Raspberry Mascarpone Swirls



  • Puff pastry - 500 grams (1 pound)
  • Egg yolk - 1


  • Mascarpone - 250 grams (9 ounces)
  • Heavy cream - 200 milliliters (0.8 cups)
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams (0.5 cups)


  • Rolling Pin

    Use a rolling pin to slightly flatten your puff pastry. If you don't have one, a clean wine bottle works in a pinch!

  • Baking Sheet

    A sturdy baking sheet ensures even baking. Line it with parchment paper to prevent sticking.

  • Pastry Brush

    Use this to apply egg yolk on the swirls for a golden finish. No brush? A clean paintbrush can work too.

  • Whisk

    Essential for whipping up your heavy cream fast. For a stiffer consistency, chill your bowl and whisk beforehand.


Step 1

Preparing the Pastry

Thaw the puff pastry and slightly roll it out.
Cut the pastry into strips about 1-1.5 cm wide (0.5 inches).
Twist the strips as shown in the video.

Step 2

Shaping the Swirls

Use a convenient round object to press the center of each swirl.
Poke the centers with a fork.

Step 3

Baking the Swirls

Beat the egg yolk with a fork and brush it over the swirls.
Bake on parchment paper in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4

Making the Cream

Mix half of the powdered sugar with the mascarpone.
Whisk the other half of the sugar with chilled heavy cream.
Combine both mixtures and mix well.

Step 5

Finishing Touches

Allow the swirls to cool completely.
Top with the cream and decorate with fresh raspberries.


✨ These Mascarpone Puff Pastry Swirls are such versatile treats! Here are a few serving ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Classic Elegance: Arrange the swirls on a beautiful platter and sprinkle a dusting of powdered sugar for a light, elegant finish. Add a few mint leaves for a pop of color.

Berry Bliss: Serve with a side of mixed berries and a dollop of whipped cream. The tartness from the berries pairs perfectly with the richness of the mascarpone cream.

Choco-Lover’s Dream: Drizzle melted dark chocolate over the swirls and garnish with toasted almonds or hazelnuts for an irresistible blend of textures and flavors.

Whether you’re enjoying them solo, with a coffee ☕, or jazzing them up for a party, these swirls are can be a simple yet stunning treat.


✅ Looking to make it gluten-free? Not a problem! Here’s how:

Gluten-Free Puff Pastry: Swap out regular puff pastry for a gluten-free version. Many supermarkets carry high-quality gluten-free puff pastry.

Flour Substitutes: When rolling out your puff pastry, use a gluten-free flour blend to prevent sticking.

🌱 How about a vegan version? We've got you covered:

Vegan Puff Pastry: Look for puff pastry made without butter—many brands offer vegan-friendly options that use vegetable oils.

Vegan Cream: Replace the mascarpone and heavy cream with a mix of vegan cream cheese and coconut cream. Sweeten with powdered sugar as usual, and you’re good to go!


  • How can I prevent my puff pastry from sticking?

    Make sure to keep your puff pastry well-chilled until right before you roll it out. Also, use a little flour on your surface and rolling pin.

  • Can I make this recipe without a stand mixer?

    Absolutely! A hand mixer or even a manual whisk will work just fine, though it might take a bit longer and require more elbow grease.

  • How do I ensure my puff pastry gets crispy?

    Bake your swirls in a preheated oven and avoid opening the oven door frequently. The initial high heat helps create those flaky layers.

  • Can I make the cream ahead of time?

    Yes, you can prepare the mascarpone cream up to a day in advance. Just keep it chilled in the fridge until you’re ready to use it.

  • How do I store leftovers?

    Keep any leftover swirls in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, put them in the fridge but be aware they may lose some crispiness.

  • Can I freeze the puff pastry swirls?

    Yes, you can freeze unbaked swirls. Place them on a baking sheet to freeze individually, then transfer to a freezer bag. Bake directly from frozen, adding a few extra minutes to the baking time.

Nutrition facts

Raspberry Mascarpone Swirls
Recipe Yield:12 servings
Calories:Approximately 225 calories per serving
Calories (Min - Max):200 - 250
Total Fat:18g
Saturated Fat:11g
Total Carbohydrate:15g
Total Sugars:7g