 milliliters (0.5 cups) limoncello
  • Zest of 3 lemons
  • 4 tablespoons (59 milliliters) lemon juice
  • Powdered sugar to taste
  • 400 grams (14.1 ounces) savoiardi biscuits


  • 120 milliliters (0.5 cups) limoncello
  • 720 milliliters (3 cups) water
  • 600 grams (21.2 ounces) sugar


  • Mixing Bowls

    You'll need a few different sizes for mixing the cream, cheese, and syrup. Use stainless steel bowls to keep ingredients cool.

  • Electric Mixer

    An electric mixer will make whipping the cream and blending the ingredients a breeze. Make sure your beaters are clean for the best results.

  • Saucepan

    A medium-sized saucepan is perfect for preparing the syrup. Make sure it has a heavy bottom to prevent burning.

  • Spatula

    A silicone spatula is ideal for spreading the cream evenly and ensuring nothing gets left in the bowl.

  • Baking Dish

    A large flat baking dish will help you assemble and layer the dessert perfectly. Glass or ceramic works best to maintain temperature.


Step 1

To make the syrup, combine the water, limoncello, and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat. Heat while constantly stirring until the sugar dissolves completely. Remove from heat and let the syrup cool. Stirring the mixture ensures the sugar dissolves evenly and prevents it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Step 2

For the cream, beat the cream until it forms stiff peaks. Add the mascarpone cheese, limoncello, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Continue to whip the mixture until it becomes fluffy and well combined. Make sure your ingredients are chilled; it helps the cream whip up better.

Step 3

Dip each savoiardi biscuit into the cooled syrup quickly to prevent them from getting too soggy. Arrange an even layer of soaked biscuits in a large mold. Spread half of the prepared cream evenly over the biscuits. Add another layer of soaked biscuits on top of the cream, followed by the remaining cream. Work quickly when dipping the biscuits to maintain their texture.

Step 4

Refrigerate the assembled dessert for a few hours, or ideally overnight, to allow the flavors to meld and the dessert to set. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Chilling the dessert overnight will give you the best flavor and consistency.


When it's time to serve your Limoncello pastry, think beyond the basics. Go for a little extra flair with these ideas. First, garnish each slice with a twist of lemon peel and a sprig of fresh mint for an eye-catching presentation. For an added touch of luxury, consider serving it with a small scoop of lemon sorbet on the side – the icy tartness perfectly complements the creamy richness of the pastry. If you're hosting a brunch or a garden party, pair it with a chilled glass of Prosecco or, for a non-alcoholic option, a sparkling lemonade. Serving individual portions in mason jars or mini trifle dishes can add a charming, rustic touch to your gathering. Lastly, if you're feeling extra creative, sprinkle some edible flowers over the top. Not only do they add a splash of color, but they also elevate the dessert from a simple treat to a stunning culinary centerpiece. Enjoy the applause from your delighted guests!


For those needing gluten-free or vegan options, we have you covered. To make a gluten-free version, simply substitute the Savoiardi biscuits with gluten-free ladyfingers or gluten-free sponge cake. The rest of the ingredients are naturally free from gluten, so you can proceed as usual. For a vegan variation, swap out the mascarpone cheese for a dairy-free mascarpone or a mixture of vegan cream cheese and coconut cream. Use a plant-based whipping cream instead of the 33% cream, and ensure your Savoiardi biscuits are vegan-friendly or use a homemade version. You can also replace the Limoncello with a non-alcoholic lemon syrup if preferred. The result? A delightful dessert everyone can enjoy!


  • Why did my cream mixture turn out too runny?

    Make sure your cream and mascarpone cheese are well-chilled before mixing, and don't over-whip as it can cause the mixture to break down.

  • Can I use regular sugar instead of powdered sugar for the cream?

    Powdered sugar is recommended because it dissolves more easily and helps achieve a smoother texture.

  • How long does this dessert need to chill in the fridge?

    Let it chill for at least 4 hours to set properly, but overnight is even better for best results.

  • What can I use if I don’t have Limoncello?

    You can use a simple lemon syrup made from lemon juice and sugar, or a mix of lemon juice and a little extra zest for a non-alcoholic version.

  • Can I assemble the dessert in advance?

    Absolutely! This dessert is great when made a day ahead, as it allows the flavors to meld together beautifully.

  • How can I prevent the biscuits from becoming too soggy?

    Dip the Savoiardi biscuits very quickly in the syrup to prevent them from absorbing too much liquid and becoming overly soft.

Nutrition facts

Lemon Tiramisu with Limoncello
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:per serving
Calories (Min - Max):450 - 480
Total Fat:28g
Saturated Fat:18g
Total Carbohydrate:41g
Total Sugars:31g