

  • 200 grams (7.05 ounces) egg whites
  • 300 grams (10.58 ounces) powdered sugar
  • 45 grams (1.59 ounces) cornstarch
  • 0.25 teaspoon lemon acid

The Cream

  • 300 grams (10.58 ounces) whipping cream
  • 400 grams (14.11 ounces) cream cheese
  • 60 grams (2.12 ounces) powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

Currant Interlayer

  • 250 grams (8.82 ounces) currant puree
  • 14 grams (0.49 ounces) cornstarch
  • 40 grams (1.41 ounces) sugar


  • Electric Mixer

    This is essential for whipping the meringue to perfection. Aim for a stable and fluffy consistency within 10-12 minutes.

  • Piping Bags & Nozzles

    Use a round nozzle for meringue layers and an open star nozzle for cream. This will give your dessert a professional look.

  • Baking Sheet and Parchment Paper

    Prevents sticking and ensures even baking. Always line your baking sheet with parchment paper.

  • Thick-Bottomed Saucepan

    Essential for cooking the currant filling evenly without burning. Thick bottom avoids hot spots.


Step 1

Step 1: Put the egg whites, powdered sugar, and citric acid in a completely dry and fat-free bowl. Tip: Make sure your bowl and whisks are completely clean to get the best meringue volume. Whip at high speed for 10-12 minutes until stable and fluffy. Add the cornstarch and mix until combined. Next, pipe the meringue into cake layers (10-12 cm | 3.95-4.75 inch) using a round nozzle; you should get about 16 cake layers. Bake the meringue at 284-302°F (140-150°C) in top or convection mode for 35-40 minutes. Let the cooked meringue cool down completely. Tip: Leave the door slightly ajar after baking to prevent the meringue from cracking due to sudden temperature changes.

Step 2

Step 2: Combine all the currant interlayer ingredients in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Tip: Stir consistently to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Cook on medium heat until thickened, then transfer the mixture to a pastry bag and let it cool to room temperature.

Step 3

Step 3: Place all the cream ingredients in a container and whip until fluffy. For cream piping, use an 'Open star' nozzle. Tip: Ensure your cream is very cold to whip up faster and hold its shape better.

Step 4

Step 4: Apply the currant filling on top of each meringue layer. Then, decorate with cream, piping it on top using a nozzle. Place the finished dessert in the fridge for 30-60 minutes to set. Tip: Chill the assembled dessert well to enhance the flavors and provide a better texture.


🎉 **How to Serve Your Delightful Pastry** 🎉

For the ultimate experience, serve each portion on a **pretty dessert plate**. The visual appeal will wow your guests before they even take a bite!

*Celebrate special occasions* by adding a few fresh currants 🍇 on the side and a sprig of mint 🌿. The vibrant colors and fresh flavors will enhance each bite wonderfully.

If you want to make it extra festive, dust a light sprinkle of **powdered sugar** on top. It will give a snowy effect that's especially charming in winter 🍰❄️.

Pair your pastry with a **flute of champagne** 🥂 or a glass of **sweet dessert wine** 🍷. These drinks complement the light and airy texture of the meringue perfectly, making every bite feel decadent. For a non-alcoholic option, a fresh mint tea 🍵 is equally delightful!


🌟 **Gluten-Free and Vegan Variations** 🌟

To make this recipe gluten-free, simply replace the cornstarch with a gluten-free cornstarch alternative. Be sure to check all your other ingredients for any hidden gluten!

**For a vegan version**, replace the egg whites in the meringue with aquafaba (the liquid from a can of chickpeas). Whip it the same way you would with egg whites. Use a plant-based cream cheese and substitute whipped coconut cream for the dairy whipping cream. Also, make sure your sugar is vegan-certified 🥥🌾.

Now, enjoy this inclusive dessert that everyone at your table can savor! 🥳


  • Why isn’t my meringue getting fluffy?

    Make sure you're using a completely dry and fat-free bowl. Any trace of fat can prevent the egg whites from whipping properly.

  • How can I tell if my meringue is done baking?

    Your meringue should be crisp on the outside and slightly chewy on the inside. If it lifts off the parchment paper easily, it’s done.

  • What can I do if my cream filling isn't thick enough?

    Chill it in the fridge for a bit before whipping again, or add a touch more powdered sugar to help thicken it up.

  • Can I make the meringue layers ahead of time?

    Yes! Store them in an airtight container to prevent them from getting soggy.

  • How do I prevent my meringue from cracking?

    Ensure your oven temperature is consistent and avoid opening the oven door while baking.

  • Can I use other fruits for the filling?

    Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with raspberries, strawberries, or even blueberries for a different twist.

Nutrition facts

Mini meringue cakes
Recipe Yield:16 servings
Calories:Approximately 275 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):250 - 300
Total Fat:15g
Saturated Fat:9g
Total Carbohydrate:30g
Total Sugars:25g