
The batter

  • 110 grams (½ cup) soft butter
  • 100 grams (¾ cup) flour
  • 100 grams (3.5 ounces) milk chocolate
  • 100 grams (½ cup) sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 grams (¼ cup) milk
  • 50 grams (¼ cup) dry wine
  • 15 grams (2 tablespoons) alkalized cocoa
  • 5 grams (1 teaspoon) baking powder
  • 2 grams (½ teaspoon) salt

The glaze

  • 50 grams (1.75 ounces) chocolate
  • 15 grams (1 tablespoon) butter


  • Mixing Bowls

    Use various sizes to keep your ingredients organized and prevent cross-contamination.

  • Electric Mixer

    This will help achieve a smooth, well-blended batter quickly and efficiently.

  • Baking Mold

    Choose a non-stick or silicone mold to ensure your pastry releases easily after baking.

  • Spatula

    A high-quality rubber spatula will help you mix and fold ingredients without overworking the batter.

  • Wire Rack

    Allow your pastry to cool properly with a wire rack to prevent sogginess and ensure even cooling.


Step 1

**All ingredients must be at room temperature.** This ensures even mixing and a better final texture.

Step 2

**Cream the butter with sugar and salt until the mixture is fluffy and light.** Using an electric mixer on medium speed makes this step easier.

Step 3

**Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.** Ensure each egg is fully incorporated before adding the next.

Step 4

**Melt the chocolate and pour it into the mixture, stirring well.** Be sure the chocolate is not too hot to avoid cooking the eggs.

Step 5

**Add the milk and stir to combine.**

Step 6

**Sift together the flour, cocoa, and baking powder. Gradually add to the wet mixture, mixing until just combined. Avoid overmixing.**

Step 7

**Pour in the wine and gently fold it in with a spatula. The batter should be slightly thick but pourable.**

Step 8

**Pour the batter into a prepared baking mold and level the top.** Grease and flour your baking mold or use parchment paper to prevent sticking.

Step 9

**Bake at 356°F (180°C) for about 40 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.** Oven temperatures can vary, so start checking at 35 minutes.

Step 10

**Let the cake cool on a wire rack.**

Step 11

**To make the glaze, melt the chocolate and butter together in a water bath. Once melted, pour over the cooled cake.** A water bath helps to gently melt the ingredients without burning.


🎉 **Serve this mouthwatering pastry with a scoop of vanilla ice cream** for an irresistible combination. The warm, gooey chocolate contrasts beautifully with the cold, creamy ice cream, creating a delightful meld of textures and flavors. 🍦

**Hosting a party?** ✨ Cut the pastry into bite-size pieces and serve them on a decorative platter with fresh berries. The fruit adds a refreshing burst of flavor that pairs wonderfully with the rich chocolate. 🍓🫐

Want to elevate your teatime experience? ☕ **Serve this pastry alongside a hot cup of gourmet coffee or your favorite tea**. The robust flavors of the beverage will complement the sweetness of the pastry, making for a truly indulgent treat. 😋


**Gluten-Free Variation:** 🌾 Simply swap out the regular flour for a high-quality gluten-free flour blend. Make sure all other ingredients you use are also certified gluten-free to avoid any cross-contamination. 🎂

**Vegan Variation:** 🌿 Replace the butter with a plant-based margarine or coconut oil, and use flaxseed meal mixed with water as an egg substitute. Opt for dairy-free chocolate and plant-based milk, like almond or oat milk, to keep it 100% vegan. 🌱


  • What's the best way to ensure my pastry doesn't stick to the baking mold?

    Use a non-stick or silicone mold, and consider lining it with parchment paper for extra security.

  • Can I substitute the dry wine with something else?

    Absolutely! You can use orange juice or a non-alcoholic wine substitute to maintain the flavor profile without the alcohol.

  • Should I use salted or unsalted butter?

    Unsalted butter is preferred as it allows you to control the salt content more precisely.

  • Can I add nuts or other add-ins to the batter?

    Definitely! Fold in chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or dried fruit just before baking for added texture and flavor.

  • How do I know if my batter is mixed enough?

    Mix until all ingredients are just combined. Overmixing can result in a dense, tough pastry.

  • What's the best way to melt chocolate for the glaze?

    Use a double boiler or a microwave in short bursts, stirring frequently to avoid burning.

Nutrition facts

Red wine chocolate tea cake
Recipe Yield:1 cake
Calories:per serving
Calories (Min - Max):280 - 300
Total Fat:17g
Saturated Fat:10g
Total Carbohydrate:30g
Total Sugars:20g