
Sea Buckthorn Curd

  • 100 grams (3.55 ounces) sea buckthorn
  • 1 egg (1 piece)
  • 0.5 lime (or 0.33 lemon)
  • 6 teaspoons (1 ounce) sugar
  • 20 grams (0.7 ounces) butter


  • Blender

    Essential for creating a smooth sea buckthorn puree. Make sure to choose a high-powered option to ensure even blending.

  • Sieve

    Used to strain the puree for a silky texture. A fine-mesh sieve works best for achieving a lump-free curd.

  • Whisk

    Whipping the egg is crucial for integrating it into the mixture. A balloon whisk provides better aeration.

  • Saucepan

    Choose a heavy-bottomed pan to allow even heating and prevent the curd from burning.

  • Jar

    Store your cooled curd in a glass jar with a tight lid to maintain freshness.


Step 1

It's autumn outside the window, which means it's time for autumn fillings! Today, we will cook sea buckthorn curd. I've made lemon curd before, which is a classic, but the sea buckthorn one is quite unusual. It turns out to be a very interesting topping for pancakes, cheesecakes, and more.

Step 2

First, grind the sea buckthorn (whether fresh or defrosted) in a blender until it becomes a puree. Then, push the puree through a sieve to remove the pulp. You should end up with about 100 ml (3.40 fl oz) of puree. Filtering through a sieve ensures a smoother texture for your curd.

Step 3

Add the lime juice and sugar to the sea buckthorn puree. Mix until fully combined.

Step 4

In a separate bowl, lightly whisk the egg—not to a foam, but just until the yolk and egg white are blended. Pour this into the sea buckthorn mixture and stir well.

Step 5

Heat the mixture on low, stirring constantly until thickened. Keep the heat low to prevent the egg from scrambling.

Step 6

Once thickened, remove the mixture from the heat and immediately add in the butter. Stir until fully melted and combined.

Step 7

Transfer your curd into a jar and refrigerate until it cools completely. Chilling allows the curd to set properly for the best texture.

Step 8

Enjoy your autumnal sea buckthorn curd! Bon Appetit!


Serving suggestions for this sea buckthorn curd are a marvel of creativity and taste. Picture this: a casual weekend breakfast where you dollop it generously over fluffy, golden pancakes. Try spreading it on toast for a morning treat that’s both tangy and satisfying. Cheesecake lovers, rejoice! Use it as a topping for an extra layer of flavor that impresses at any dinner party. For an elegant touch, swirl it into Greek yogurt or drizzle it over a pavlova for a delightful twist. Whether you're pairing it with savory scones or just enjoying it by the spoonful (no judgment here), this curd is your autumnal kitchen hero. Each bite is an adventure that leaves you craving for more.


Creating gluten-free and vegan variations of this sea buckthorn curd is simpler than you might think. For a gluten-free version, simply follow the original recipe as it contains no gluten-based ingredients. For a vegan twist, replace the egg with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch mixed with 2 tablespoons of water. This will help thicken the curd without compromising on texture. Also, substitute the butter with a vegan margarine or coconut oil to retain the rich, creamy finish. Be sure to whisk well to maintain that smooth consistency we all love.


  • How do I avoid curdled eggs?

    Keep the heat low and stir continuously. If you’re worried, temper the egg by adding a small amount of the hot mixture to it before combining fully.

  • Can I use frozen sea buckthorn?

    Yes, just make sure to defrost it fully before blending into a puree.

  • Why is my curd not thickening?

    Ensure you are cooking it long enough on low heat. It should coat the back of a spoon when ready.

  • How do I store leftover curd?

    Keep it in an airtight jar in the fridge where it can last for up to two weeks.

  • Can I freeze the curd?

    Yes, you can freeze it in an airtight container for up to three months. Thaw in the fridge before use.

  • Is it possible to make the curd sweeter?

    Absolutely! Just add an extra teaspoon or two of sugar during the cooking process to match your taste preference.

Nutrition facts

Recipe Yield:1 small jar
Calories:per jar
Calories (Min - Max):330 - 350
Total Fat:20 grams
Saturated Fat:12 grams
Protein:5 grams
Total Carbohydrate:35 grams
Total Sugars:30 grams