

  • 220 grams (7.76 ounces) oat flakes
  • 100 grams (3.53 ounces) almond flour
  • 60 grams (2.12 ounces) maple syrup or Jerusalem artichoke syrup
  • 120 grams (4.23 ounces) coconut oil or butter
  • 1.5 teaspoons (0.18 ounces) cinnamon
  • 0.25 teaspoons (0.011 ounces) salt

Berry filling

  • 150 grams (5.29 ounces) blackcurrants
  • 100 grams (3.53 ounces) strawberries
  • 3 tablespoons (0.68 ounces) chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons (1.04 fluid ounces) lime or lemon juice
  • 30 grams (1.06 ounces) maple syrup or Jerusalem artichoke syrup


  • Fork/Blender

    Helps chop the berries quickly and evenly. If you prefer a rustic texture, go for the fork; for a smoother consistency, use a blender.

  • Mixing Bowls

    You'll need at least two—one for the berry filling and one for the dough. Opt for bowls with a good grip to avoid any slips while mixing.

  • Parchment Paper

    This will keep your dough from sticking to the surface, making it easier to roll out and work with.

  • Rolling Pin

    Essential for rolling out the dough into thin layers. If you don’t have one, a clean wine bottle can be a good substitute.

  • Baking Tray

    Choose a sturdy, non-stick option for even baking. Consider lining it with parchment paper for easy cleanup.


Step 1

1. Mash the berries using a fork or a blender.

Step 2

2. Add the lime juice and syrup to the mashed berries, then warm the mixture on low heat without bringing it to a boil. Stir frequently to prevent sticking.

Step 3

3. Stir in the chia seeds.

Step 4

4. Allow the mixture to rest for 2-3 hours until the chia seeds swell and the filling becomes thick. You can place it in the fridge to speed up the process.

Step 5

5. Grind the oat flakes into a fine flour.

Step 6

6. Combine the oat flour with almond flour, cinnamon, and salt. Mix well.

Step 7

7. Soften the butter or melt the coconut oil. If your kitchen is warm, you can simply leave the butter at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Step 8

8. Add the softened butter or melted coconut oil and the syrup to the flour mixture, then knead the dough until it forms a ball. The dough should be non-sticky and easy to work with, resembling shortcrust pastry.

Step 9

9. Divide the dough into two equal parts.

Step 10

10. Roll out one part of the dough on parchment paper into a thin rectangle, roughly 20x27 cm (7.87x10.63 inches).

Step 11

11. Spread half of the filling along the center lengthwise.

Step 12

12. Fold one side of the dough over the filling and then the other side.

Step 13

13. Cut the layer into 3-4 parts and turn the bars seam-side down. Use a sharp knife for clean cuts.

Step 14

14. Cool the bars in the fridge for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, repeat the process with the second part of the dough and filling.

Step 15

15. Preheat the oven to 356°F (180°C).

Step 16

16. Bake the bars for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Step 17

17. Allow the bars to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.


Indulge in these berry-filled pastries any time of the day. For breakfast, pair them with a hot cup of coffee or a refreshing glass of orange juice. If you're hosting a brunch, these bars can be an attractive addition to your spread, served alongside fresh fruit and yogurt. For an afternoon pick-me-up, enjoy these pastries with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream for an extra treat. They make a lovely complement to a cozy tea time with friends, perhaps served with a side of assorted nuts to balance the sweetness. Want to impress at a dinner party? Serve these pastries warm with a drizzle of additional syrup and a sprinkle of powdered sugar. They're not just a snack; they’re a conversation starter!
For a gluten-free version, substitute oat flakes with certified gluten-free oats and almond flour with a blend of gluten-free flour and ground almonds. For our vegan friends, simply use melted coconut oil in place of butter. You can also replace the maple syrup with agave syrup for a different flavor profile. Meanwhile, try mixing in some different fruits like raspberries or blueberries to keep it fresh and exciting each time you bake.
  • Why is my dough too sticky?

    If your dough is too sticky, try adding a little more almond flour until you reach the desired consistency. Ensure your butter or coconut oil is not too warm.

  • Can I use frozen berries for the filling?

    Yes, just make sure to thaw and drain them well before using to avoid excess moisture in the filling.

  • How should I store these pastries?

    Store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. For longer storage, you can freeze them for up to a month.

  • Can I substitute the chia seeds with something else?

    Chia seeds help thicken the filling. You could try ground flaxseeds or reducing the syrup slightly to help the mixture thicken naturally.

  • How do I prevent my pastries from spreading too much during baking?

    Chill the formed pastries in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before baking to help them hold their shape.

  • Can I double the recipe?

    Absolutely! Just double all the ingredients and follow the same steps. You might need an extra baking tray for the expanded batch.


For a gluten-free version, substitute oat flakes with certified gluten-free oats and almond flour with a blend of gluten-free flour and ground almonds. For our vegan friends, simply use melted coconut oil in place of butter. You can also replace the maple syrup with agave syrup for a different flavor profile. Meanwhile, try mixing in some different fruits like raspberries or blueberries to keep it fresh and exciting each time you bake.


  • Why is my dough too sticky?

    If your dough is too sticky, try adding a little more almond flour until you reach the desired consistency. Ensure your butter or coconut oil is not too warm.

  • Can I use frozen berries for the filling?

    Yes, just make sure to thaw and drain them well before using to avoid excess moisture in the filling.

  • How should I store these pastries?

    Store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. For longer storage, you can freeze them for up to a month.

  • Can I substitute the chia seeds with something else?

    Chia seeds help thicken the filling. You could try ground flaxseeds or reducing the syrup slightly to help the mixture thicken naturally.

  • How do I prevent my pastries from spreading too much during baking?

    Chill the formed pastries in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before baking to help them hold their shape.

  • Can I double the recipe?

    Absolutely! Just double all the ingredients and follow the same steps. You might need an extra baking tray for the expanded batch.

Nutrition facts

Oatmeal cookies with rich berry filling
Recipe Yield:12 bars
Calories:Per serving
Calories (Min - Max):180 - 200
Total Fat:12g
Saturated Fat:5.5g
Total Carbohydrate:18g
Total Sugars:7g